Oh my, goodness

Can you take a compliment?
Do you brush it off with an old-fashioned “pshaw” or do you look the giver in the eye and take it in before replying, “Thank you”? 

Admittedly, I raise my hand – a bit sheepishly – for the first category although I have been trying to retrain myself for the past few years to be gracious enough to join the second instead.

Because such kindness means the world and is rarely given lightly – these invisible yet steel solid gifts.

Can you imagine then, my quandary to be inundated with many kind, thoughtful and heart-felt compliments all at once? I have never been on the receiving end of such an outpouring in my life. 

I didn’t exactly know what to think or how to feel. Overwhelmed doesn’t begin to express my inner state. Blown away? Yes. Overjoyed? That too. For a few days I had to retreat a bit into my shell to sort out my emotions in quiet. 
“Of course,” some of you wrote in emails, “you deserve this!” and I would try not to furrow my brow and nibble the inner corners of my lips.

I was so moved while reading your comments on my previous post that I often spilled over into big sloppy tears and hiccup caught breathing. I am hopelessly sentimental and an over the moon romantic. You all know this by now and fed me the best bonbons for both of those senses. But I also know that you meant every word. Oh my goodness.
So I hope that you will forgive me if I haven’t responded personally to each of you, as I like to do. I hope that I will eventually. But for now…slow down the pace, sip time…weren’t we just talking about that? 
If I have learned anything in the past few days, it is that there are a lot of kindred spirits here and that makes me feel…delighted…but also hopeful and excited too. Trust me, if you have been something of an outsider all of your life (hello, fellow INFJ’s), it is a realization that is nothing short of beautiful.

So please, please, accept my gratitude, as profoundly deep as the trees. 
You know, when I was acting, I wanted specifically to be a theatre actress, not to do film or television work, because I was fascinated by that ephemeral magical dust that floated back and forth between the audience and me during a performance. It was such a complicit exchange and based on a form of faith. Even while laughing, especially so. And I have missed that but realized earlier this morning with a ping that I have found another form of that with you, here. The distance may be wider but the proximity is somehow the same.
All of these thoughts were floating somewhere still out of reach while walking the dogs yesterday morning – actually they still are, who are we kidding, I am just tugging delicately at cobwebs here – but the light was just so with forms and details jumping out to grab my attention under the cover of the clouds. “Well, get back out there then,” I thought, nodding inwardly and outwardly towards the collective you. I grabbed my camera, wrapped my scarf tighter around my throat then headed out the door to discover, capture and now, share. Just a little bit.
I have said it many times before already but thank you all for being here. I am looking forward to continuing down ces chemins sinueux, together.
To listen to:

PS. For those of you who were curious about the personality test that I mentioned, it is based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which you can read more about here and the actual test that I took can be found here. Happy trails…


  1. Jamais ça! I am moved to comment often, but don't always have the right words. Some of your other commenters take my breath away with the beauty and insight of their commentary.

  2. I agree Trudye. I am truly a fortunate person to have so many amazing people stopping by to say hello on a regular basis. I know it!

  3. Oh my gosh! Yowza! I just read the description. You are one tough cookie! Or at least your personality category is…but I did read that it is good for you to be friends with those in the "Diplomat" category – of which I am a part – whew. 😉

  4. Wow – you are loved! Of course! We love your honesty and the simplicity of your messages (words and photos). Speaking of photos, I LOVE these!! The one with the little snail: my favorite! They are all green and hopeful – wonderful to see as all the color is draining out of my surroundings here! (well, there is some beautiful foliage, I have to admit). Compliments – hmmm, I say "thank you" but don't really take them in! Thanks for another beautifully sincere post!

  5. Haha I promise I'm not insulted. ESFJ seems to be a lot nicer than my description. I'm ENTJ! Aka the asshole.

  6. "Coming from the Heart" … that's what you do, Heather, and this outpouring of positive response is validation for the purity of your message .. It's automatic. Thank you for sharing your gift and heart with us .. Mahalo Nui Loa.

    Merci et Mahalo,


  7. Take a cue from us and get out on that stage to bask in the adoration, admiration and appreciation given back to you! Take it all in,Heather, you are so deserving! Such a beautiful, heartfelt group gathered here! xx

  8. What?! Really? There are so many of us here and yet it is such a rare personality type. I love it!! We are not alone!!! And I am glad that the description helped you as it did me…so much. Maybe we need to start a special INFJ community/ support group? Not a bad idea…
    Wishing you a wonderful day as well,

  9. Gina! I thought that I had lost you! I am so happy to see that you are still here. Thank you so much for a truly wonderful compliment. Bisous.

  10. I love that quote (you knew I would!) and the idea that imagination gives one endless possibilities…so very, very true, Edgar. Merci.

