Beep beep

And I’m off, quicker than a fleeting shadow. 
We are heading north for a wedding–no, not our own, yes, I am taking my camera and no, the puppers will not be ring bearers.
This will be the first wedding that I am attending in France and I am curious as to how that will roll but above all delighted for the happy and deserving couple.
Wishing you all a wonderful next few days, I should be back at this space early next week.


  1. Oooh I can't wait to hear your take on them! There are so many subtle differences and like SL said above, they run late! The second one we went to (a week after our own), the dancing started at 1:30am! I was so wiped out the next day. Enjoy and have fun! xo.

  2. Oh, have fun! Disappointing that the pups won't be ring bearers, but hopefully everything else about the celebration will be delightful!

  3. Have fun! And if it's anything like any of the four I've been to here (4!!!), then prepare yourself for a LATE night… like getting dessert at 3am kind of late. xo.

  4. I hope it is a wonderful, heart-embracing wedding and celebration! After the U.S. Supreme Court decisions issued yesterday and the day before, my mind is very much on marriage (I who was never going to marry) and voting rights! Love, Leslie in Portland, Oregon

  5. Bon voyage, Heather! I've never been to a French wedding and it sounds romantic. Hope you enjoy the experience and can share a bit with us!

  6. Looking forward to hearing all about the wedding. Thanks for leaving us with such pensive images.

  7. Springtime and weddings go hand-in-hand no matter where you live, don't they? I just wrote about ours; well, our wedding night actually as it seemed to be the opening act for this life of travel we now live. Enjoy that wedding and have a wonderful weekend! Look forward to a future report~
    xo Jackie

  8. Enjoy the wedding Heather… I am heading to Toulouse this weekend… and anniversary not a wedding! Are our paths crossing?
    Have a fabulous time… xv

  9. Oddly enough, Heather, my first three trips to France involved going to weddings held by upper middle-class families (i.e….elaborate, fancy dress, hectic, 3-day events). As you might guess, my impression of "What Daily Life is like in France" was remarkably inaccurate.

    Of course, the last timeHerve and I were in Aix en Provence, we got ourselves happily caught up in a VERY elaborate Iranian (I kid you not) wedding with at least 200 guests filling the square. I've never see so much gold in one place, outside of the Cathedral treasury in Granada.

    Have fun,
    david terry

  10. The window..the window…I wonder about that window..have I seen it before? 🙂

    Best wishes for a wonderful weekend

    PS..Mr. H has printed out all the info you sent me on Siem Reap..loving all your notes and yes, many places still exist. I will be back again..and plan to follow your notes in more detail. I wish we had you as our tour guide, so much better than the one we had! Many thanks! xx

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