Kings of the mountain!

Well, hellooo there! I am actually guest-posting over at the uber-talented D.A. Wolf’s blog Daily Plate of Crazy but do you think that I could leave you empty-handed? Bien sûr que non! Because I don’t know about you but I am in serious need of fluffy pupper photos. Ben and Kipling are at their finest when they are dehors (aka outside) plus there is nothing like being up on a mountain — one where some very special things happen — to inspire their spirits to shine. 
If you would like to read my guest-post, something of a companion piece to my previous post, by all means please click here!

From my little family to yours, wishing you all a wonderful week ahead…
©Remi Benali–Merci, sweetheart for this photo!

to listen:


  1. That first photo reminds me of a Lassie publicity shot. You should start merchandising those puppies they're so photogenic. Must run, I need to write a post about our olive harvest. Ta!

  2. You and the puppers is one of the most beautiful photographs in the world, old masters' painting beauty.

  3. Such beautiful shots of the boys! Their coats match the color of the scenery perfectly 🙂

  4. The royal pair roam the whole expanse of the boundless horizon then nestled back to their queen who with her benevolent glance invites us to enjoy her domain and says her farewell with a favorite jazzy tune.

  5. I think I want to be a Golden living in Provence – looking beautiful and seeing beauty all around!

  6. "All the Cats join in"! Did the puppers approve of that? and there can never be enough photos of beautiful fluffy puppers.

  7. I know how difficult it is to bring a dog's spirit into a photograph, and you have done it better than anyone…glorious dogs, glorious photographs!! And Remi's photograph of you with Ben and Kipling…absolutely gorgeous…you all are joy incarnate! Thanks you so much for these very moving gifts, and for the music to go with them, Leslie

  8. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been missing those two. And we get to see your lovely face, too.

  9. That really was just a super happy relaxed moment! I was so glad that Remi captured it. And I know what a pupper lover you are AND how lucky your dogs are to have you!

  10. That is a great song! Happy for a happy moment, that is a good goal if ever there was one. And my oh meoh I love those tights!!! Smile returned via express mail…

  11. Well, you know how I love dogs so my heart melted a little and I have a big smile across my face. Aren't they just the most wonderful friends? And you, mommy-dearest, are the absolute BEST showing them to us in this way. You look so happy. Much love….

  12. Oh yes, thanks for the Monday morning boost! Karina, too, is at her bounciest when "dehors."

  13. Oh, Heather, I'm so glad you included yourself in that last pic! I was going to say that the images of your dogs were nothing short of majestic and then I saw your lovely face–while listening to a bit of U2. (Where the Streets Have No Name.) Nice moment. 🙂

  14. Now if that doesn't get me out of my case of the grumpy Mondays, I don't know what will. Thanks for putting a smile on my face, Heather! XOXO

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