Locks and Bones

Hello there! We are still, amazingly, in the Luberon and thanks to the generosity of our wonderful hosts (more about them later), will stay a few days extra. This land tends to hold on to us, our visit last September stretched similarly.

So, I will send off a bit of Arles, which is only an hour and a half drive away but yet is so far, far from this mountainous slow waltzing of day into night into…Always in travelling, we have the time to ponder what holds us back, how we put on a good front, what propels us forward. Our locks and bones. Sometimes symbols, physically literal and known to shake like a baby’s rattle…


  1. LOVE THIS post:) your blog Is such an inspiration.

    If you want some travel inspiration..check out my new post:)

    Have a great weekend dear

    LOVE Maria from inredningsvis.se

  2. ah!

    that gorgeous ironwork lamp!

    the house numbers!

    quelle belle france.

    hope you are having a Most Delicious vacances.

  3. Locks and bones. What a beautiful way to phrase the rhythms of what holds us and what moves us.


    Enjoy your time away!

  4. so happy that you're on a Trip.

    travel is so good for the soul.


    _tg xx

  5. Hi Heather,
    How wonderful to have a long vacation.
    Beautiful photos, as usual. I love the last one of the light behind the window. WHat is it about that view of a house that makes me think there is something warm and wonderful going on inside?
    Aidan xo

  6. vacation apparently turns me into mental mush…can I try again and say "mental imagery"…:)

  7. The photos speak volume…great imaginary! Besides playtime and relaxation, travel can also put things in perspective and restore equilibrium.


  8. That last photo with the peachy glow in the window is my favourite. It says 'home' to me and just wants to make me knock on the door and go in for a cup of coffee.

  9. Time to 'ponder what holds us back' but also a time to recognize what drives us forward into new territories and explorations. Yes, that is travel. And what I like best is that the 'new territories' for me hold centuries worth of history. . .so well reflected in the photos.

  10. Beautiful. I love how you compose. I sense the whole in the detail. And the light.

  11. That first image is probably the most beautiful lock and gate I've ever seen. I hope you're enjoying your holiday!


  12. How beautiful that locked gate is – shouldn't be, being a lock and all – should be unwelcoming. And yet, it is the very opposite.

    How delightful to be staying longer! Lap it up while you can. xx

  13. I think these photos are almost a little haunting! Perhaps you set it up that way, having us look for symbols – like a mystery! Well, I love all the images, and certainly I could spend some time right now pondering what holds me back! Glad you are staying longer – enjoy and can't wait to see more images!

  14. The worn-out look of the Mediterranean stone buildings is so wonderful. You often can't tell which is in use and which is abandoned. I love your photos.

  15. Marvelous, marvelous images as usual, H. I particularly love the salmon light in the window.

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