Spring Cleaning

“Where were you again?” “We were in the Upper Luberon. Where it becomes the Alpes de Haute Provence.” “And what did you do there exactly?”… “Rrrrien.” With a rolled ‘r’ for effect. 
Nothing. We did nothing. Or next to it. Because I do count a good deal cooking and reading, walking and looking. A lot of looking. Kind of like spring cleaning for the mind. That seeing without the machine whirring behind it.
So I don’t have dramatic stories to tell because I wasn’t spinning them. If anything I was unspooling the thread. Leaving it like a trail behind me. Step back, step back, gently, quietly.
Did we have a wonderful time? We did. And did the puppers? They did too.
More soon once I organize my click-clacks but for now, why don’t you take a seat on the moss covered bench in the clearing of a forest?
It will do you good, I promise.
Good to go, good to be Home.


  1. That picture is so lovely…

    your whole blog has such a calming vibe!

    you have a new follower 🙂

    PS found you through team gloria

  2. Welcome back Heather!! Ah, it must have been nice to get away. You're so lucky to have access to such beauty. Just to breathe clean air is something I'm longing for…

    This Edward Sharpe song is such a perfect spring song, isn't it? It's been heard around our apartment a few times this week. I hope the weather is treating you well. Spring has finally sprung up here in Paris…enfin!


  3. Thank you so much for all of your kindness and well wishes everyone!!! Makes me feel good. 🙂

  4. I'm so glad you all had time away in the countryside, Heather. We're looking forward to hearing/seeing more from you about the Upper Luberon/Les Alpes de Haute Provence and the nothing that you did there! Striving toward nothing here, with love, Leslie

  5. Welcome home! We've missed you 🙂 I'll never forget the stunning landscapes in Les Alpes de Haute Provence. Just thinking about them makes me feel refreshed — I bet a holiday there was truly rejuvenating!

  6. welcome home!!

    and how delicious and clever of you to do absolutely RIEN but gorgeous things.


    and thanks ever so much for that song – what marvel(l)ous troubadours.


    tg xx

  7. Great comparison, spring vacation and spring cleaning…:) Wish I've thought of it that way, while in the middle of the ocean a few weeks ago. As always – looking forward to the pictures and musings from you vacation.

    xx Amelia

  8. Heather I truly love hearing about your adventures!
    Soon you will have all you need for a book;if you don't already!

    Art by Karena

  9. Once again..visiting with you and your images is a moment of bliss in my harried life.
    Thank you.

  10. Oh your trip sounds like what we are experiencing in Greece. There's a lovely pace and a sense of peace in some places, isn't there?

  11. This photograph tells it all, simple rough beauty to inspire us, fill our soul, connect us with the Earth. Every week end, I walk in the woods, breath, sit on a bench and just be…. Bon week end, Francine

  12. Welcome back to reality then, sadly! Love moss…something so ancient about it. xx

  13. Salaam from Morocco! Glad you are back home. So…. we have already decided that we will need to come back here. Next time through Nice so I can work on my French, which has come in handy here, but I also realize how much work it needs.

    Enough about me — lovely post. So great to see those spring colors!

    Gros Bisous.

  14. Welcome back home!
    Love the moss covered bench,
    but alas, I'm not able to cozy up to moss without thinking there are newts following afterwards. I once walked a moss covered trail that had so many salamanders crawlies, I had to walk in the woods.

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