Sometimes cloudy days

Sometimes cloudy days are best.

For seeing.

For thinking.

For being quiet.

Have a lovely weekend…

And if you need permission to go take a nap or read or watch an old movie? Well, I give it to you!


  1. If I didn't have to walk the dogs I would have stayed in my pjs all day long! But NO one can not walk the dogs in pjs in France–not even yoga pants! Sigh.

  2. Oh yay that you noticed that. I am actually far pickier about the layout of photos here than I should be! 😉 And yes, today is one of those too bright days here too! I had to close the curtains!

  3. Thank you dear Greet!!! Oh, you would love that door. It is HUGE. Truly enormous–as you can by the regular size door that is cut into it. And there is a courtyard behind…how I would love to visit…

  4. Ah but it can be good to have a break too, can't it? A bit of a palate cleanser. 🙂
    And everything looks more mysterious under cloudy skies…

  5. Oh you are welcome! It is nice to spread the word. I like his blog too. Please do let me know if Mrs. A et co make it to the bistro. 🙂

  6. You loved being 42? I loved being 35!! And no complaining from you missy–you earned that jetlag!!!!

  7. Oh what an interesting way to put it, Loree. And yes, of course, for you it is the same as it with us here–at times a respite from the intense sun feels wonderful.

  8. Sometimes I pray for cloudy days because I feel like they give me permission to be lazy. This didn't work too well when I lived in Dublin though since it was pretty much always cloudy 😉 x

  9. Such an amazingly beautiful post. I agree, on this cloudy Seattle day I am thankful I don't have to feel guilty for still being in my PJs. Especially since you gave me permission! Thanks 😉 Hope your weekend is as gorgeous as these photos! XOXO

  10. On a purely practical level, things can be clearer on a cloudy day. The other day, when I was out, I was nearly blinded by the sun; so intense, my eyes were weeping. Lovely photos. Love the way the colour of the little blue lamp is echoed in the little blue flowers in the following photo.

  11. Indeed, it may be cloudy but the colors remain so beautiful!!! Gorgeous pictures Heather! And that door!!!!
    Happy weekend my friend!

  12. Beautiful stonework, beautiful colours, mysterious alleyways, beckoning come hither! Gorgeous images as always Heather! My computer has had a glitch and I had to wait for a part to be posted to me. So I've been without any contact for over a week and have missed my daily feed of wonderful images and musings!
    Deborah from Melbourne.

  13. Hi Heather,
    One of those moments when the meaningful things become clear in your mind. The keyholes, iron grill windows, closed doors, the church itself whisper stories.

    I will tell Mrs. Abstract and a friend who are spending 2 days next week near Occidental about Bistro des Copains.
    I like Michel's blog.
    Thank you.

  14. Are you reading my mind??I am off to take a little nap!Jet lag,go away!Been up since 3 am………..
    I love that 42 address sign………think they would miss it?Not that it would work for me as my address is 16…….but I did love being 42!It was a great age……………xoxo

  15. I totally agree with everything you have written. And for me, cloudy days are always the best days. It's when I truly come alive. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs from a still-very-sunny island.

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