The first bloom of Spring

I gasped in mid-sentence. I couldn’t help myself. 
I had been chatting casually with my Mom, pacing in my room as I am want to do…
…when out of the corner of my eye, I spied…
…that the first Magnolia bud had bloomed…
…and brought with it beribboned Spring.
Since then I have watched and waited, day into the last light…
…to spy each beacon firing up one after the next…
…as an unapologetic arbiter of Hope. 
Not the kind with feathers…but those flying on paper wings.

I lift my head upwards, reaching towards Beauty and finding it so comfortingly, right in my own backyard. With a nudge towards l’olivier, our lone olive tree, I whisper, “Come on, it’s your turn.”

Today’s post is my contribution to our International Bloggers Party. This month’s theme included the option of discussing “how flowers bring us inspiration.” Thank Goodness the Magnolia bloomed as otherwise I would have simply written, “How do they not?” As it is, I have taken hundreds of photographs of said tree to date and the fireworks have only just begun.

To read the other takes on this theme which include fashion and “flower power” please click: here.
With all of my Best from Provence,


  1. STILL feels so far away for us! Although I think the trees will begin to pop next week.

  2. On the Palantine Hill? *swoon, falls over, shakes self back to consciousness* Oh PLEASE take photos of that for me…pleeeeease Gillian? Pleeeeease?

  3. Yay Jackie! Thanks for rooting for the olive tree. It is definitely still in sleep mode, as are the rose bush and the vine…each in time…

  4. Karena, I couldn't agree with you more. Walking the dogs in Winter, while beautiful in its own way, is just not the same…

  5. Merci! Ah, I need to go and find your blooms Jackie. How can we NOT talk about them and their beauty? Plus there are so many people that are still in serious need of hope that Spring is actually coming!

  6. Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Oh I would love to see you again! And Heidi too. 🙂 *fingers crossed*

  7. This is the most beautiful description! I need you to be my ghost writer. 😉

  8. There is nothing quite like the first glimpse of spring.

    I did the same when I saw a magnolia in full bloom from the taxi yesterday! I am waiting patiently for the riot of pinky-purple to appear on the incredible tree that sits at the edge of the Palatine hill.

  9. No, Heather, I don't miss the seasons at all. Being in this wonderful place .. wearing Aloha shirts all year long .. enjoying the incredible culture of Kauai .. in a comparative analysis to snow filled winter days by the fireplace and beautiful trees in Fall – nah, don't miss it. I truly feel like one of the 67,000 (Kauai's population) luckiest souls on planet Earth. Of course I do love a soft snowfall .. the kind that has huge flakes floating slowing back and forth .. and I do love the beauty of Aspen trees "turning" in the Fall – crocus et daffodils in the Spring .. Oh, for cryin' out loud, why did you have to go and ask me that question !?! Everyplace on our wonderful orb has its intrinsic beauty and this lifetime is just too short. Speaking of short, Heather, here is my official short (after contemplation) answer to your question:

    "Heather, I love nature, no matter where "She" dwells." LOL

    Aloha, Bill

  10. Oh how wonderful Heather, spring is such a beginning of hope and wonderment. Here is Australia we are in Autumn and await the glorious fire reds and oranges that are coming into the garden before winters slumber.

  11. Absolutely stunning images Heather ……. and what a beautiful colour your magnolia is.
    Come on Olive !!!!! XXXX

  12. Pour le jardinage, il faut d'abord avoir de la chance… et puis il faut apprendre. (; Moi, j'avais de la chance. But flowers are a lot easier to grow than veggies…

  13. So beautiful Heather, we finally have a few bulbs springing up from the ground.
    Mild days lately are so nice, getting out to walk is such a pleasure!
    The Arts by Karena

  14. Seems we are both focused on springtime blooms this week. Either great minds think alike or we are both so very ready for spring! Beautiful photos, Heather!

  15. PS: there was talk (well, texts) yesterday of a girls trip to Paris and Provence in the Fall…. will it really happen? We'll see… But wouldn't that be lovely? I'll keep you posted! XOXO

  16. Yes! I don't think there is much that is more magical as watching these lovely harbingers of spring burst into bloom… they are so languid about it at first, like fireworks in super-slow motion, but they are gone in just a flash. Couture dressed beauties rushing from a ball. Ballerinas pirouetting off the stage. Ours is just finishing, dropping one petal, then another and another in a cloudburst of pink rain. It goes too fast. I'm so glad you captured it here, Heather. Just beautiful. Happy, happy spring! XOXO

  17. Face au dèfi? Ca c'est nous avec notre jardin! Aaaaarhgh! On a pas forcement les mains vertes mais on va tenter le coup! 😮 Je suis certain que ton balcon va être magnifique, Silke…avec la touche d'une vrai artiste…

    Eh oui, 20°! Can you believe it??

