Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas now…

Sending so much Love….


  1. Merry Christmas and may 2018 be full of blessings and adventures.

    You are looking fabulous Heather and I love your long hair.

    Helen xx

  2. That is my favorite Christmas song. Melancholy but so not sappy.
    Love your hair!!!!! Kind of an Isabelle Huppert vibe (consider that a very high compliment).

  3. Just popped over to say Happy New Year Heather, and it was so nice to see your pretty face. May your new year be just as intriguing as your new hair color. Janey

  4. Happy New Year, Heather ~ Bonne Année! I'm a bit late to the party but want you to know I wish nothing but peace, adventure and straight-to-the-heart happiness for 2018. It's out there! Hopefully we may see each other in this new year.

  5. I will definitely be re-reading them so I can fully digest them properly. I am a mom of five and haven’t been to many places. In 2008 my mom and I went to Paris for two weeks and then six years later we spent a week in Paris and then almost a week in Arles. It was beyond my wildest dreams. It was crazy busy,(rice festival, which we had no idea was going on when booking the trip) but loved every second of our time there and I hope so much to one day take my husband back there. That whole area is filled with a sense of mystery that had me intrigued from the moment we arrived and has my heart still. Your blog is better than a book! Sorry to be so long winded. Happy New Year!

  6. Joyeux fetes and much happiness, good health, love and laughter to you in 2018 Heather. May new experiences and fun adventures greet you along your path in the year ahead. Beautiful post. Wishing you all that's in your hearts desires. Hugs.

  7. Oh my goodness Lisa, yes! We are so close! I think that we would need to clear the decks for a few solid days of walks in the cold followed by port to warm up and talking, talking, talking. Much love to you, magical creature.

  8. Laura!?! You read every post?! Reeeeally? Thank you. I am deeply honored by that. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am in a period of transition where I am not writing or photographing nearly as much as I would like to…so your encouragement to keep going, even in this reduced version…means the world. xo

  9. I just today discovered your blog and have read every post! It initially started with me remembering my trip to Arles that I took with my mother back in 2014 and simply looking up other people’s pictures of that magical place. But then, to find such a treasure in your exquisite style of writing and see the beautiful tapestry you weave with your pictures, words and thoughts was such a surprise! I’m hooked! Thank you for your blog. Looking forward to reading future posts!

  10. Happy Yuletimes Heather! We actually still do have some port left, and your portrait here is perfectly dressed for port. The blonde-ing is suiting you. I shall drink you a toast this evening, and light a candle for all faraway friends: may we chink a glass one day 🙂 xx

  11. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May 2018 be super-kind to you. Love your hair colour. It reminds me of Botticelli's Birth of Venus which is one of my favourite paintings.

  12. Merry Christmas! New hair color. New year. New you. The possibilities are endless. Hugs, Jackie

  13. Sending warm holiday greetings to you, Heather. Beautiful photograph of you, and the new hair color is most becoming!
    Looking forward to your posts in 2018.
    Hugs to you,

  14. Sending love from Portland, where we have a rare Christmas gift for this city: snow on the ground and in the trees. Merry Christmas!

  15. Merry Christmas, Heather. And wishing you the best for 2018. Your blogs are really good to read, love the photographs. BTW your hair looks marvelous !!
    Love from Toronto

  16. Joyeux Noël, Heather. Lovely photos –– now I really see what is meant by a Venetian Blonde! May you have riches of spirit and opportunities in 2018. Ann

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