My first photo credit

Well, I have a fun surprise to share with you. It certainly was one for me! My friend Anthony hinted a while back that he had something up his sleeve, so imagine my delight when he sent me a gorgeous magazine with an article about the new company that he is forming inside, only for me to discover that the photo used to illustrate it…was mine!

Now, those of you who have been reading here for a while know that I am not exactly a portraitist…to be more precise, I never take photos of people – ever – as I am far too shy. But there we were together, talking, at the end of a glorious afternoon where I had been photographing his amazing new renovation project and the light was streaming across his face so perfectly that I dared just a few. Of course, it doesn’t hurt when your subject matter is not only a dear friend but an occasional model as well…
Anthony especially appreciated one of the photos in particular and I sent it to him to use as he wished. As he is truly a good egg, he just so happened to get me my first photo credit and in a very cool publication to boot.
I Heart magazine comes out once every three months. Their objective is to take you to the center of a specific city as described by locals and established expats so that you too can be “in the loop” enough to push beyond the clichés and postcard platitudes to hit the pulse of the current scene. When I am fortunate enough to travel, this is the kind of “on the ground” fieldview that I aspire to, so it is right up my alley and I still haven’t finished pouring over its thick, matte pages.

The Spring 2016 issue is all about Tokyo…

…and I love all of the surprising ways that this mythic metropolis is portrayed through art about artists but also foodies, fashionistas, pop and street lore.

Because who doesn’t love to love? Or to discover a destination with a fresh perspective?
I Heart will take you there. 😉
“But isn’t Anthony…French?” you might be asking. Yes, and so is the magazine! Eh oui, c’est en français mes amis. And there are tons of tidbits spread throughout its pages about places and events of interest all over the world, not only on the featured city.
For more information about the current numéro or to order it online, click:
It is for sale not only in France but also in Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the UK.

I could have never imagined being published for my photography instead of as a writer! This is a serious thrill for me.

Thank you again, Anthony, for this wonderful surprise and for being such a supportive friend…


  1. Are you surprised that he is so young? Both he and his partner are quite the lookers! And with amazing taste as well.

    I still have a lot to learn about photography but it does make me happy.

  2. Thank you Janey – and yes, it is a really good thing for Anthony. I will tell you about his project more later down the line.

  3. Yay! I have a feeling that you will really like the whole thing. It is so well put together.

  4. I have to say that I think that I got a bigger kick out of this than EVER seeing my name in print for one of my articles. It is just so unexpected. Thank you for your confidence in me, always.

  5. I am so glad that you like that series too, Judi. And yes, Anthony is such a handsome man that he is easy to photograph! Thank you for your kindness…

  6. Thank you Judith. I was so thrilled when you included the photography as well in your article about this blog. I am still proud of that!

  7. Such a funny story, Ali! I would have been so embarrassed!! But it says a lot about what a handsome couple you must be…

  8. Thank you, Karena. The magazine is a cool find in itself – I wish that they had a version in English!

  9. It is better than I could take a photo of it to show here but thank you…

  10. Wow! That is pretty big time, don't you think? Very fun to have something that lasts. And you must feel like a big shot when you see them in the airport. 🙂

  11. Thank you and how fun that you were contacted as well – truly, for someone from the tourists office to have contacted you for the COVER of the visitors guide means that it must have been a wonderful shot – and hey, a half page spread is great too!

  12. Congratulations!!!!! Your photos are always beautiful, and your writing is wonderful. Brava.

  13. So happy for you, Heather. You are a seasoned photographer and this recognition is well deserved! The photo of Anthony is very handsome, the lighting was done so well. It is always a joy to read about and view the photos of his house, and now we have a portrait of the owner!

  14. Very nice indeed!! I so enjoyed your article about Anthony's house and am looking forward to more, especially that amazing floor reno.

  15. Well it's a beautifully done portrait. Maybe you should consider it a new direction with your photography. xx Tabby

  16. Well, I for one am not surprised. Your photos are fabulous! Congrats!…and to Anthony as well!

  17. Wow, great surprise and what a beautiful photo. What a handsome man, caught in just the right light. Bravo.

  18. YEEES! So cool to read your tuneful name beside your photograph! Didn't I tell you the good things are not too far away. And this came right on time! Isn't that inspiring to go even further?

    I know exactly how it feels to see one's work printed.;-)

    Great, I'm happy!

  19. No wonder they chose your photograph – very striking! "A picture is worth a 1,000 words", is it not?

    Smiles from Charlotte Des Fleurs

  20. Once again I'm in the trailing time zone, gmt, and trailing habits zone, procrastination and/or not logged on, so I happily join the warm chorus of praise and congratulations. Great placement of your name credit too. The magazine, perhaps from a note from you, does know that you are the go to photographer and writer about Arles and beyond, especially the special shapes and shadows, right? Happy for and proud of you Heather.

  21. Yay!! I heart YOU and I'm so proud of you for getting your awesome photo published! Perhaps there will be more portraits in your future? Methinks the world is your oyster!

  22. Oh my! Dear Heather, you must be smiling from ear to ear! This is soooo wonderful. I am very happy for you. I have always loved your photography, right along side your writing! You are one talented lady! The photo of Anthony is beautiful – he looks pretty good, too! I think they should have had all your pictures of the remodeling – I still see the turquoise, green and blue colors – glorious! Congratulations!!!!! What a thrill!

  23. Congratulations and bravo! And yet, your photos are such a compelling facet of your blog, n'est ce pas? So, no, as thrilled as I am, I am not surprised. And you now have an in! So I am hoping that you will get more of your work into "I Heart." I only wish I could find a copy here in the states.

  24. That is fantastic Heather. My husband and I had a slightly different but similar happening. A friend called to tell me that she had seen a great photo of us on the cover of the Accomadation Guide for Salt Spring Island…..what says me….It turns out that a photo of us taken years before was sold and placed on the cover without our knowledge….I panicked…That guide was placed on the Ferries…all the Visitors Centers in Victoria and Southern Vancouver Island.

    It was a good photo though…It was strange to have strangers looking at the guide and looking up at us when on the Ferries….my 15 minutes of fame.

  25. The image of your friend Anthony is strikingly beautiful. Congratulations. Now tell me…how did you celebrate?

  26. I always enjoy your photos and the portrait is beautiful. Very well done, Heather! And in such a great publication, too! Félicitations! I also have one photo credit. A few years ago, I gave permission to the Aarhus University Press to publish a photo they found on my blog in their history-oriented travel guide of Athens. Compared with I Heart, it is a very dull and academic looking little book, marginal I thought. So a few months back, I was most surprise when I happened to notice two racks full of the Aarhus guide series at the Copenhagen airport. The Danes must be a different kind of breed if they ever sell out.

  27. How exciting and what a cool magazine! Congratulations Heather!!

    The Arts by Karena

  28. Wow! What a great surprise for you! Congratulations! I can certainly see why he would choose that photo! Looks like a great magazine!

    I was once contacted out of the blue by a city tourism representative asking if they could use one of my photos for the cover of their annual visitors guide. I thought it might be a hoax at first, but it turned out to be legit. Unfortunately, the camera I use didn't produce a high enough quality to make the cover, but they did use it for a half page spread in the article about the event. I was still excited! So, I can imagine getting into a magazine of this calibre would be so very exhilarating for you!

    Yay! ! ! ! 🙂

  29. This is so exciting! No surprise to me as I love your photography. Congratulations!

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