Sending a letter…

…to my Honey…
Just three little words…
…written on my heart…
…and signed with a kiss…
Wishing you all a lot of Love on this Valentine’s Day, whether you celebrate it or not!


  1. How can you make something as ordinary as mailing a letter be so evocative and poignant?

  2. Aww..there's always a place in my heart to celebrate love. I am sure you received an immediate reply by return post as well as extra smoochy kisses from the puppers.

  3. I hope your day and eve were divine!My day was glorious first the Granddog arrived and got into bed with me then Valentines started to pop up.The best was the one delivered by the Postman!Then there was Saint Francis of Assisi who resides in the powder room shower…….well he was sporting a small ruby and diamond ring on his pinkie!!!!!!Then all three of my boys arrived home early from work!!!!a beautiful day!

  4. I hope you four had a wonderful Saint Valentin. This must be the prettiest little letterbox you could ever see. I love the climbers on the wall and the trunk against the – what is it – a gutter?

  5. There is a lot of powerful meaning behind those three little words. Sending fond Valentine's wishes to you and yours dear Heather!

  6. Delightful – perhaps the simplest and most positively powerful sentence that can ever be written.
    Happy St Valentine's day to you and your family Heather. Bisous

  7. .. and I'm sitting here wondering "how the heck did she write on her heart?" … Hey, we boyz can't help it, we're wired that way … but I did send my Baby some nice flowers today, does that count? Happy Valentines Day everyone!

  8. Aw, and right back at you! Think I'll forward this along to my own honey: A traveling Valentine's Day letter — a modern day chain letter?


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