  18. In our courtyard, yes!!! And it is a GIANT Magnolia tree too. The petals are starting to fall…it is so lovely…

    As for the garden, after letting it sleep all Winter, Remi is back to work on prepping the soil. Looking good…

  19. You are so welcome, Joy. I wish you could see the blooms when they open at the very end of the day, just before sunset – they are the most gorgeous deep red. And my family is in Michigan – if their Winter has been so brutal, I can only imagine what it has been like for you! Bonne Courage as they say here…

  20. You can do it, Sister!! And I am SO thrilled that you are having a break in the most hideous Winter evah! I hope that you get to sit out on your porch in the sun for a bit this week. 🙂
    I love youu!

  21. It is coming! And welcome to BIO!!! I posted late last night (as I was still taking photos all day, heehee) so I can't wait to see your post…

  22. Merci, Marsha. Thank you for being such a good hostess…am sending Love right back!

  23. Mahalo right back to you, Bill, for your kind words. Do you ever miss the seasons? I know that my Mom did after living in San Diego, CA for so long. But now that she is in Michigan…I bet she wouldn't complain a peep to have blue skies in the 70s everyday!

  24. Autumn is my very favorite season. Always was and always will be. Not even the glories of a Provençal Spring can top it!

  25. I did Catherine, as I take all of the photos here. 🙂 I am glad that you like them – the first is my favorite too!

  26. Dear me, that must be brutal after our easy winter. Next year you should stay until Easter! 🙂

  27. Oh noooo!!! I am so sorry to hear that. And while you are right, it is not our health, our blogs are our babies! I hope that he is able to find the list and get you rebooted…fingers crossed tight…

  28. This light is perfect for you, Emilia. I can just imagine you setting one of your gorgeous tables underneath the Magnolia in full bloom.

  29. Thank you so very much Madame V. I literally cannot stop taking photographs of these blooms! I am building up arm strength by using Remi's heavy telephoto lens. 😉

  30. Such beautiful photographs, Heather. Floating but so very clear!

    I was hoping for such evidence that spring is coming. And I saw it will be more than 20° chez vous…

    Here the sun is shining but still very cold. The Hibiscus on my little bacony is still alive after winter, but thats about all you can see yet. The magnolias will start earliest end of April.

    I am still breaking my mind what flowers I will plant this year. Though a true beginner, I had real flower explosions on my balcony the last two years. Of course it has to be like that this year too. Faut se mettre face au dèfi. (;

    And, yes wow a magnolia in your courtyard!

  31. There is still much snow and slush on the ground here in Montreal….but for two days we have had mild weather to tease us that Spring may actually appear sooner than later…and then, your exquisite photographs arrived to assure one that the upcoming months can and will deliver flora magic once again.
    The pictures are all gems..and thank you for that burst of magnificent colour….it truly dazzles all ones senses!

  32. Oh the lighting is perfect! A miracle to watch the magnolia bloom. You caught it!

  33. Wow – no wonder you gasped! I can't buh-lieve you already have blossoms over there!! They are so beautiful; I love that you showed them in different angles and light (love the "last light" photo). Even the buds are hopeful! We just have mounds and mounds of slushy, melting snow (which I'll take over frozen, accumulating snow, but still). It's warmer here, at least – so that combined with your beautiful pink blossoms will keep me holding on for a little…while…longer…..(thank you for giving me hope and beauty!)

  34. What beautiful thoughts to match your beautiful images…makes me so excited for Spring!

  35. I agree with Vicki completely, youir most beautiful photographs EVER !!
    Thank you thank you thank you for your poetic and perfect thoughts and images.
    sending love….

  36. Oh Yeah …. Spring !! I remember Spring in the Rockies .. now enjoy "Spring" all year long on beautiful Kauai. Happy Spring to you, Heather, and as wonderful Dean Martin was fond of saying – "Keep those cards and letters coming". Mahalo et Merci !


  37. Gorgeous. Such hope expressed, upon entering a new phase and with sublime photography! I'm hoping for the turning of autumn leaves soon!
    Deborah Carter

  38. Absolutely beautiful photographs, Heather…did you take them?
    The first shot is my favourite; I'd frame it!
    Have a lovely week xx

  39. Just lovely… and gives me hope that I'll soon see snowdrops and crocuses pushing up through the snow covered ground. Yes, we left Aix too soon…in time for MUCH more snow in the DC area!

  40. Beribboned SPRING!Love that expression or words…………….
    I too will be snapping away soon.Looks like rain here we need so bad!
    Side note:My computer genius has lost my SUBSCRIBERS……no wordpress or email notification about my new post!!!BREATHING DEEP………..just a little old blog……..WE HAVE OUR HEALTH!!!!XOXO

  41. There are signs of spring even in the deepest of the winters ! But to see them, you must be a great observer.
    Wonderful photos Heather! I like that light!
    Great words! Ciao bella

  42. The photos are just awesome Heather. Incidentally,do all Americans pace around the room when they talk to their mum? 🙂

  43. Gorgeous. Thank you for the injection of hope…. no signs of spring here. Not yet.

  44. Your most beautiful photographs… ever… Bravo, Heather… Magnolia the magnificent in all her early glory… xv

  45. As always, exquisitely expressed, Heather. Most beautiful beacons indeed.

    (I haven't seen too many signs of spring just yet, but soon I hope!)


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