Going for a walk wasn’t my idea. Remi had coaxed me into it. The wind was whipping on the hills above Les Baux but there was sun to soak and vistas to gaze on. The act of opening to look out untangled all of the crossed-wires that had bundled up in my nerve box and short-cut hopped the haze of too much thinking.
We took to the paths…
…bent into details…
…and let the dogs run free.
No noise, no encumberments. Best to roll my arms in the air and toss my head back…
…to let it all evaporate into the air or cobweb the trees but get it gone good.
And it did. I came back breathing soft and slow.
Wishing you all a change of scenery as well as just a simply wonderful weekend ahead…
What beautiful and scenic views!!!
Merci beaucoup, Pauline! C'est enorme, ça! I honestly think that you may be the only person in Arles that knows that this blog exists beyond mes amis. Please, the next time you see us, don't hesitate to say hello. And yes, I am trying to take Kipling to les Arenes the evening as he needs a bit of grass "pour faire les choses"–something a bit of a challenge in Arles!
It is so simpe Loree and yet we forget to take care of ourselves from time to time, no?
Life stresses can hit us sometimes unexpectedly with no considerations for location…:). Maybe I can feel a fraction of what you're going through. About week or so ago, I had to fly out of here fast. My son had emergency surgery. Thank God, he came through it fine. I left him in the capable hands of my daughter-in-law and a home care nurse. I trust the capable hands of your wonderful partner and your beautiful furry babies will soon restore balance and harmony into your life. XOXO Amelia
Hi Heather,
I live in Arles and discovered your blog at random. It's quite a coincidence because just a few days after I started reading about Ben and Kipling, I saw you all walking around les Arenes, where I live! I recognised the dogs immediately and they are truly beautiful.
You are so amazing, Julia. I am so very, very happy that we have met via the formidable tg. I think that, while different, we all have some very interesting things in common. You inspire me to no end, so thank you!!!!
Thanks NK, thinking of you…
That is Kipling. Isn't he something?
Bisous my beautiful lady.
Speaking of blogs I am horribly behind on, Miss Jackie, you are at the top of the list! Must get caught up!!
Merci, Ann. Tellement gentille ça. And with all of the pressure that you have been under, I wish that you could have joined us!!
Debra, what a different dog he is in the country!! Perhaps we will just have to make the move… 🙂
Ooh, you must be back from Burma! And I have missed hearing all about it…!!!!
Will look forward to happy mail…
Gros, gros bisous,
Thank you Amelia. Yes, this is often a hard time of the year for me with the lack of light. That plus life stresses (yes, we still do have those in Provence! 😉 made for a rough week but that walk really did work wonders.
We returned today, Karen. And feel so lucky that it is so close…
And so proud too! sigh. I am crazy for our new pupper.
Tracy, I think I might start a seperate blog for just that…
A run? Oh Helen, you make me feel like such a schlub! Good for you!!!!
Doesn't he just? I thought he looked so majestic. And we were SO proud of him for how he was offleash–only in the country of course!
Merci ma belle…
I am so behind on everyone's blogs, Barbara Lilian! So sorry to have missed your walk…will pop over soon! 🙂
Heehee, sometimes I need the extra push to get out of the house in the wintertime…oops…
Oooh, Happy Birthday to Henry please!!! Give him lots of bisous and scratchies from me…
There's nothing better than a walk in the hills to clear the mind and feel like a new person.
oh, beautiful. those photos, the dogs (i'm such a dog person). and the sun!!!! oh, how i miss it! it started snowing here again.
sending love from berlin xx julia
ps: look at my blog, i nominated you for the liebster blog award too 😉
i know, you've already been nominated by teamgloria. and you don't have to do it twice, i just wanted to let you know that i really like your blog.
Lovely post – it is amazing what some fresh air and scenery can do for one's spirits! Happy Weekend!
Your dogs look like utterly majestic creatures, dear H.
The wind whipping here is blowing rain as well so will have to blow out the cobwebs by taking your hike with you – thanks for sharing it with us all.
What gorgeous, golden light! And I can almost feel the wind chasing my cobwebs away, all the way over here. Bon weekend, dear Heather!
Nothing like a breath of fresh air to shake the cobwebs from your head. Kip looks like he's enjoying the scenery too what a lucky boy!
I can feel and smell the fresh air from your walk Heather and love your details. Would so love to have that wind whipping through my hair about now. I sent off a postcard last week…. thinking of you.
Jeanne xx
Heather, having a case of the winter blues? Hopefully the walk with Remi and the dogs cheered you up a bit. Nothing like those beautiful vistas and brisk winds to help untangle any crossed wires…:) Keep well and healthy. Hugs to those two majestic dogs.
Lovely photos of walking to Les Baux. Makes me want to go back there.
Beautiful walk, beautiful view. I have lots of happy memories of Les Baux.
Please, more photos of your two handsome boys.
there's nothing like a dog on the hill with the wind in their fur.
Good…good for you all and beautiful inspiration! Henry is 10 years old today and we will be celebrating him this weekend by doing what he loves best: romping and exploring outside!! XOXO
Hello Heather
This sounds like a perfect family outing. I love the thought of you throwing your arms in the air and rolling your head backwards. The scenery is beautiful and looks like you had the hills to yourselves.
I am looking forward to a good run on the beach tomorrow.
Helen xx
How did you know I needed a change of scenery?! I do, badly. So thank you for sharing that wild, sunny place with us. And that beautiful dog just makes my heart go pit-a-pat.
GORGEOUS outing for all………..divine photos too!
Thanks for letting me join you on your walk, it was exhilarating! It took me back to my visit there 2 yrs. ago. Lovely to see your 2 dogs enjoying it too.
maybe you might like my walk on my blog http://barbaralilian-infrance.blogspot.com
Thanks for the walk Remi. I too enjoyed it!…Janey