
I am sliding into my quiet phase, which arrives without fail mid-January and parts sans fanfare in the beginning of March. I would bet that it was the same last year? Let’s see…yes, just the same…but with better writing! For already, I feel the verbal slipping beyond my grasp, as if someone was speaking in the next room but I can’t quite make out the words that they are saying. Fortunately, there are always visuals – in this case photos of the beautiful village of Joucas – to keep the balance in flight. 
Well, I will also add one idea that popped into my redhead this morning, thanks to the wonderful Vickie Lester at Beguiling Hollywood, who was extolling her appreciation for the kindness present – the goodwill too – of her interactions on the internet, something for which I am exceedingly grateful as well. Her remark reminded me of a conversation that I had with Remi yesterday in which he was discussing the idea of “home” as a place where you are understood. I thought about that quite a bit. And while I realize that many of you visit to discover the glories of this beautiful Provence, there are also those that are here because you share a bit of understanding with me. It is something I most certainly do not take for granted. Even in this quiet time, especially so.

PS. My sister sent me a screen shot of her weather forecast yesterday – with the windchill it was -29°F! 
So no matter where you are, cuddle up, take good care and enjoy:
PPS. For those of you that have inquired (merci!), you can find me on Instagram at lostinarles


  1. Thank you so very much for your kind words, Michel. They are appreciated more than you know! Wishing you and your lovely wife a wonderful weekend as well.

  2. It has been raining here too so I am happy to have these photos even if they were only taken a few weeks ago, it seems far!

  3. Your pictures in Joucas are beautiful. You have such a good eye. You inspire me to be more vigilant as we travel around Provence to look for the simple beautiful images you seem to find routinely. Have a great weekend my friend.

  4. Beautiful pics. Thank you for them. It's pouring rain in Victoria. Much nicer to dream of France.

  5. Those plants are Oleander. They seem to grow everywhere in that part of the world. They have lovely flowers, anywhere from white to deep pink. 🙂

  6. Ah Anna! What a fine eye you have because it is the most beautiful house in the village! 😉

  7. No, I understand it too…well, actually with age so I agree with you! :à But they are close, close…

  8. I wish you peace wherever you are, I do believe it is because your fine talents are much in demand! And I also appreciate greatly how you see whatever I put up here in words and photos. Thank you for being here, Silke.

  9. Oh gosh, I have not the slightest idea! Alas, I as much as I love plants and flowers, I am absolutely uneducated. And I think that you are a specialist in diving into the quiet in the best possible way…

  10. Beh, who could not love and appreciate you? The mind reels…
    Bisous wonderful lady,

  11. Margaret, I wrote something so similar to your final phrases then erased it as I have written it so many times, I think…But it is oh so true, it is a true gift…for I love imagining your dive towards autumn (my favorite time of year) so much…

  12. I absolutely, absolute agree with you about that Bill. The most amazing experiences that we had in our travels together were often about having a true connection beyond language, a recognition of humanity…
    Aloha to you as well! (I can say that can't I?)

  13. I was so proud of that photo but then Remi popped up behind me and took one on his iphone–his iphone!–that was just so fabulous…still learning…And I think that you are really right. Best just to embrace this time…

  14. Till now I always thought that "home is where your heart is". Moving so much, I had never problems with that saying but since I moved recently back to EU I know that
    "home is where your roots are" (or is it the feeling from a woman of a certain age?)

  15. Very heartwarming yet clearly composed images. La silhouette de la corde à linge reflète cet état de sérénité. Home is where our hearts and minds are. Me too I am looking forward to my visits ici.

  16. Blessed be the quiet phases of life. How we need them in our daily lives, crowded as they are in noise and white noise and sensory overload. In the second photo, under the blue shutters, there are plants that look very like the swan plants I have in my garden for monarch caterpillar food. Do you know what they are?

  17. perhaps remi has uncovered the secret as to what makes a home such a special place to be…

  18. "The whole sting and excitement of our voluntary life depends on our sense that in it things are really being decided from one moment to another, and that it is not the dull rattling off of a chain that was forged innumerable ages ago”-William James
    I think it’s one of those winter days when we can’t keep ourselves warm enough in body and thought.

    I like the photos and the song.

  19. Every painted door,potted plant,rock,lantern……….it all speaks to me.THANKS for sharing your WORLD……….
    I have to agree with JACKIE SMITH above me………the blogsphere friends I tend to have more in common with then my friends here of many years!

  20. I am finding that often times my 'blogosphere friends' understand me better than those I know in 'real life'. It has become quite a special group of people and I look forward to my regular visits with them and their return visits to 'my place' as well. Thanks for being a part of it, Heather.

  21. In this quiet time of the year, what an opportunity we have to observe and reflect under the Winter sun. You have captured that feeling so well in these photos.

  22. mmm … while you're enjoying the quiet coolness of the north Heather we're savouring the last month of summer in Oz. It's my favourite time of year as we head towards autumn. Warm February evenings. Eating outside most nights under the grapevine. Still in summer slow-mo after beach holidays. Lovely how the internet brings our various 'nows' to the fore so we can enjoy them all. Thanks for sharing that winter sunlight and quiet.

  23. Such a good thought .. being understood as a gift of "being home". May I suggest one parallel to this thought being that we can be "home' and understood any place on earth, with any people, when we open our hearts, make an attempt to "feel" those in our presence, and remain humble and receptive. Even the barrier of language is diminished when we exercise these acts. Thank you and Remi so much for the reminder .. very enjoyable! Aloha!

  24. Oh, Heather! These beautiful photos brought tears to my eyes. Perhaps it's the time of year.

  25. I enjoy reading your blog, The photo shots you have shown seem to reflect your mood. I think it's a very thoughtful mood at the moment, we all need quiet times to reflect on the do's & don'ts in our lives. Love the door photos, but my favourite is the shadow of the washing hung on the line.

  26. You've captured the quiet of this time of year, exactly. And it seems we are in the same state of mind — agreed that I do visit here for a taste of that shared understanding.

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