Trick or treat?

So, for those of you not in the know, I am back in Provence.

Remi and I have stayed good friends.

The dogs are, as you can imagine, over the moon to see me again.
And this is all I am really going to say. I hope that you understand.
Happy Halloween, everyone.

With much Love,



  1. Hi Janey, I actually didn't change my mind, just am using the return ticket that I have. Life will help with the rest. Not sure where I will end up!

  2. Thank you! I don't know how long I will stay but it is good to be here. Wondering how you are…have you conquered the world yet? 🙂

  3. I check in on you every so often Heather. Back in Provence is not where I expected you to be. We all should do what feels right….and shouldn't have our lives dictated by others or even by our own choices. We have the right to change our minds. Enjoy those lovely kids ( I mean dogs 🙂 )…..and get out there and photograph. Provence, as only you can do. janey

  4. You don't even understand how ecstatic I am at reading this! How funny time is, and what a journey you've had and how successful you've been! You deserve every happiness ♡
    B x


  5. Hello Heather,

    I am happy for you. All three of your have love in your eyes. I wish you happiness.

    Helen x

  6. Heather, what a beautiful sight! Your beautiful hair matches the colour of the dogs fur so well. And the colour of their fur matches the walls of your house.

    Oh, I can imagine how it feels to be "there"! And I can imagine the dogs welcoming concert with howls and jumps of joy!

    Should I also say it looks like it should be like this? Well, I would like to say it, but it is probably too early yet. "On verra" comme ils disent.

    And I must say it is so nice to see YOU in a post here!

  7. Dearest Heather,
    It's been a long and exhausting journey……………. but you are where you should be. Bisous

  8. Hello Heather,

    It is such a treat to see the joy and contentment on your face as you snuggle with your dogs again. Absorb all you can and just be in the moment.

    All the best to you!

  9. Fantastic news…why Am I not surprised….if you want to get in touch….you know where I am.

    Ali x

  10. Looks like no trick at all, just major treats!! Such wonderful pictures. Pure love and happiness!!

  11. Nice to see you and those gorgeous dogs again. Hug them tight for me. I've missed their mischievous faces.

  12. It's a treat, of course! (unless you desperately miss your sister…). Looking happy with those sweet pups – who knew Kipling's ears looked like that? Bisous from your pups here!

  13. Fantastic news. So so happy for you and the dogs! Looking forward to hearing more xxx

  14. I believe you are where you are meant to be. Is an international driver's license next?

  15. I am so happy to see you in Provence with the dogs, this is indeed a true treat! May you enjoy and be present, as I know you will.
    My best to you dear Heather.

  16. Superb !! Back in the "Land of Creativity" .. Smiling .. now, Create Create Create and let your beautiful gifts flow .. Happy Happy for Lucky You, Rocket !

  17. Really delighted to see you with your much-loved dogs. Wishing you all you'd wish yourself.

    Jan x

  18. This is a TREAT. Good luck with all you have to get done. I'm looking forward to hearing what comes next. I'm sure it will be good.

  19. such gorgeous pics and those beautiful creatures would make the hardest of souls smile!

  20. All my best wishes are winging their way to you. What could be better than time with these two beauties? xoxoxoxo

  21. Under your arm we "don't you dare think she'll leave again" and in the forefront we have nothing but a pure in the moment Golden smile. Happy Halloween!

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