Up the trail on a forest walk

The whistle of the pines replaces the chatter of my mind, so for once, I am moving in stillness.

It is late in the morning, the heat in the valley is prickling and so we head up, leaving the chapel below…
…and start to climb. Diving into shade’s coolness…

…I hear Remi’s breathing beside me. He pulls up ahead and I follow that reassuring in and out.

The light splays through the barren branches like feathers aflame…
…yet as weightless as a dragonfly.
Another form of chapel is here, open to all and sundry…
We stop, take count…

…resourcing and readying for the next adventures on the trail ahead.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


  1. That looks like in my beloved Black Forest! Unbelivebable! Loveley, lovely!

  2. Leslie, that sounds absolutely like perfection to me!! I will look it up to get a better image in my mind…

  3. The first photograph could be of the trail/dirt road leading through the pines to Trouthaven, a rustic fishing resort (9 cabins, built in the early 1950's) on Wallowa Lake, in the northeastern corner of Oregon. (My favorite lake anywhere, at the foot of the Wallowa Mountains, Oregon's only alpine, as opposed to volcanic, peaks.) Scott and I try to spend time there, with the dogs, early every September…paradise! It's lovely to know that you have been walking that trail on your vacation!

    Does Ben like to have something in his mouth (stick, ball, stuffed toy) when he is walking? Henry does. Even if we do not throw it for him to fetch, he loves just carrying something n his mouth. It looks Ben and Kipling really relish exploring the pine forest! Beautiful photographs that speak to my heart…

    Thank you once again, Heather, from Leslie in Oregon

  4. That first sentence just grabbed my attention. What a unique way of expressing what you're feeling.

  5. Heather, I hope all is well and that your trip out of town is for a happy reason. Thanks for taking us along on your beautiful hike. Glad you were able to successfully turn the volume down on your "brain chatter" for a bit. So hard to do! XO

  6. Travel well. When you return will you take us to the view at the top of the hill? Gallivanta

  7. Friends, we have had to head out of town rather unexpectedly but I wanted to thank you all for these beautiful comments. You all are what make this blog so worthwhile. I feel like you take what I offer and pass it on to something else–so please keep carrying the torch!

  8. A simple 'thank you' to you and so many of your lovely friends…who write and quote the truth….
    Always a delight to walk with you…….

  9. There is a magic about sunlight in the forest isn't there? You can almost picture little forest gnomes racing and playing among the trees. Beautiful photos, Heather. Happy weekend to you! Jackie xo

  10. So beautifully expressed. The comments are wonderfully inspiring too. Suddenly today looks different, possibilities all around–and peace… and peace!

  11. Wonderful! You make the sacred hush of the woods come alive and breathe its healing magic on all of us.

  12. Looks like Summer has really settled in for the longer haul!! Wow – wonderful I can almost smell the pine needles!!

  13. I can imagine the scent of the pines…nothing like it…especially on a hot summer's day…all that lovely coolness within the enchanted world of a forest. Gorgeous way to spend the day!

  14. Needed to read this tonight after the raging storm here last night. A gentle place, where you were. Oh, for gentleness. Thank you for describing it so wonderfully.

  15. Hello Miss! Looks like a great forest for truffles. Time to make those doggies earn their keep.

  16. Okay, first of all: 'The whistle of the pines replaces the chatter of my mind, so for once, I am moving in stillness.' Swoon.

    Secondly, weightless as a dragonfly made me take this deep, sighing, cleansing breath.

    Thanks for being you. And, more importantly, putting you out there.

  17. So much like the walk we took this morning. And yes, the woods does feel like a chapel when it is quiet and the light sifts down through the trees. A place to just Be. Gorgeous.

  18. When we get out of the glass bottles of our ego,
    and when we escape like squirrels turning in the
    cages of our personality
    and get into the forests again,
    we shall shiver with cold and fright
    but things will happen to us
    so that we don't know ourselves.

    Cool, unlying life will rush in,
    and passion will make our bodies taut with power,
    we shall stamp our feet with new power
    and old things will fall down,
    we shall laugh, and institutions will curl up like
    burnt paper.
    -D.H. Lawrence

    I saw this posted on fb this morning and it totally reminded me of your post! (a beautiful one, as always) I love you!

  19. This made me think of part of Robert Frost's famous poem:

    "The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep."

  20. …and the dogs are happy too. I just can feel and smell the coolness of the forest. Enjoy

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