Paper wings

Paper wings, seeming translucent, written strong with words to catch the wind.
Acts of kindness, acts of faith. Shooting like stars to make a heart, mine, open to the sky.
Un merci, a good job, a bravo, an I appreciate you. We all can use one from time to time. 

I fold my head like a fanning flower, grateful…
…blow-kissing pollen, hopefully, spreading good will.
*warning: what follows is crazy long, feel free to take a run for it while no one else is looking*

So I have to say that I was quite surprised and touched to have been given several blog awards this past week. Isn’t that lovely? I know there is no gold little man for me to clutch while wiping away shaky tears on the back of my glove but all the better! Just a simple curtsy will do.
It started with Marg Hogan of Destination Here and Now, who gave me The Addictive Blog Award. Merci beaucoup, Margaret and for those of you that might need a graphic designer in NSW, Australia, take a look at her portfolio here. 
Me oh my-oh Cinco de Mayo and then teamgloria came a knocking. Ah, tg she is my chou chou. When the inordinately talented Author of the blog was diagnosed with three tumours in her neck, she created teamgloria as a means to document her team of “glorious people, places & things” that helped her get through and move shining forward from that dark time. Quite simply, both the narrative of the blog and the woman behind it are amazing. Actually, she didn’t even have to come knocking as I can nearly always be found there, loitering. So that she chose Lost in Arles for the Liebster Blog Award, I blushed (I did). But then, a bit of a chain reaction was set in motion! 
Tg had nominated the lovely, lovely Julia from Three Times Yes (an actress!), who decided what the hay she didn’t care about rules and would nominate me as well. And then another of Julia’s nominees, beautycalypse, also threw me the award and I have only just discovered her blog! Boomerang. But you have to love a woman who refers to her readers as her fellow “adventurers”–I know I do. Let alone that she feels that real beauty can knock her sideways, she quotes Bowie and loved the poem “If” by…Kipling (that is Rudyard, sillies, not our new pupper.)
Now, what has been fun is a volley of exchange and turns of phrases that could give Houdini whiplash. As I have mentioned, there are normally rules. Such as thanking the person that nominated you, telling eleven things about yourself, answering the eleven questions asked of you and passing on the award to eleven more. Well, happily, I have already been given this award (thank you again Natalie!) so I am going to throw most of them out the window but I will answer teamgloria’s questions here and in a hurry as I have been waiting to read the other responses for fear of being “influenced” by their brilliance (Julia and bc I will answer yours with gusto on your blogs, just give me a moment to catch my breath).
But first for those of you that are just about ready to sign off on this long post my list of ten blogs for the Addictive Blog Award. These are the ones that I go “Oh, goody” when they arrive in my inbox. Well, some of them. You are all so talented, it is amazing!
1) Of course, teamgloria
2) and Three Times Yes
3) and beautycalypse
4) and Destination Here and Now
but also
5) French Essence –
7) Glamour Drops –
9) Elizabeth Minchilli in Rome –
10) Subliminal coffee. –
Thank you all so much for oodles of inspiration. 
Are you still here? Really? It certainly is understandable if you have nodded off, a bit like me trying my best to see the red carpet yesterday evening (oh how me loves that particular awards ceremony, dreams of lives past still swirl about me like fairy dust). The envelope please, teamgloria’s questions, as promised:
1) candles or spotlights? 
While my hearth is full of candles and perhaps their light is the most consistent point of my existence (see final question), I do indeed know how to work a spot or two and yes, jazz hands are usually involved.
2) how many books do you have next to the bed? 
Well, let me go see…eight plus a back issue of National Geographic from 1984.
3) when did you last read in a café and what did you eat?
While I try to just be present when I am dining alone, a rarity in itself, I could not resist the temptation to break out a newly arrived American Vogue, expat gold, the last time that I did. I had an excellent gazpacho (a hint as to the season) plus a tartine rubbed with potent garlic and topped with ratatouille, serrano and emmenthal straight out from under the broiler. And a glass of wine. Then an espresso.
4) when did you set up your blog and why?
Here we go: As a professional travel writer, I missed creating once the press started to tank. I had no idea that I would come to love taking the photographs as much as writing or that I would come into contact with such exceptional people in the process.
5) what was the last film/movie you saw?
An enlightening refresher course for question 8, one that I have a sneaking suspicion just might have been chosen with me in mind? Or is that pure ego taking the reins?
6) what was the first single you bought?
Joy Division’s “Love Will Tear Us Apart”
7) chocolate or cheese? Discuss.
I live in France, a land where there are enough varieties of cheese so as to discover a new one every day of the year, hence there is no discussion. 
8) do you identify with any of the characters in Pretty in Pink? If so, which one? And–still?
Apparently I still identify thoroughly with all on the non “ritchies,” all of them. Ode to the Duckman. And yes, still. Iona especially took on whole other shades for me that I am the now normal too. But once an outsider, always an outsider. It brands you from the inside. It was quite a lovely experience watching that film again (and enjoying the soundtrack, the finest of that time), so thank you for the homework.
9) Maria Callas or Madonna Ciccone? 
Dinah Washington.
10) you’ve been invited to (where?) for supper–name the 11 other guests (alive/passed on/haunting you still):
I believe that we have already established that I detest parties. One on one. Or family. But no more. And please don’t make it a theme.
11) Is there a meaning to life? Do you need one?
While it certainly isn’t up to me to make a mass statement for the planet, I know that my personal answers are “no” and “no”. I am trying to live happy and do no harm as I go, hopefully do a bit of good. So bandage up those paper cuts, fold out your wings and…
One more for the road?


