
It is
supposed to rain all week but I am not afraid of the rain.
So out I
went with the dogs, hood up, then done. 

A shake to unblock my hearing.
Down to the
quay of the Rhone ribboning metallic gray.
The cold
not cold and my eyes on the stretching emptiness.
Set to
Far ahead,
a lone figure was walking slowly, so slowly that he caught my attention.
Maybe it
was the cut of his coat that made me think of the past
Or that his
nonchalance told me he had nowhere to go 

But rather was
enjoying the space wrapped around him soft like a scarf.
I wondered
if that was what it was like 200 years ago to be a gentleman.
Just one pointed foot then the next.
Today he
would have to be a dancer
Or a
My dogs
rustled as I neared him.
He casually
extended his palm upwards as if he had only then realized that it was raining. 

It fell
back to his side.
He would be
walking regardless.
We pulled
in front of him in a rush.
We are all
in a rush.
But on our
return, we met face to face, this thin man tall.
whispered « Bonjour » with an infinitesimal nod, I responded
And then
was his past.
His skin
was of a color I couldn’t quite identify with a touch too of yellow to be cafe
au lait.
Were his eyes smoke ?
The word
« Persian » came to mind, faded.
The dogs
were eager to get home.
And as I
neared my front door, I wondered if I had even seen him, this shadow of another
click of the clock ?
In the
midst, the mist with fingers on my face, I knew I could never really know.

“Tell us about the thing you most want to do, reality or fantasy, that you have never done…money is no object.” This was Marsha’s directive for this month’s theme in the By Invitation Only series. Now, I know, you might be shaking your head wondering, “And how did she get here exactly?” 

While I am incredibly grateful for all of the extraordinary adventures I have experienced so far, I also feel confidence welling in my heart when I remember that at times the “perfect” moment is right where you are. With that thought, I had prepared something else entirely, which I will share with you soon. It is happy and very French. 

And yet, after returning from my walk this morning, I sat down and wrote this poem. It felt appropriate too, that unreachable, mysterious beauty in the everyday. So I headed back out with my trusty little camera to try and capture a bit of that moment. It was like chasing after balloons.

And just so you know, the man out of time was nowhere to be seen…

To discover what I am sure will be a truly fascinating range of responses from the others in this international group, please click here.

I also want to thank all of you so much for your wonderful responses to the news of my Mom’s engagement. As she herself correctly noted: 
Heather’s readers are the most articulate and charming clan ever !”


  1. I am a seventy-three old woman who has been taking long walks, almost daily, for forty years. l was right there with you while reading your words — thinking to myself: I REMEMBER YOU. I REMEMBER YOU. Thank you.

  2. Julia! Hooray! I think you are the only person who even listened to the music–the scary title might have scared others away! And I did think it was perfect for this.
    Have a wonderful weekend, beautiful girl!

  3. heather! i love your photos…. and this music almost made me cry.
    happy tears, of course.
    and those words….!!!! aahhh!!! i am enchanted and in love.
    xxx j.

  4. Thank you so much Lisa! I can't believe you stopped by with all you are going through right now, you and your beautiful family. Sending good thoughts to you, how exciting!!!

  5. Oooh, of course I love the addition of the emerald silk coat! How very Auntie Mame. It would look more fetching with a cigarette holder–but without the cigarette! 😉
    Thank you for your gentle pushes and support.

  6. Nk, I know that you need something other than all of this gray, I will work on that…!

  7. That particular A word is a heavily charged one, Jackie (just like another one I know, heehee) but thank you! And I am glad you find a bit of quiet here, we all need that from time to time…

  8. Merci Mumbai (don't you love the way that sounds? 🙂 for the moment we can't afford to go anywhere (!!) but I am deeply, deeply touched that you suggested that. And oh my will I let you know right away if the situation changes!
    Sending all my Best from a rainy Provence,

  9. Heather you are very welcome. If you like to come to Thailand we can do an arrangement. Please let me know your private e-mail if you like, where I can tell you more. …Thank you for the concret….web site I will have a look. Best Rgds.

  10. Heather this mysterious man can be seen so often if we can take the time to just slow down, sit a moment and really look at what is around us. I love your poem and it took me to another time and another moment, what a gift you have x

  11. oh wow.


    can't Believe we missed this…..we did come to visit but it wasn't there and now it is and we are So Glad.


    and *shivery* in a Very Good Way.

    brava, lady.

    encore! encore!


  12. Heather – you are such an artist. You paint the most magnificent of word pictures. . .your blog such a peaceful gallery where I can lose myself each time I enter.

