Respite by the sea

On the edge of the Mediterranean Sea, I walked until the wind became louder than my thoughts and I was delivered, like palming an egg gently, to a moment of grace.

For the feelings that had been rising and falling were shimmering with too much intention to be swallowed without question, even with salt lining my lips to taste.

Heart and mind were wrestling somewhere up with the gods.

So I gave my worry to the sea.
And watched the dogs run, filling up instead on their unending joy.
They explored with nothing in front of their noses beyond that simple promise of being.

Nodding, I remembered. Tenuously but with tenacity, love is there.

It is so simple to be connected.

While Kipling chased the gulls, Ben and I took in the approach of the waves.

That is what pure means to me, to trust with the tide.
It was my choice beyond choosing, whispering true.

But I am far from that certainty in this moment, humbly confused, as the fear hydra keeps raising her ugly heads repeatedly until I am nauseated from the ducking. The lessons keep presenting themselves.

Today, I want to wriggle out of my skin, to be back in that freedom of absolute beauty…

…so I will try instead to sit still and be present, calling on the respite I know is possible…

à tout moment…it is here.

Sending Peace and Strength to the States especially (please vote if you have not already) along with a fair dose of prayers for good measure,
Thank you so much for being a part of this community,


  1. Beautiful shots as always Heather. They so capture the beauty of the sea. Sometimes it offers the greatest of escapes.

  2. After the election, I'd like to be Kipling's girfriend, running on that beach.
    Still trying accept we have a lunatic for a President. He is NUTS
    God help us. Yvonne

  3. The calming sea and your beautiful companions are enough to fill a heart. Your writing expresses a “moment of grace”. And,of course, the photos.

  4. Thank you so incredibly much for that thought, Elizabeth. There isn't a reason that is clear to me yet save for the breadth of the experiences that I am having and that I know that there are life lessons still to be learned.

  5. Judi I will try and remember that I am ok in this exact moment too. I have been trying. We cleary can't predict the future, nor is it of use to try. Sending a big hug to you. Meditation is my self-hug.

  6. The sea is such a healer, Maria. Maybe I need to return? It is wonderful that you have the possibility to go for those walks…I imagine you are there…

  7. It was so perfect. Kipling was running so hard that his feet were doing that bunny thing where they swing up behind him!

  8. Thank you Nina. I am struggling to find it. It truly isn't because I am here that it is a given. These are challenging times. But being with the boys again is a gift.

  9. I could not agree with you more, Joan but am always so appreciative to hear it from your perspective. Yes to connection, no matter the challenges that presents.

  10. Sending you such a big virtual hug. I wish that I could offer it in person.

    They are amazing, aren't they?

  11. When I read your comment Judith I was so glad that I had done this post. One that was not as simple to write as it may appear!

  12. I think that I need to reread this for myself today! And that light was so beautiful…

  13. Heather,

    Look at your beautiful boys, running, frolicking and reminding us that in life the simple pleasures are what it is all about.

    You are back in your beloved country, with your boys, take everything that you have learned these last few months and use it to guide you into a new life. Easy to say I know but I have faith in God that he brought you back for a reason and in time you will know what it was for.

    Praying for you, xo Elizabeth

  14. Beautiful indeed.

    But what will become of that beauty, now that the majority of the Americans have voted for a President who denies the climate change?

    What will become of Europe and the Alliances we have with the USA?

    Will there be a War again in Europe?

    Will there be an atomic disaster?

    All this is possible now!

    There is so much more to say about this but obviously words and reason are useless. That one thing is for sure. And thats more than sad!

  15. Your beautiful photos help to assuage the anxiety I'm feeling. I must remember ebb and flow, and most importantly, for this very moment 'I am ok.' What a beautifully written post, as beautiful as are you, the puppers and the sea! Remember to hug yourself. With love, Judi.

  16. You and your beautiful, glorious Boys at the sea…thank you for sharing your extraordinary photographs and penetrating thoughts from there with us. Love, Leslie in Oregon

  17. Thanks, Patricia, for letting us know of your special inside knowledge. How very special you must feel !

  18. The sea, the great healer! I did many times this lonely walk by the sea during winter. But these days is so warm in Athens that I am thinking to go swimming tomorrow, the beaches are full every afternoon. Crazy weather, crazy times!Having insomnia I am watching the elections. Hope for the best.

  19. So glad for you and the boys. Sitting here waiting to turn on the television to start watching results. We must believe that good will prevail. Xxxx

  20. Excellent, profound, and "telling" .. as always .. Mahalo et Merci for sharing your Wonderful Gift, Heather!

  21. This is beautiful! Love seeing them so happy on the beach. Is there anything better than canine euphoria discovered seaside? No. happy breathing/thinking/listening moments with them

  22. Give your worries to the sea, let them be carried out on the tide. The beach I find is the best place to walk, the best place to clear one's head and to find peace and solace. xx

  23. So glad to see you reunited with your lovely dogs; I hope you find the happiness you seek, you deserve something very special to happen.

  24. So many beautiful and frameable pictures. I love seeing you with your dogs, They are an unspoken part of your story that saddened me. I wish you peace.

  25. "I gave my worry to the sea" That is so so so beautiful. And a sentiment I am going to make a part of my life.

  26. beautiful. from my place on the beautiful Florida seaside, having voted by mail weeks ago, I'm committed to cooperation and positive thinking. We had a successful revolution, created a nation. We've been through a Civil War, reunited and became a stronger and better nation. This was an ugly campaign; we seemed to have brought out the worst of each other. That has to stop NOW. And we must not be in and/or encouraging a state of panic, end of the world.

  27. Your posts are chock full of passion and emotion and embroidered by the beauty of your photos…
    I seeing the Goldens as I miss our Rufus everyday and wonder if we will ever know the JOY that these loyal furry friends share with us.

  28. These photos put me in mind of the last verse of Dylan's 'Mr. Tambourine Man':
    "Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky
    With one hand waving free
    Silhouetted by the sea
    Circled by the circus sands
    With all memory and fate
    Driven deep beneath the waves
    Let me forget about today until tomorrow."
    – Carolyn (@hillonthehouse on IG)

  29. Heather, I am here with you always since you so generously wrote and shared information with me before our stay in Arles in June. However, as a newcomer to your blog, I am always hesitant to comment on your deeply personal sharings. Your photos and thoughts are gifts. Thank you. I believe you will find the happiness you seek.

  30. Beautiful shots of the dogs and the beach; breathe it in and let the gods wrestle with the rest.

  31. So many lives hang in the balance today as does the fate of our planet. I'll be returning to this post throughout the day, whenever I need to stop and take a deep breath. Best wishes to you my friend as we all work to live in and enjoy the moment.

  32. I can practically feel my breathing slow and my blood pressure go down as I look at your pictures and read your words about seeking peace.
    That golden light makes everything right.
    Best wishes to you!

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