Beyond the pale – Menton

Let’s not be fooled by a calendar date or the “onslaught” of a season into forgetting. That there is a light within us, at the very center, beyond personalities and temporary concerns, that pumps our life, in and out, through the valves of our heart to the extremities of our ears, our toes. We breathe it. That light. 
And yet, at this time of year – a beginning, no less! – so many of us focus away, towards what they want to change, what they promise will happen within them this year as if there was something that was, fundamentally, wrong. There isn’t. 
No promises then, nor resolutions. Not for me. More likely I feel and certainly did under the kind glow of last nights motherly moon, that it is time to remember. I have light – call it love if your prefer – and I want to live it. It is time to move beyond the pale and appreciate all the good that resides within, even when it lies unbeckoned from sallying forth.
And so a celebration is in order, the likes of which are buoyantly sprayed across Menton’s walls, because its residents chose to paint it so. Let’s do the same.
So maybe you can sing again even though you were once told that you do so too loudly (or off-key), maybe you can dare to trust in connecting with another, even if you were called needy or strange. Our so-called weaknesses are our strengths, I am sure of it, and only in disguise because we think that they ought to be. 
I want to be me, now. Turning in, I want to turn up the lights.

These photos were taken on a truly happy day…and I gleefully surrendered to it! 

I hope that they bring you a bit of that feeling too. My friends, you have overwhelmed me once again with your unbelievable kindness in regards to my previous post. I was so moved – my family and friends have remarked upon how amazing you all are – and was unable to keep up in responding, as I usually like to do. For that I apologize, but I most certainly took it in and will return to your good wishes and faith when needed. Thank you, yet once again, from my sensitive yet strongly beating heart.

With much Love and Gratitude as we dive into the big blue of 2017 together,


PS. You can see my previous posts on Menton here and here. They are quite different aren’t they? Eh oui, that is the power of light. 😉 I shot like a madwoman this trip so hopefully there is more to come…


  1. It is January 19th as I type. It brings tears to my eyes to reread your response tonight, Joan.

    You have been a light for many years and I know that I can count on you to keep fighting the good fight.

  2. Oh dear me. I was with you as you described every bit of your adventure! Well, if you dooo happen to head back to Menton I would be delighted if I am able to meet you there…save that I will be waiting for you at one of the beach side terraces! No climbing for me! 😉

  3. This made me smile heavily, Bill. As you knew that it would. With Much Mahalo and hopefully, Aloha.

  4. Eleni, I know well what those long winters are like…Stay warm and in good health and how pleased I am to have brought you some needed color…

  5. Sister you taught me to lift my head when we lived together in NYC! And you still see and transmit so much beauty. Love you.

  6. Well, maybe some years that is what one needs but after a year of picking up the pieces of all that was "wrong" I just don't want to go that way right now if I can avoid it. 😉

    And OF COURSE you want the pink one.

  7. Light is the hardest to learn in art. Cezanne spent his life time learning about light.Your photos with different shades of pastels captured playfulness and lightness of feelings.

    Light and art are life changing.

  8. Ah, the incredible lightness of being! You've captured it all and sent it over the airways to our open hearts! Mille mercis!

  9. Aaaah! Menton! Thank you for these timeless photographs.

    In 1967, barely 21 years old and on spring break from a German university, I made a memorable solo trip to Menton. I don't know why, but I began to climb a hill, which turned into a cliff. Using foot- and hand-holds, growing increasingly concerned for my life, I eventually managed to haul my ass over the back wall of a hillside estate to safety. No Himalayan climber ever felt more exhilarated than I did that day. After sneaking around a sideyard and scaling the front wall I made my way back to streets and, eventually, to my Nice hotel. Thank you for spurring this Menton memory. If I'm ever back in Menton, I'll try to find that cliff again. Not sure I'll try to climb it again. 😉

  10. Beautiful photos filled with light and joy, Heather! Wishing you the same…live the light! T xx

  11. … Heather was strolling down "Rue something or other" when a gentleman holding a pack of cigarettes in his hand approached her, asking "Pardon me Miss, can I get a light" … and she smiled, and smiled, and smiled … and we smiled with her. Happy 2017 to you, Heather, and all who read you!

  12. Thank you for the wonderful photo memories. I can still smell the air.
    Heather, you give to us such beauty. We give back to you our respect and faith that you are able to survive all that the universe throws at you.
    We all need each other….

  13. Oh I could live in the pink building, top floor of course! I could spend all day people watching. Thank you, Heather, for all these wonderful and colourful pictures. Let the sunshine in, please. I am in snowy Canada !!

  14. Heather. Beautiful writing, shockingly beautiful photos. Resolutions are for sissies, I think. You are amazing.

  15. Such clarity in these photos with
    color, light & shadow! Your post also reveals the great clarity that resides within. Your words make me smile & feel inspired!

  16. I'm having troubled finding my joy/light within – feel as if I've been pummeled – was on the road to recovery and then pummeled again. But of course I like to idea of gratitude and of finding joy where you can. I've heard the idea that character defects are good qualities gone awry – I can see this in me, I think. Thank you for the reminder of what is around me if I just lift my head! Love these colorful buildings on such a beautiful day – no wonder you were happy!

  17. Stunning! I want the pink one. Haha and then I would be chased out of town when I added an attached garage and big ass American kitchen. You're wise to skip the self negativity that resolutions bring on with them. You'd think with my constant joie de vivre quest I wouldn't bother with them and yet I do. Glad you had such a beautiful day in a breathtaking place!

  18. Such glorious light. It makes the buildings look like fancy cakes or candies, ready to be eaten.
    I think it would be hard not to smile all the time in such light, amid such buildings, with such a blue sky above.

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