Diamonds for breakfast

“They love to discover, these two.”

It is a bit of a catch-phrase between Remi and I. Because it is oh-so true. Discovery…the power of it, the adventure…has been a long link in our relationship. As a perpetual revelation of the new, it can be addictive. We roamed the world wide to sip its brew but now find our panoramas more confined.

I spend a lot of time in our little village. It is a Provence that is off the map and that too holds a bit of a thrill. But the challenge has been to keep seeing, to keep discovering and not fall prey to its lullaby, no matter how charming it may be.

I want to wrap the beauty of the world around me so tightly that it courses through my veins. And it is right there, everywhere, this ultimate luxury, our great gift.

Lately, the morning dew or la rosée on the grass has been wicking at my ankles as I walk the dogs. And so I open my eyes a little wider, let my heart get a bit more quiet and relish in the splendor of having diamonds for breakfast.

Today’s post is my contribution to the monthly international blog party, “By Invitation Only” on the theme of “Life’s Luxuries.” To read all of the other takes on this theme, please hop over here.

PS. Imagine my surprise this morning when I saw that the lawn where these photos had been taken…had been mowed! I try not to be too moralistic around here but Life was certainly saying:
 “Make the most of everything while you can…”


  1. So sadly, no. We are not coming to France this year ( I can't believe I just wrote that!!! waaaaaa ) We are planning several different small trips though, including one my mother's birthplace in Canada, some time with my siblings, and a short trip to Rome. It will be weird not to be in France, but the year will pass as quickly as all the others have, and before I know it, I will be there again! And when I am…..expect to be invited on a date!

  2. Tout à fait. And the looking can be such a refuge too. At least it is for me…

  3. Grazie mille, Emilia! I think that you also like to discover beauty where you can…and when you can't you have a gift for making it happen!

  4. Leave it to you to take that thought to the next level…my brilliant Madame Archer. So true and something to look forward to as well…

  5. Thank you, Marsha. I have over 150 of these photos that I took for this post. Remi insisted and helped me edit down to the essentials.

  6. Oh, thank you Deb. You know, I lead a really quiet life these days, so I don't have to go looking too far to see things, they tend to jump out at me, if you know what I mean. Those of you who have full-time jobs, children plus a busy social life…well, I can see how it might be a bit more challenging!

  7. Pshaw! But don't ever forget what Henrietta said about if only you and I lived closer…Much Love to you,

  8. Thank you, Tina. I am off to discover, belatedly, everyone else's posts and LOVE that we all seem to be on the same page…on a subject that could have been quite different!

  9. Much Mahalo, Bill. I am really grateful to have such kind and generous people who stop by here – yourself most certainly included!
    Where are we in the countdown to France??

  10. Gretel, I love your comments. Do you have a blog too? I think that the last time I looked I didn't see one but I would love to ask just in case. I love your description of the sea…such magic…
    And yes to the grass, even if it makes me sneeze!

  11. Yes, I definitely feel the same. I sound like a broken record here most of the time talking about the Big in the Little but I feel it is worth repeating…even if only for myself!

  12. Oh, that will make him happy to hear, David. It was for you, after all…

    And I love those lines too, they never lose their appeal. It is interesting how bendy time got when I was taking these photos. When I would stop each day it was almost like waking from a dream or coming up for air after diving in the sea…

  13. Sister, please take those photos! Pleez? You have such an amazing way of seeing – I would love to see what you see!

  14. Thank you Loree, that is an amazing thing to say! And I like these better than the kind that you put on your finger…

  15. This absolutely made my day. You are a wonderful, beautiful friend, Elizabeth!

  16. Thank you, oh brilliant writer! I find the dew whackadoodle beautiful every single time I see it.

  17. wonderful photo's, I can remember trying to paint a rain drop.
    Thanks for sharing. yvonne

  18. "Diamonds for breakfast," I love that! There are so many treasures right in front of our eyes when we just take a moment to look.

  19. Yes indeedy, Ms. Jeanne! I loved your post too – I thought about it afterwards quite a lot. No metaphors needed in your case.

  20. This is the only meaning of "precious" I can really "appreciate"… The conciousness of beauty of simple moments of our life… it's all in your sentence "I want to wrap…. " I am going to insert your quote among the ones I love the most… Magnificent Heather!

