The last miles

I am curled up like a cat, listening to the motor’s hum. We have been on the road for nearly three hours and are in the last miles until Arles. Slightly compulsively, I have taken to counting the minutes to keep time from outsmarting me with taffy pulling trickery. For each moment seems longer than the last as the mountains shrink from hills to plains until I know that I am not ready to go home or even that where we live is not really our home–something I have a tendency to forget–but rather where we are. 
So we roll along, a portable family, together but silent. Before I can sink into an easy sadness, Madame Nature, who has so bedazzled me in the past few days, takes pity on me and gives me one last gift. She rolls out the black clouds with the snap of a cape, pushing the sunset down to the horizon, wiping clean all in its path. I half close my eyes and let the blur warm me past my heart, down to my toes. 
The exit for Arles is fast approaching. I fidget and bite my lip, wondering what is next.

My heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims of the terror attack twelve years ago today. Your loved ones walked their last miles in honor, now may they be at peace.


  1. Beautiful, Heather. How lucky we are to be able to look at the sky and watch the clouds. Every breath is a gift. XOXO

  2. We spent this 9/11 in Canada. It is interesting to be elsewhere and look at our country through the eyes of another media. . .especially at an event so ingrained in our memories.

  3. Ah, that strange transition between the leaving and the arriving, the pull and the tug. It's an important journey all on its own. Imagine if we could all be teleported; our minds and bodies would always be ill at ease with no time to adjust from where we've been to where we are. We are remembering 9/11 too.

  4. Despite the black clouds, the moon remains as a constant, despite all else. Your words are respectful for this day. The images, a perfect partner…
    Deborah from Melbourne.

  5. Heather I always enjoy your poetic words. I am sure your time away from Arles was perfect in every way and that you've made new memories that will last a life-time. I have been away. We got back from the US 10 days ago. Coming back to this small island always feels so surreal. Take care.

  6. That smoke-shrouded moon is incredible. I know they are clouds but it speaks something else entirely to me. This, I love: 'She rolls out the black clouds with the snap of a cape, pushing the sunset down to the horizon, wiping clean all in its path. I half close my eyes and let the blur warm me past my heart, down to my toes.'

    Listening to Zeppelin's 'Rain Song' as I enjoy your post. Quite perfect.

  7. Perfect for this day. Somber and respectful,yet a ray of light and silver lining in those clouds for those remaining.

  8. That day, if you remember, was a beautiful early autumn day in the Northeast. It always breaks my heart that it was so perfect a day. Thank you for remembering in your own, very special way

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