  1. Ooh hooray! George! You're here! Just the sight of 1904 put the biggest smile on my face. And I couldn't agree with you more…this is something beyond the mere delight of like finding like but a true gift. It is for me. I feel like I fell down the rabbit hole and there is no Queen of Hearts (although Ms. Wolf just might do on one of her more ferocious days).
    And we are all sentimental. That is what led us to be browsing the racks at Shakespeare & Co in the first place…
    Have a phenomenal day in LA,

  2. TG? Forget about it. I have become a groupie! You two have quite the loyal followers/verging on fanatics!!

    Your answers were as gorgeous as yourself…

  3. Ooh you are the sweetie! And I feel the same about your blog–I am very, very behind on your amazing posts but all the better to sit down and enjoy them all at once!! And I agree heartily that we have some kind of wonderful connection–as if you are a long-lost sister or cousin on the other side of the planet who feels exactly the same as I do about so many things. However, you really have me beat in that you thought of the apero in the olive grove…wouldn't that be heavenly?

    We really need to meet face to face, Jeanne…
    Gros Bisous,

  4. Such excellent responses, you make me want to go back and change mine. Dinah Washington. Inspired. Inspiring.
    And let me say, just because I believe in magic doesn't mean there isn't something wondrous happening here, a lovely seductive power that is partly Aubrey and partly Gloria and you and everyone else, connecting and weaving together writers and readers and photographers and artists and hearts and minds, across time and space. But I'm a sentimental guy. Wink. Now I'm off to visit more of Lost in Arles.

  5. It's so interesting to read the responses… (I laughed at your reply to the "cheese" issue.) I finally furnished my réponses. An interesting exercise that took me places I hadn't thought about in some time.

    And your site definitely is addictive… as is TG herself.

  6. Firstly…I spotted this post yesterday and to say you made my day is putting it mildly Heather. You are so sweet and we share the mutual "Oh, Goody" when your post arrives in my email box. There are times when I have to delete posts if time is of the essence but I always save yours and enjoy each and every one thoroughly. You seem to travel with me wherever I go..I love that we look at the world similarly, even though we are on opposite sides of it…much like your beautiful post on olive groves. I love it when someone gets all that, I know there is some deep explanation for how we look at and photograph the world…one of these days, the words will come to me.

    I loved reading all about you in this post Heather…congratulations on your awards, richly deserved…in beautiful paper wings fashion. Thank you for thinking of me..I am delighted to have my blog listed in your list. You are a sweetie… xx

  7. So lovely to get to know you even a little better, Heather. I'm with you on Dinah Washington 🙂

  8. And I am sending Love right back. Oh my, I know that I will be nervous when I finally meet you–with excitement! It will be overwhelming!!

  9. Nat, I love that album!!! I listened to it way too much actually and had to take a break from it. 🙂

    Thanks for your kind words–and I agree that everyone here is so lovely…

  10. It's ok, Amelia! Without the "s" it is just one. 🙂

    And can you believe that I have never seen that movie? I know that I need to!!!

  11. I had listened to La Callas earlier in the day but was pleased as punch with my answer.

    And there is no such thing as too many flowers, no matter what state they are in…

  12. Oooh, I hope that I will receive the benefits of that juice from some sort of interweb osmosis! I need it! 🙂 And I think you are amazing, Julia and am happy to have found you too!

  13. Hello Heather:
    How very generous of you to include our blog in your list of favourite reads. We are most touched.

    Our lives are the richer for knowing you and so many others in this wonderful community of bloggers. Your words are from the heart and are always so perfectly matched by the most beautiful of images. One day, we hold the hope close to our hearts, shall be the day when we meet and that, we know, will be truly the stuff of which dreams are made. Until then, we send our love to you all J and L xx

  14. Bravo dear Heather! Looks like you've had your own Oscar week. The Golden Blogging Boy is yours righteously.
    Thank you very much for mentioning me.
    What a delight to read all those heartwarming comments.
    I was listening to this while reading
    And your words sing along…

  15. Congrats on all your awards. You made one heck of a speech – Oscar-worthy, I say 🙂 The flowers are beautiful and you have captured their fragility really well. Your blog is one of those that I always try to read – even if it is late at night and I should probably be in bed (like today).

