August is the dust

is the dust
That hurts
The throat
Once roared
a lion.
Quiet, we
Stand stupefied
beside a mannered marionette
By some sort of
Nothing horizon.
No savannah
To sprawl
Urban pools
To call
We lie
While denying
All our Best.
Supermarket express
then we we wait
On the corner boulevard
Tough fruit
Stone peaches
rolling in mouth,
Hot lion
On a billboard,
just above, preaching
we nod,
Hot lion, hot lion,


I know this is a different style of poem/ writing for me, more feeling than literal. But I wanted to share it, so here we go. There is so much going on right now that goes beyond a calendar season. Will we be able to stand up? We have been hit so much and constantly with tough news. I believe in us and Hope we will cleave cleanly the false from the true.

With Love



  1. I love this evocative poem; feels perfect for this time we are going through. (and the pics perfect to complement it). I like Mike’s comment! Action is ours – yes! That’s why I voted today! Any small action helps; even poetry – or, especially, poetry!

  2. Dear Heather,
    thank you that you find the strength to write a beautiful but tough poem about the situation. It must be tough to live and work in Avignon right now. I am informed about everything in the region, the temperatures, the fires, the dryness, the restrictions, the heatwave in the Mediterranean Sea.
    Nothing came unseen. But now we live and experience it. And we will experience more. That we also knew but still neglect.
    In October everything will be forgotten again until there is no season left anymore to forget.
    And still we need to hope for change and action to save our planet.
    Action is ours! If we love our children we need to act and save their planet.
    August is your lion month!

    I hope this time my comment does not get lost…

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