Time to skeedaddle

It is time to skeedaddle, mes amis. Ah yes, do you hear the pounding of hooves in the Arena and the rolling of wine barrels towards the bars? It can only mean one thing, the Feria de Pâques has arrived yet again. 

And this year, we have a new bodega or nightclub that is conveniently located right under…

…our bedroom window! So let’s follow that arrow…

…and leave the old things behind…

…for a bit of new!

Some time in the outdoors…

…to watch the shadows twist and turn…

…under the big blue sky.

I will let the crowds slake their blood-thirst and come back to the quieter Arles that I know and love next week. So please pardon me, it is time to dosey doe…off I go…

Kids, I know that a lot of you don’t have instagram (although you don’t need a smart phone to follow along, just take a gander here) so I thought that I would share some of my recent favorite photos. I have prepared a few very light posts for while we are gone. Alas someone beat us to the punch and reserved our beloved cabanon in the Luberon but we have found another in the country outside of L’Isle sur la Sorgue which looks lovely. However, they have told us that internet and phone connections are shaky. So if you don’t hear a peep from me, not to worry, I’ll be back soon and I will take this time to wish you a bit in advance a very Happy Easter weekend for those that are celebrating and for everyone else, Happy Spring!


  1. You have no idea! Especially as said nightclub is in Pipi Alley… 🙁

    Hope you had a lovely Easter…

  2. Oh, I hear you Janey. We went twice to the Antiques Fair (the huge semiannual big dealy) and the first time it was empty, the second I wanted to flee! Still it was interesting. Did you like your rental in Loumarin??

  3. Just what the doc ordered, friend…now if I could somehow transport YOU there…

  4. Thank you, Jennifer. It was a complete blessing (no pun intended) – made me think about how much time I spend at home…

  5. I took so many that I filled up my memory card!!! Did you buy lots of antiques when you were there? It is La Contessa Heaven!

  6. It was very Springlike and quiet Sharon. I hope that yours was wonderful too…

  7. Merci, Cole. As much as I have made fun of it in the past, I now am enjoying Instagram, I have to admit…!

  8. Michel, it was even quieter!!!! More about it next week as it is a true find. My Best Wishes to you as well…when are you two heading back this way?

  9. Thank you so kindly Lorrie. Looking forward to seeing what is growing for you this Spring…

  10. I have been thinking of you oodles.

    And yes, a lot of the time but not today. Occasionally, I have to desaturate the blue of the photos in Photoshop because otherwise it just looks too crazy!

  11. Gina, I am SO sorry that I am so late in responding to this – we had even less internet than usual while away. The Jules Cesar is not a small hotel! 🙂 It is currently being renovated by famous designer Christian Lacroix and will most likely be a 4 or 5 star when it reopens. We drove by it on our way back into town and it is looking gorgeous. The building is amazing – it was a convent until the French Revolution and has a garden in the back…
    If you need anything else, feel free to email me at robinsonheather (at) yahoo.com…I love to help!

  12. Am just coming to your warm Wishes after having written my new post – and it looks as though you made a wonderful prediction!! Merci friend, looking forward to getting caught up with you…

  13. Hello to you both and I trust that your Eastertide was a joyful one as well? I imagine Jane signing at the lovely church in Budapest…such a fitting tribute to lift one's voice in song. Much Love to you both,

  14. A nightclub under your bedroom window?! Quelle horreur!! Like, seriously.
    Enjoy your exile and happy (belated) Easter!

  15. Love that first shot with the Wisteria. Enjoy your holiday. We rented a village house in Lourmarin for a week and headed into the hills daily. Wish we had visited L'Isle sur la Sorge any day but market day. In am not one for large crowds. I am so jealous…would love to be back there. Can't wait to see your pictures.

  16. Have a lovely break! Happy Easter. I think spotty Internet and phone can be a very good thing. Enjoy!

  17. I have been to L'isle du SORGUE (did i spell the right?Probably not!)Even worse if you could hear me pronounce it!
    Beautiful area to spend the weekend!We stayed in an old farmhouse in the middle of a cherry orchard!Small little town……OF COURSE and I cannot recall the name!This was many years ago I went with some neighbors.My room for the week was $300.00.I couldn't PASS that up!
    Hope the EASTER BUN BUN finds you and the PUPS in a field of flowers!!!!TAKE PHOTOS!!!

  18. I love the term skedaddle Heather, miss yoou and I know I am remiss in visiting, just know how much your images speak to my soul!

    The Arts by Karena

  19. Oh my yes, you definitely can't be above a nightclub during that! Enjoy your break!

  20. I hope you enjoy your new digs near L'Isle sur la Sorgue. I wonder whether or not you will find the same tranquility there as you do at your favorite hang out in the Luberon. I hope you are enjoying the spring.

  21. Happy Spring and a blessed Easter to you and Remi. Enjoy your time away from the hurly burly of the feria.

  22. Dear Heather, Beautiful and interesting photographs, as always. Knee deep in Alligators, skeedaddle and dosey doe all go together. Have a great vacation and bring back a few pictures and don't forget a couple of pictures of Kipling and Ben.
    By the way, can you recommend the small hotel in Arles, Hotel Jules Cesar? ox, Gina

  23. Coming from Out West I understand both skeedaddle and dosey doe! Have a great time away, and Happy Easter. I will look for you on Instagram. I am there under TravelnWrite – hope you'll follow along there and I will do the same as soon as I find you!

  24. Happy, happy Spring and have a lovely Easter break, dear Heather. I'm glad you and Remi and the pups get to get away from all the madness. Hope you return refreshed and renewed. Thanks as always for sharing the beauty around you with us! XOXO

  25. Even I don't understand or could find the translation for skeedaddle and dosey doe????? I wish you a relaxing
    Easter weekend.

  26. Hello Heather:

    We wish you and Remi much joy, happiness and peace this Eastertide. We are certain that you will make the most of every minute of your sojourn away from Arles and will look forward to hearing from you as and when and, most certainly, on your return.

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