  16. I'd go with Callas, because she was a favorite of my mom's.

    The flowers are, well, utterly without restraint. Just like I like them. ~Mary

  17. You put your heart & soul into your posts, and I've said it before but will say it again, 'You have a wonderful way with words' You certainly deserve all the awards you have recently received. So go now, and shout from the highest hill you can find, to tell everyone of your well deserved awards. The photos of your beautiful tulips, that you describe as paper wings are heavenly. Thanks for a wonderful post.
    Barbara Lilian.

  18. Gros Bisous! So like me to forget the "s". Why Paper Wings reminds me of the old 70's movie "Butterflies are Free". Some weird connection.

  19. H, they do look like paper wings to me. I was amazed at how your sight can hone in on that. One of the reason why I love your blog. You can take me to another dimension with your mind and sight…:)

    Gros Bisou!

  20. i am clapping my hands just now and raising my glass of freshly pressed juice! cheers to you, heather, and to your blog and to your nominations and to those wonderful, witty, personal insights you give us into your life. oh, and to those pretty, pretty, fragile photos that i truly love!!!! i am so glad i found you through teamgloria 🙂
    and thank you so mucn for the addictive blog award nomination. you made my day *
    love from berlin, j.

  21. And congratulations from me as well Heather! You are an inspiration and your blog most deserving of the recent honors. As evidenced by the continuing comments by your many friends, fans and followers, you are touching many of us around the world. . .what a lovely impact for a blog to have.

  22. Thank you, dear Jennifer–why are you so close but so far away? Sigh. And Lord knows I certainly practiced my acceptance speeches enough when I was an actor–ooh, how I wanted that to happen…

  23. Heeheehee, it is so true, Amelia! But am I the only one who thinks that the petals look like wings made out of paper?

  24. Oh dear, you did? I owe you one Madame Archer. And thank you for the kindness, that made me smile.

  25. SOmehow, I can see you with an Oscar in your hands… Congratulations! You deserve every award on your trophy shelf.

  26. Congratulations Heather!!! Lost in Arles is addictive in the most wonderful way. Ich liebe dich on the Liebster Award also. Paper Wings. A great title for an award winning song or a movie. And the Academy goes to Paper Wings…:)

    XO Amelia

  27. Congratulations on the recognition you have received; you have more than earned it! Your blog broadens and deepens my thinking and feeling…a wonderful, challenging and liberating gift for which I am very grateful. Brava, Heather!

  28. Thank you Heather for including me… and yes… I did read to the very end…:)
    Congratulations… your blog is a delight but more importantly… you are… xv

  29. Girl, you look way too young to have a thirty year old son. I am serious! I never would have guessed. Tant mieux!

  30. Everybody needs a little bit of Arles in their day x. Thanks Heather for your lovely blog. Continued success! Marg

  31. Ha! I wish we were the same age, but doesn't the fact that I have a son who will turn 30 (THIRTY!) in June tell you something? Seriously, though, "kiddo" is a term of endearment from me. There are so many terrific blogs out there, I'm delighted to know who else you are following!

  32. Ah, your blog makes me feel the same, Kiddo (aren't we the same age? 😉 But I already passed on love to you the first time around, so I hope you don't mind. Making that list made me uncomfortable to be honest! Too limiting!

    Stay warm,

  33. Oh David, that made my night, it absolutely did. My Sister introduced me to Jonatha Brooke many years ago and that was my favorite song of hers. And seeing the lyrics while listening to that gorgeous song, yes, you hit it just right.

    Merci, Uncle David and bisous,

  34. Only you, my dear girl, could make this topic the witty delight of delectable wisdoms which it is! Bravo for the recognition, something which the rest of us have long known: that you are very brilliant at capturing in words (and images) those fleeting thoughts which truly make life all the richer. xx

  35. Congratulations, kiddo. Yours is exactly a blog that makes me say to myself "Oh goody" when a new post arrives. Thank you for providing a consistent bright spot in what seems like a long winter here in Massachusetts, too. (David and I can argue whose has been longer.)

    And like the Rev., I too am a fan of Jonatha Brooks.

  36. Dear Heather,

    First of all, what a pleasure (I mean that sincerely) to read of this latest, widening recognition for you. I'm sure folks were as glad to give it to you as you were surprised to receive it (nice deal, all 'round, don't you think?).

    Secondly (and given this posting's title and the tone of your most recent postings?), I think you'll like curling up on the couch with your latest boyfriend (you're the only woman I know who's currently living with all of her last three boyfriends, by the way)and listening to this….."Ten Cent Wings". It's by Jonatha Brooks. It's lovely…..and, I expect, perfect for an afternoon pause therein Arles (where, I gather, winter is lingering far too long this year; it feels that way here, to me…for the first time in my life).

    go to:

    congratulations, and thank you for the always invigorating blog,

    david Terry

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