Cabanon dreams

Camelot, my Camelot…a castle to call my own…or just…a cabanon.
I was thinking earlier today that my life has hardly been linear. And while I know in my head that every moment has been a result of a previous choice plus the occasional bolt of luck, looking back it does seem all over the map. Literally. Nomad me, even in society.
So perhaps that is why I long for something solid, a little hideaway to call my own where I can live as I please. One that won’t suddenly disappear and will offer the same joys year after year.
My companion, whose jolts and dashes have been erratic as mine, feels the same. So we go hunting, cabanon hunting in Provence. It seems the perfect landscape, lavender fields, olive groves. And there they are, those often abandoned buildings, small enough to be our doll’s house. Just the size for dreaming and an afternoon nap.
We scour them out, we chase across distant fields to find them. In our minds we fix them up, we argue over where the kitchen would go. We own them even if it is only in our cabanon dreams.

I don’t need a castle. Nor perfection or idealism. No swords drawn out of a rock. Or miracles at all save for the everyday kind…
Shaking out the sheets on a line, pulling tomatoes, toes buried in the grass next to the one I love.
I am not there yet, but I am not far either. If my life has not been linear, who knows, perhaps I am closer than I think?
Today’s post was my little “Hello!” as part of the series By Invitation Only, in which bloggers around the world share their interpretations on a common theme, this month’s being “Camelot.” 
To see the other wonderful posts, please do click here. There are such talented women in this group and we will be on break until September. 
Come on, there is nothing wrong with dreaming is there?


  1. Now Heather you are a mind-reader as well as a dreamer. I shall cherish that thought.

  2. I can feel it in my heart Heather…it will come, your Camelot.
    I am sure when you least expect it..
    it will welcome you with open windows.
    A beautiful post Heather,
    your photographs leapt off the page along with your words.
    Just as I would have expected. xx

    PS…keep an eye on your post box,
    there is a little something coming your way. 🙂

  3. Ah – Camelot….


    lovely post dear heather.

    and tranquil music choice.



  4. Beautiful. I especially love: "If my life has not been linear, who knows, perhaps I am closer than I think?" I find it true that the more we enjoy the journey toward our dreams the more likely they are to just show up on our doorstep one day.
    Thank you for taking us along with you on your quest. Warmly ~LeAnn, l&l

  5. Charmee de vos photos, je m'arrete pour la premiere fois ici deposer un bravo pour les belles publications.Je vous ai croisee a travers un blog aime, celui de Karin "La Pouyette".
    A bientot j'espere!

  6. Francine, you of all people will appreciate what I call our "cabanon des reves"–I would love to rent it someday. You might recognize it from being in Cote Sud, etc. :
    Isn't it lovely?
    And yes, I will keep you in mind while we look! You never know…

  7. This is the most beautiful tribute to a beautiful, rich, simple and well lived life. Let me know when you find your cabanon as I share the same dream…. if you ever find a second one…do draw me a line….I am searching for my own cabanon as well…

  8. That absolutely sounds like something we would want to do! Actually there is an abandoned church up in the hills near here that I have written about wanting to "save"…maybe one day…

  9. That is one of our favorites, Judith and we went back to say hello to it on our last trip to the Luberon. How lucky those owners are…Still finishing reading your lovely post, Judith!

  10. Helen, did you see Wyn's response above? I can imagine you painting outside of all of these cabanons…Stepping in just to take an afternoon nap to escape the heat…

  11. Oh, I think we have a LOT in common, Leslie. And isn't your boat your matchbox? We were talking this morning about the dream of owning a boat to be able to move your dreams around from place to place…
    PS. I really like Bonobo's music–I bought the album and am not disappointed!

  12. In the Alpilles?!? Now that is a dream indeed. Although we did go to visit one the other week at 35K. Seem to good to be true? It was… 😉

  13. Susan, Remi and I talked about your question in the car yesterday as we drove to the mountains…I suppose it is a question of perspective. Some folks seem to live rather A + B = C existences but we all have our swoops and swirls don't we? You are right!