  11. Thank you, Deb. I do agree that it would be great to make money eventually and am dismayed when I read on other blogs commenters who think that is wrong. For you are right, even my posting as little as I have been recently, it is still a huge time commitment. One that I am happy to make however!

  12. Could you believe all of those comments? I still can't get over it. Thank you for leaving word here… 🙂

  13. Merci, Madame Mancuso. I had a good day, there is a second set of these photos that I will need to use at some point or another. A much appreciated compliment from you, a fine, fine artist.

  14. Jackie, I don't ever take anything about Joan for granted, especially her being here and most certainly the always exceptionally specific words used in her responses. She is an amazing woman.

    Thank you both.

  15. Read the profile! I am so curious what you think. I just read the introduction and some of it seems very you to me!!

  16. Isn't that interesting Karena? I wonder what changed? Maybe with age we appreciate them more?

  17. I do, I trust you all somehow. And I always love to hear from you but never want you to feel pressured to comment either!

  18. Ah! I know I owe you a guess…because that is all it can be as I am such a newbie to this world but in just looking at the short list on the MBTI homepage, I wonder if you are an ESFJ? Am I even close? Because when I looked it up on the 16personalities site, the description didn't begin to cover your depth!! Eeek! Please don't be insulted if I chose poorly and fill me in with the real answer!

    And I keep rereading the comments too. 🙂

  19. Hey Heather , I took the test. The results(and your descriptions in the last two posts) explained so much to me . yep… another INFJ here. What you write about compliments is solo true. I never used to , but i respond to compliments with a thank you now, even if I feel confused and uncomfortable…..I'm practicing .
    Have a fun day…

  20. It doesn't surprise me that you were in the Introvert category any more than it does that I am Loree! I hope that you are finally enjoying autumn on Malte…

  21. Dear Heather, This is the most beautiful post I have read…the words, the photographs. You have written only a certain number of words but their meaning translate themselves into a much larger work of literature.

  22. The sequences of wonderful photos filled with metaphors expressed your poetic intuition. Imagination gives one endless possibilities.

    “Long walks in open spaces are like ujjayi breath for the mind.” (Anna Badkhen, Walking with Abel)

    Thank you Heather.

  23. Beautiful photos, beautiful words, beautiful author . . . the thanks go to you for all you share with us.

  24. Joan, we've not met but I just had to tell you this is the most beautiful of comments. If I were to find one like this on the blog I write I'd be over the moon for weeks! Beautifully said about this wonderful blog of Heather's.

  25. Gorgeous photos as always. even better prose! Lap up the compliments and gratitude from all your fans and for your generous contribution of peace and justice and fairness and beauty that you give to our day. You definitely deserve it. I can't think of any other blog quite like yours! As for your comments about other blogs taking on paid advertisers, well all I can say is that for all the time and effort that goes into the commitment of regular blog postings, it should be paid for. But there are a couple of blogs I discontinued because it became more like a regular sales pitch and less information or inspiration. I believe you give a lot of joy to many people. It's a gift!
    Deborah – Melbourne, Australia

  26. This post was equally beautiful to the last …. where there were soooo many comments that I didn't get to the box to add my thanks. So in my poor French … merci, j'aime bien la balade dans ces chemins sinueux avec vous. And thanks for the link, I didn't know it.

  27. I missed the blog post you're talking about. heading there now. This set may be my favorite photos of yours. the colors, the contrast. and the sentiment, of course.

  28. I took the TEST……….I am an INTJ-T……….does that make sense?
    I haven't read the email they sent as of yet!
    YOU are truly LOVED……………..so ENJOY that for a long while!

  29. Dear Heather, It used to be very hard for me to take compliments graciously, because I was so lacking in confidence. Now I can and feel so honored when I get almost any complement! Thank you again so much for being here for me (us!)

    The Arts by Karena
    Artist Lesley Schiff

  30. I'm especially delighted that you believe we all mean what we say. Because we do (I feel I can speak for all with agreement from all). And it's because we love you for all you do to help fill our lives with a little or a lot of light, joy, and beauty. Another thank you, Heather, because I don't say it often enough.

  31. I've checked the comments on your last post like 1000 times because they are so lovely to read. Also to see if you can guess my MBTI. You're not off the hook on that one.
    I love that shot of the trail! I dismiss bullshit compliments because I hate them, but if I can feel it's real, I absorb them and genuinely thank them.

  32. I had taken that test too and it is quite interesting and accurate.I can't remember what my exact personality was but it started with an 'I' too. Go figure, it wasn't even a surprise. Thanks for sharing photos of beautiful Provence. I always love seeing the world through your lens.

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