Something out of nothing

The fog lay heavy on the high hills this morning, blocking my view. So it was a lovely surprise that as I sipped my tea, it slipped away or perhaps was chased by a bullying sun. We have had much rain in the past few days so I donned my thick boots, ready to battle the mud on my morning walk with the dogs. The humidity clung in the air and I could feel the curls springing on my head and tickling the back of my neck. As we passed the park, I paused to watch a group of tiny children of the barely walking age spin out from their keepers like starlings. One boy among them held up a red leaf as if he was seeing it for the very first time, as if it might be the greatest prize. And maybe he was right. I could hear their wordless murmurs bubbling into the air as I continued on my path. The light shined so clearly that I found beauty buried in puddles, in lines of fallen branches. No different from the small ones, then, filled with delectable wonder, that quiet flying hope.

As I have said before, for me fall is not a time of degeneration but of regeneration. And what a fantastic resource awaited me after I kicked off my mud-covered Tod’s and opened up my email! The incredibly talented Vicki Archer is celebrating the sixth anniversary of her blog by offering a very cool e-book that she created for the occasion with the help of illustrator Leo Greenfield. Plus, she has completely redesigned her website and it too is a treasure-trove. Vicki is always ten if not twenty steps ahead of the game and yet she is extremely generous and genuine. You can read all about  the goings-on at

Jazz is autumn’s song. A recent discovery is the duo of Airelle Besson and Nelson Veras. Plus, imagine my delight when I learned that this mini-documentary was filmed where the album was recorded…

in Arles! 

So you see? In the little and the big, inspiration is everywhere, ours for the taking…
With my Best from Provence,


  1. Emilia, j'adore quand tu m'écrire en français!! Même si mon français écrit est pas top, je comprends tout. 🙂
    Gros Bisous…

  2. What beautiful moody imagery (and words). And jazz! A lovely surprise for a chilly afternoon.


  3. Winter comes slowly, hides under the leaves then whispers and cools your lips. The wonderful bright colors suddenly are covered with pure whiteness,as if angels descended from the sky.
    Yes. Thank you Heather for the magic of jazz.

  4. Beautiful images! I like that greyish puddle a lot! Does that mean your camera is working again or did you use Remi's instead?
    Bisous, XOXO

  5. Je me suis régalée ce matin avec cette belle image de l'autumne, je l'adore encore plus maintenant. Ce qui ma frappée le plus c'est le "bullying sun" qui arrive comme s'il n'avait pas le droit de le faire mais il est toujours là à s'imposer quand meme. MAGNIFIQUE! L'enfance et le feuilles sont aussi des doux souvenirs des temps passés. Il est beau de commencer comme ça ma journée!

    J'irais surement voir le blog de Vicky.

    J'ai pu voir la video ce matin! Très belle journée ma chère!
    Bisous (Je n'ai pas envie d'ecrire en anglais ce matin)

  6. Ah, how wonderful to find inspiration in so many places – especially in that gorgeous leaf in your first photo. Lovely, Heather! I think any season, any day -even the darkest- can be regenerative if we keep just a half an eye open for beauty. Thanks for reminding us it's there for the taking.

    Vicki inspires me, too! Wow. Love what's she's done with her "place" – and love all the more that she titled it simply "Vicki Archer". How wonderful.

    Here's hoping there's much more inspiration waiting for you as the week unfold!s! XOXO

  7. Well, that golden brown leaf speaks to me!I wish you would send the rain to me………we need it so!Sipping a coffee gearing up for the dinner hour………..I saw the book but NOT the new website I best skip over to see what THAT MADAME has done!!!!!She is a Beautiful writer just like YOU!XOXO

  8. Making something out of nothing – it sounds like the sort of thing that I like to do. It is no wonder that I am drawn to your blog.

  9. I enjoyed this post but I especially loved the first photo. So beautiful, complex and many layered like someone I know. Personally, I'm a fan of spring and summer but I've grown to appreciate the contemplative moodiness of fall and winter. XO, Tabby

  10. Beautiful Heather. I was walking out recently and did the same thing; there were red leaves so unbelievably gorgeous that I had to pick several and simply gaze at them and natures bounty!

    The Arts by Karena

  11. Ahh, doesn't the wet air give us a new and different view that allows the colors and lines to pop out?
    Thank you for the video. I have a particular weakness for jazz trumpet players. And even though my son is one of their number, especially female ones.

  12. "For me fall is not a time of degeneration but of regeneration" – Heather, this is why I feel we are kindred spirits. I have always felt that way about fall. Wow. You writing amazes me more and more with every post.

  13. I needed some inspiration today as the chilly – make that, cold – autumn blast from the North seems to be chilling my spirit as well as the atmosphere. Perhaps my winter doldrums arrived early this year. In any event, your post is a day-brighteners!

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