Texture hunt

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”
– Henry David Thoreau
The light was already slicing hot as I turned towards home this morning after walking the dogs. It popped up surfaces in ways that made everything that I was gazing at look as if it had been written in braille. After closing the shutters tight to keep the prying fingers of the sun out of the rooms that had cooled in the night, I put on my straw hat, grabbed my camera and headed back out to swim in the last of the morning, hunting for the traces trail.
Remi was at the garden, giving a talk sponsored by a community association in this tiny village for those interested in photography. I would have tagged along but for fear of making him feel self-conscious. He had already decided that his main goal would be to help people find a specific photo rather than just blindly grabbing at the whole. I suppose that was in my mind too as I darted between shady spots to look quietly and hopefully, start to see. For when I do, I stop thinking and start feeling without touching…the coarseness of the lime-wash and crumbling stone, the sweet kiss of les petales de roses…In the 95° heat, I could almost hear their crackle and hiss, these things alive to me yet silent. How I am delighted with the treasures found in my texture hunt.

Bon Weekend tout le monde…and a heart-felt welcome to all of you that are new here!


  1. That is a wonderful compliment, Emilia – molto grazie! Bisous right back…

  2. Sister, that is so cool that it was obvious to you that these weren't taken in Arles! That just made me so happy, I don't know why but it did. 🙂 And I thank YOU for being such an amazing Sister. Ha! Top that…

  3. I think that is a concept that you already know in your heart as if certainly shows in your painting!
    Gros Bisous…

  4. They are everywhere in this village, Emily. And always look different depending on the time of day.

  5. Thank you so very much Karena – that means a lot coming from you! I still have a lot to learn…

  6. Each of these images is indeed a treasure. That blue particularly resonated with me. It reminds me of Morocco and, hence, a special time spent with a special person. These photos reveal the beauty inside you, Heather. Never forget that.

  7. Oh dear…. how I feel good when I read your words and I watch your photos………. Great Heather! Bisous

  8. Such a lovely clarity of light and textures in these photos Heather, they just pop from the page. Beautiful!

  9. Oooo – love the textures but love the colors, too! WOW! Blues, greens popping like crazy! Also love that we can tell you're not in Arles anymore – country pics, very obvious! And, yowza, you are brave to venture out in the heat – ugh!!! But worth it – these photos are beautiful! We thank you!

  10. Hello, dear Heather. One of my favorite views that you give us of your life in Provence are of the very smallest details and texture. You capture them so well. And how interesting to ponder the things we can feel with our eyes, rather than with actual touch. Something that will stay with me as I make my way into the world today.

    Hope that there are a multitude of beautiful details for you to see and feel in the week ahead! XOXO

  11. Dear Heather, what beauty you have captured!. You're so brave to go out and take photos in the hot sun. I always want to but prefer to stay inside in a spot where a cool breeze blows.

  12. Dear Heather, You have shown us such an amazing selection of art! Your photography is amazing and I think an exhibit is in your near future!!

    The Arts by Karena

  13. I can feel the heat contained in these textures and radiating from them. 🙂 Keeps me warm.

  14. The same eyes that are windows to the soul. Thank you for the compliment, Edgar.

  15. Really? I love that you have similar photos and what you said about nuances, EE. So very true…

  16. Your poor melted cake! But that is exactly what I feel like today…melted.

    Yes, to coffee! 🙂

  17. When I started this blog, I had a great admiration for photography but no experience. And truly, getting out there, trying over and over and learning the techniques has been such a wonderful if constantly humbling experience. Granted, I have an amazing and patient teacher in Remi but I also know that the sheer act of trying constantly – and enjoying the trying – is wonderful!

  18. I like your idea of "feeling without touching” the eyes that can feel. To add to the eyes that can see emotions.The photos tell their stories.Wonderful photos Heather.

  19. Like butter melting on warm toast! Exquisite photos. I found myself wanting to reach out and touch them! Thank you!

  20. This is a treat! I've folders of texture images that I have taken. It's the nuances in life (physical and non physical) that make it so rich. Warm regards.

  21. It certainly was hot today. Juliette turned 1 sio I made a cake for her party. On the way over, the cake slid apart as the buttercream melted. But the guests didn't seen to care and said it tasted good.


  22. Love the textures! Some are very familiar to me as I live in the Languedoc, and am always thinking I need to take more photos. Unfortunately I'm not much of a photographer, as much as I admire photography. Going out to search, as you did, makes all the difference. Bravo!

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