What I learned in Paris

…My hunger is currently not for material goods but rather experiences and I can dine contentedly on the shifting beauty of a molten sky ahead. Le Bon Marché is no longer My Happy Place. It has been replaced by a wicker stool at a random streetside café. I watch and listen.

…that I am no longer intimidated or apologetic to meet an Instagram friend and to make that contact real; And that I agree with what said friend stated as we parted ways, champagne double-clinked, that I will make things good wherever I go. That I bring color to Paris makes me blush, however, still.

…that Art is a fraction of the biggest Dream made solid. And we might die without it (or perhaps we already are, yet fighting it). And I don’t care how dramatic that sounds. The wings are there if only we let them lift.

…that I am strong enough in my sense of self to go to the Hotel Crillon as if I belong there. Because I do. And that isn’t about money. Every seat at the bar was taken but I will return and try again. Even the oldest classics can be reborn.

…that I am not afraid of the rain.

…that I can introduce myself at an event at Déco Off as a writer and a photographer. Because, despite appearances, I am. I tend to forget.

…I saw that I can talk to anyone and engage with them as human to human, direct. And what a gift of existence that is. One that I have earned. I had to go all the way down to know how connected we are and how simply.

…I remembered again, again, again. That I am Open and that I am Stronger than I think. 

This trip was an invitation by my friends at Atelier Vime as part of their self-pronounced “Make Heather Robinson Great Again,” program…which made me laugh so hard. It still does…I am a ready and willing recepient…thank you, friends.

And thank you for being here.


  1. There’s nothing like spending some time in Paris to let yourself exhale and know that one way or another everything is going to be alright.
    Beautiful pictures and words as usual!

  2. To belong wherever and whenever you want to go, possessed with confidence and contentment is one of the greatest feelings.You arrive with a gift of strenght and ready to fly.

  3. Your photographs so reflect the sentiments in your post. Beautiful reminders of who you are, and becoming part of your surroundings!

  4. Beautiful beautiful text and photos and such beautiful comments from your friends, I agree with a whole heart, you deserve every word!

  5. Healing and rediscovery take time the first step is believing that it can happen and that YOU deserve it. Write a new chapter in your life, with or without someone by your side. You are a beautiful talented, interesting woman and you are forging ahead on the road to happiness. I am so happy for you! xo

  6. I like the bird on the hat! And you look fierce:-)
    Also like the print that wicker leaves on skin, probably because of time spent on cafe chairs!

  7. That poor little tree! It was like this when we were in Paris, due to heavy rains and one couldn't walk out to the end of the little island, BUT, at the other end we were able to stand in the Seine and I thought that was the most wonderful thing ever! Going with the flow = as it appears you are, rolling with the Seine, picking up nuggets of wonder! Love the photos, too!

  8. Tu m'as fait pleurée, ma chère amie, qui j'ai sans doute toujours connue. Je pense que c'est une des plus belles complimentes que j'ai eu dans ma vie. Je pleur encore. Mais en souriant. Merci à toi. xo

  9. i feel so happy for you and inspired to follow in your footsteps. extraordinary photos as well. meet someday!

  10. Beautiful, Heather. Sometimes we forget who we are and it takes something extraordinary to remind us.

  11. …presque céleste

    Im the "InstaRealFriend" and my weekend has been effectively colored by the "Heather-Experience" last friday

    Malheureusement, je ne parle pas ni n'écris suffisamment bien l'anglais pour poursuivre..
    …Heather diffuse quelque chose de terriblement humain, d'universel, l'aspiration à la joie, à l'amitié, a la paix , que l'on ne peut que partager… et elle le fait d'une façon totale et légère, colorée et diffuse…par son authenticité, sa personnalité, elle est profondément artistique…merci Heather

  12. LOVE the first photo – bringing color to Paris, indeed!!! So glad you had a lovely trip with important discoveries! And glad, as always, that we get to tag along on your adventures. And MHRGA? Funny but you KNOW my response ("she has always been/always will be great!")!

  13. Thank you for sharing your spiritual journey tp Paris I too exprerienced self discovery and strength, which surprised me! I originally went for the love of the language. A lot of my favorite experiences were free. Best wishes on your continued journey through life!

  14. That first photo is my favorite! And, yes, walk through Paris — and your "title" writer and photographer — like you own them because you do. I'm thrilled that you took this trip. And a resounding yes to the MHRGA program. Sign me up!

  15. Whoa. You're in Paris? Wah. I wish I were there with you. I'll chip in to that campaign, even though I think you're great already.

  16. Bravo to you! Paris is always a place for discovery, especially of one's self.
    Beautiful words, beautiful photos. That poor willow in the Seine is forever in high-water shots. Probably Paris's most-photographed tree. I hope it is reveling in its big drink. Even with dreary, unending rain, Paris is beautiful.
    MHRGA sounds like a worthy cause, though I question the "again" part. Greater would be more like it.

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