  13. Oooh, Thailand! Very, very exotic. I have only been to your airport, alas but would love to get back to SE Asia again. You must have quite a story to tell! Your English is perfect..?! And your name remains a gorgeous one in my eyes. The things that make us dream.
    I have a blog friend in Phuket, her name is also Heather and she is an interior designer:

  14. Heather, I'm Austrian living in Thailand, probably you knew it because of my English but I know Mumbai and it was just on a whim when I have chosen this name.
    All the best

  15. Of which you are a very important member, dear Amelia. And she is right. So thank goodness for the internet which helps us to make connections to others because the moments don't disappear…

  16. Oooh, thank you! And thank you for the dreaming in your most recent post too. 🙂

  17. Thank you Debra. I loved your last post with sweet DD munching on the snow!!

  18. Merci, Jackie. Oooh but being able to fly? I think you got me on that one!!!

  19. Welcome, friend. I can just picture you and Karina in Thoreau's woods…

  20. Merci, Loree. Have I just been missing your posts–haven't seen as much from you lately. Must go investigate…

  21. Eh, attention all Tabby Cats, looking "out" and "down" are not the same thing! Now, pssht, pssht, scram!

  22. Thank you, Tabitha. I can assure you there is not a soul around–literally! It was raining even harder this morning and I was the only one out!

  23. Thank you, dear D. Initially this was going to be for Daily Plate of Crazy but then when I wrote it as a poem…there was no WAY I was going to submit a poem to you!!! 😉

  24. Oh my, it is just me and my dreamy ways, Marsha! You know how I am…always a touch off-center while you, my dear are a straight shooter!!

  25. PS. Oops! I just realized that you are perhaps not from beautiful Bombay! But I love that moniker…

  26. Namaste, Mumbai. And thank you for your compassion and understanding. Yes, I have been blessed many times over in that department, including roaming the banks in your namesake city at sunset. But I see couples fighting all the time when they are on their big vacation while others (most especially in your city) can find utter joy with what so many would consider nothing. And yes, life has taken me down quite a few pegs!! I still have a lot to learn. Trying.

  27. When dreams are realistic and frugal are they still dreams ? while I was reading all that "most wanted.." posts I missed somebody who has dreams beyond money and 'badly want something'.It's an human attempt and I do not judge it but the real serenity you can only find in humility. Seems you have fulfilled already your biggest dreams. Good to have still people like you in our materialistic world. I pay tribute to you.

  28. It is within our souls to long for connection to our fellow human beings. We hesitate, reluctant and fearful and the moment is gone so…"I knew I could never really know".

    Heather, also wonderful to see your Mom's comment on the last post. She paid the "clan" a very fine compliment.


  29. You are very talented. I could clearly see, hear and feel what you had seen. And your photos captured the moment, even afterwards.

  30. Heather, one word: Beautiful! You always seem to amaze me with your gift for writing.


  31. A precious capturing of your beautiful thoughts in such expressive words. And a wonderful reminder to us all to capture those "perfect moments" in the here and now, not wishing life away…xx

  32. How wonderfully refreshing to read this …… some of our most wonderful moments are the simplest ones aren't they ?
    Beautiful images and beautiful words and sentiments for our BIO post this month Heather. XXXX

  33. There is something very zen about this piece. I especially loved the line, "But rather was enjoying the space wrapped around him soft like a scarf." I know I've had walks like this too, totally content, wrapped in my own space, my own thoughts, the rain not bothering me at all.

    Thanks so much for taking me there again today.


  34. I enjoyed this a lot. There is something very mysterious about the man. Lovely imagery too.

  35. I love your poem. It really does capture the heaviness and inwardness of a rainy day here. I see you're "looking down" too. Caution, cats may follow…

  36. Lovely Heather… it's the quiet moments that make all the difference… and the imaginings… xv

  37. Heather I love your melancholy post, I always knew you were a poet at heart


  38. That was really beautiful, it had such a calming effect on me, the pictures are wonderful too, empty and lonely.

  39. How lovely and calming and I adore adore adore this:

    … the shadow of another click of the clock.


    And your images, Heather, so filled with texture as to invite the hand to reach out and touch, disappointment that we cannot… exquisite.

    Headed to Marsha's place to read / see more.


  40. Wonderful poem, Heather! And you've captured the "your" today's atmosphere (at your end of France) just so perfectly, each image speaks for itself!
    Truly a lovely post – coming from your heart.
    Amicalement, karin

  41. I knew I loved you. Reading this, today, makes me realize how truly blessed all of us are to know you. What a beautiful mind, Heather. I am awed.

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