  14. Thank you, friend. This meant so much to me and was quite a lovely gift to hold on to. And I will.

  15. Yes but I like to carry my dreams around with me in my front pocket, Mr. Laoch!

  16. Yes, Wyn! And we would probably take up painting too if we find the right space to do so… 🙂

  17. Yes, I can picture you and yours happy in such a little getaway too. 🙂

  18. Thank you for the perspective, Michel–I promise to keep that in mind!! Solid, solid advice.

  19. Exactly, Naomi! We love the hunt. Who knows if it will ever happen but the hunt gives us hope…and I will ALWAYS choose a smaller space than a bigger one, that is just me…

  20. Thank you so much for bringing us all together, dear Marsha! And yes, this is very Remi too. We are both such dreamers and have a distinct longing to "save" the forgotten and abandoned. I love imagining you at home with your dogs, calm and content…

  21. Oh Gina, I thought that they were all so beautiful this time around! But thank you…

  22. Simple dreams are the most beautiful. Me and Mr like to climb over hedges and scout old buildings: he found an old viaduct and talked of putting a roof over it, that was a good bit of dreaming! x

  23. These are all gorgeous in their own way, but that penultimate one, surrounded by tall trees calls to me. And the photo before it: what a gorgeous scene! Oh Heather I do hope you find the cabanon of yours and Remi's dreams!

  24. Any of those will do!I will sleep outside when I come to visit!

  25. Hello Heather

    Your search for a cabanon and the dream is one that re-occurs with me. Keep dreaming and it will happen. Like you, I have no desire for a mansion or large home and the smaller more efficient spaces appeal.
    Thank you for this beautiful escape to your corner of paradise

    Helen xx

  26. Every one of the cabanons you picture in this post, and their surrounding countryside, is so enticing! As long as Scott and I have been committed to each other, we have pictured ourselves living in what we have called a matchbox: a small dwelling that just fits us, that we make our beautiful own. Now I know the French word for that dream! As different as our paths are right now, we are fellow travelers, Heather! Fondly, Leslie in Portland, Oregon

    P.S. Thank you too for the video–I look forward to listening to it at full throttle tomorrow, when there are no sleepers around!

  27. I am sure your cabanon is not far away Heather…

    A little cabanon in the Alpilles… now that is truly Camelot… xv

  28. You've found some perfect Camelot images. The dream is in the mind of the dreamer, right, and Camelot is as we imagine it. Your lovely cabanons fuel the imagination with possibilities.

    Does anyone live a linear life? I'd think that would be terribly boring.

  29. As Marsha so eloquently said above, her home is her castle, and I rather suspect that even as you search for this beautiful dream of your own, somehow, wherever you find yourself next to Remi, whatever the home is, it will always be your own Camelot….you have the gift of being able to see beauty as it unfolds before you, not having to wait for hindsight to realise it….and that sounds like happiness to me…

  30. It's a lovely spot.

    Your post made me think of the Zen phrase my mother used to repeat to me all the time when I was little: "Wherever You Go, There You Are."

  31. Ah Heather – some of these would make the perfect studio – where I could just spend a summer in Provence – lost in the hay painting!!! I can well identify with you and Remi on this one!!

  32. I hope you cabanon dreams ccome true. They look so pretty and one of them will surely suit you just fine. it looks like the sort of retreat where I would be happy too.

  33. Bonjour Heather. I love your pictures of the cabanon you have discovered in Provence. I hope you find the perfect one for you. In the meantime, keep dreaming, that is the only way you will find what you want. I can tell you from experience. A bientot.

  34. The search for one will probably be as exciting as finally finding one for you and making it your own. These are just so charming. I do think that this is a perfect antidote to McMansions. I wish you luck and an equally non linear path to your perfect cabanon 🙂

  35. Heather, this is so you. And, maybe Remi too? The simplicity of your longings is beautiful. I think we have all past the time when we just had to have this or that in order to feel "good about ourselves." My home is truly my castle, sometimes I don't leave for days at a time. I'm never bored or lonely. I'm secure and happy with my friends, my dogs (4 of them now), my family and most definitely my blog and virtual friends who often make my day complete. I thank God for finding so many of you with exactly the soul food I need. Thank you.

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