  21. The luxury of nature. Truly the best.
    Thank goodness we have the sense to notice it.
    Lovely post.

  22. The best luxury of all, Heather…
    The beauty is that the grass will re-grow, the dew re-appear and a little magic will happen all over again… Nature is the master… xv

  23. Oh Heather! These photos are amazing!!! And I love the thought of walking through the dew in the morning …I had sort of forgotten about dew……

  24. Such a beautiful post and beautiful words – luxury is certainly all around us – nature is such an amazing gift …

  25. Heather, you have a wonderful knack of truly seeing. The things that others would take for granted and not notice, while in their rushed existence, you observe and notice and wonder at, in close detail! You then shsare your gift for us to stop and appreciate also.
    Gorgeous words and wonderful photography!
    Cheers, Deb – Melbourne

  26. So there was I, lost in the beauty of the morning diamonds, when I read the last line and laughed out loud.

    Oh Heather, this is the most fabulous take on the topic – and further proof that you truly are a creature enchanting.

  27. Beautiful morning to you Heather – dew drops are pretty special drops to see – love the images!!

    Your space is inspiring to all of us so never feel like you are being sent to sleep – you are bringing us an amazing world!!! cheers!!

  28. Very much enjoyed your perspective of luxury, a reminder that luxury is really all around us to discover sometimes in very unexpected places! Lovely post.

  29. Heather…you write sooo beautifully! Love the word "wicking" around my ankles! And the idea of diamond sparkles…only the other day I was watching the sea bleached out pale by the sun so it looked like it was full of glitter rather than water…love to revel in the detail too!
    (PS don't you just love the smell of freshly mown grass 😉 ?!!)

  30. Yes, luxury can be just outside our doorsteps.Awareness of the wide space around us can reveal secrets- "the beauty of the world around”.

    The curling greens with diamonds sparkling with all the glory.Beautiful photos.

  31. So very beautiful! How wonderful to have had the opportunity to enjoy this before it was mowed. I find that as I age it really is the little, simple things in life that are the most important. Thanks for the reminder.

  32. Well, Heather (and with apologies, if no explanations, for my being out of touch for so long)…..these pictures of yours do remind me of Blake's lines (the first quatrain of "auguries of Innocence"):

    "To see a world in a grain of sand,
    And a heaven in a wild flower,
    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour."


    David Terry

    P.S. I can't tell you how many times I've seen those lines mistakenly attributed to Emily Dickinson…..or how many times they've appeared on hand-thrown coffee-mugs at Vermont crafts-fairs. Still?….I like them.

    Say hey to Mister Britches for me; I just moved hos photograph of the white horses into my studio. Guests won't see it, but I will.

  33. You are so luxurious, having diamonds for breakfast! That's a lot of dew – lucky you to notice how beautiful and lucky us to see the world through your eyes! I've been looking at my surroundings with your eye lately – wanting to take photos of the ugliest, mis-shapen Christmas trees on our properties! Not glamorous, tho! I love that you submit these posts on simple pleasures to the By Invitation Only collection! How they must love you (as we all do!)!

  34. You have truly captrued the essence of beauty, Heather. What is more beautiful than Nature's diamonds?

  35. MOWED…………..Now that COULD be BEAUTIFUL TOO!Your diamonds are STUNNING………….how many catch onto the dogs and You as you meander through…….You are so good to GET OUT and walk those PUPPERS.I bet you ALL relish in your daily walks…………… MARSHA said YOU are one of my LUXURIES.To open my computer and see a POST from YOU is like discovering GOLD!I like to save you for last knowing I can savior your photos and words without being interrupted.We both have our four-legged BEASTIES to keep us smiling.That in its self is a LUXURY I would not want to miss out on in LIFE!XOXOXO

  36. What beautiful images and words. That is true luxury! Seeing it mowed down would be startling, and as you say, a reminder to enjoy each day and experience to it's fullest. Life is all too short!

  37. The morning dew. How rare it is that we stop to see it much less appreciate it. You always remind me how much beauty there is – everywhere. Thank you for that, my friend.

    And your images are, as always, another dimension of the pleasure of journey here, with you.


  38. Dear Heather, I can see why you are so contented with Remi in your enchanted part of the world, it is a luxury to wake up in your surroundings and see these glorious dewdrops! To have great health to discover these wonders with passion and boundless energy IS a luxury!

    The Arts by Karena

  39. "I want to wrap the beauty of the world around me so tightly that it courses through my veins." Wow, Heather. So amazingly, beautifully said. Big yes to that. And to this post. And to discoveries and true companionship in life. The luxuries that really count. XOXO

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