Open, up

I could see it before I could feel it. The blades of grass were dancing in such a way that I had to blink and then remind myself that no hallucinogens had been willingly consumed for breakfast. But they did it again, a kind of hopping and bending over each other, a pause. A dazzling bright green. The trees took up the cue and then I felt a cool pressure on my cheek, like a Grandmotherly reassurance of, “There, there, all will be well.” The breeze seemed to be everywhere all at once and yet without a specific direction of destination. And it was soundless. I felt the hairs rise on my forearms but not from fear but rather recognition. These were the winds of change surrounding me. After what has been a challenging year and one filled with great sadness and hatred in the world, I closed my eyes, flooded with relief at their arrival. Let them blow. I hope to push them on to you. Open and up we go.

And so it is a New Year. 
I welcome it and I am sending out to you and yours my deepest wishes that it be wonderful, full of wonder, wonderful. 
With much Love from Provence,


  1. We get a new canvas…hopefully we can paint a calmer more peaceful year. I am looking forward to it. Happy New Year to you too Heather. janey

  2. Lovely sentiments, dear heather. I too hope that there will be less cruelty in the world this year. More peace. More love. More of the good things. and I wish you an abundance of them.

  3. Jackie, I love that you and Leslie (above) have the same idea – two women who do spend time dreaming but then take action to make those dreams come true!

  4. You are so amazing, Leslie. And always inspiring. This is so perfectly put. Thank you. *Hug*

  5. Thank you, Edgar. Remi was very right in saying that I needed to include a photo of an OPEN door or window but I didn't have one…not yet at least.

    My Best Wishes to you and Mrs. Abstract for 2016!

  6. Lorrie, it really was a kind of magical moment – something special was going on! And thank you for your beautiful wishes. 2015 was hard for us as it was for many people. A bit of gentle loving is most welcome. Happy New Year to you too!

  7. Oh my goodness! How is he doing??? There is such beauty in his new "old" face. Thank you for the kisses and for your friendship Judi.

  8. Thank you Deborah…and I am sending those wishes back to you in strength around the world. I love your image of a field of unmarked snow. And I am glad that you liked the photos – a little dark perhaps for a New Years Day post but alas the sun has been in hiding for weeks and I need to work with what I have!

  9. Woot woot!!! Oh I really hope so!!! Uzès is calling youuuuu….and I am toooo… 🙂

    And that is my favorite too. I am actually really proud of that photo!

  10. Wow. You really know how to give a compliment, my friend. I knew his name of course but was so excited when I googled the series. I don't deserve the link at all but the geometry was what I was going for! There are a bunch that are even more abstract that I didn't publish (and a good thing because holy cow did I have a lot of unsubscribers from this post) that I might send to you. Thank you so much…with all of my heart!

  11. Oh how I would love your coming to visit finally more than anything! I kind of think it might happen this year…then uh-oh…look out…the roads of Provence will become a little more dangerous with me driving on them!!! Thank you for your amazing friendship, Elizabeth.

  12. Thank you Lily's Grannie and Happy New Year to you as well! Ah, to be in California… 🙂

  13. David, this made me nearly fall of my chair, I was so excited! Coming from you…thank you so very much!

    Those cold winds can be challenging but they do at least often bring clearer skies…

  14. I love imagining the peaceful snow falling at your beautiful farmhouse and I love you too Sister! Yay for openness and for amazing Sisters too. 🙂

  15. As FB friends keep reminding me in their feeds, it is a big open – empty – book this year of 2016. It is up to us to fill its pages ~

  16. Happy New Year, Heather. Yes, the possibilities are there, and we all must do everything we possibly can in 2016 to make the world a better place. We must summon our energy, courage and resourcefulness to discern what we can do to make the coming changes embody the most positive possibilities, "wonderful, full of wonder, wonderful." This day is a good day to renew our determination to be the change we want to see. With you, Leslie in Oregon

  17. Windows and doors are welcome sights to usher New Year of possibilities and “wonder”.

    The photos are wonderful

    Happy and Safe New Year

  18. How wonderful to feel those welcome breezes of change. I hope they are gentle and loving as they pour over you throughout the year. Happy New Year, Heather!

  19. Breaths of sweetness from my new Grandson, to usher in the New Year. I'm blowing the kisses all way to Arles, to you, Remi, the puppers – and, to your amazing words and photography. Gracious, thank you!

  20. Heather,
    wishing you a New Year full of contentment and peace. The new year lays stretched out before us like a newly fallen field of snow – fresh, unmarked, pristine. Full of hope and promise…
    I love your green and orange photo theme, as always!
    Many wishes for good times ahead.
    Deborah – from Melbourne. xx

  21. Love your post and photos. Happiest new year. You are right. We must not worry nor wring our hands, but trust in those who can do something in this world. I just did a post about Alexander Pope's ESSAY ON MAN. The theme, "what is, is right."

  22. I love the amazing photos you have posted. Wishing you a year filled with wonder also…

  23. Such beautiful photos! The one with the curtain stuck outside of the door is a favorite! Happy New Year, dear friend! Hoping to see you in PERSON this year!! oxoxoxoxo

  24. Yes, yes, yes!


    And if you aren't familiar with this work already, Google Richard Diebenkorn ocean park. Your imagery and his make fine companions.


  25. Well,I got side tracked from your message on Instagram to your blog but only for a few minutes……..BANKSY was eating up my photo of the DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I quickly put a STOP to THAT and googled your new POST as the messenger had not ARRIVED in my INBOX as of yet!
    AS the others above have stated………….BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS!BEAUTIFUL words…… start the NEW YEAR!
    Lets HOPE the WORLD gets it's ACT TOGETHER!I know more then ANYTHING I want to come over and see your smiling face!!!Meet BEN and KIPLING……………and give REMI A BIG HUG!Then I will have you escort me through ARLES and over to see ELLIE and MEET TEDDY!
    We then have goals to complete…………….YOU KNOW!START THE PAPER WORK!

  26. Your photographs are lovely and reading your blog this morning reminds me we all can start over. Happy New Year from California!

  27. really lovely Heather (change is inevitable, beautiful, and terrifying) — was mentioning to Robin this AM how much I appreciate your blog — your lyricism comes through in photos and prose — and I love the genre (photo essay?) — happy new year and thank you for reminding me to soften and welcome the cold winds of Michigan…

  28. Beautiful sentiments and photos as we head into a fresh new year! Dylan's song, The Times, They Are A Changin is in my head – I hope that's true! I agree that keeping our sense of wonder and staying open can only help, and I do think everyone is really wanting change to come. I feel like you: hopeful, a feeling of a new beginning as we venture into this fresh new year. Here there is a beautiful, peaceful snow falling – this and reading/seeing your post is a lovely way to start the year! Love you!

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