Blonde Ambition

Shhh…I am not really here. See, that is me pedalling like mad to head on over to my guest post for the charming Sara in Le Petite Village. Would you like to join me? Please do, I saved some of my favorite landscape photos from our recent trip to the Upper Luberon for exactly this moment.
And yet…I couldn’t let you go without giving a crucial peony update. Because who in their right mind could have ever guessed that these gussied up blooms would shift from this…

…to this…

…and finally…to this! A case of blonde ambition if ever there was one.

Not to mention solid proof that true beauty never fades, it simply changes.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend ahead. May you zoom into delightful surprises…
…such as this fantastic pop-up card that my friend Jeanne at Collage of Life sent, along with the ever wonderful gift of music. Good to keep sending song along so…

…this is a track brought to me by Suze at Subliminal Coffee. Enjoy!
But what are you still doing here? 
Go on over to my guest post…Now ‘git!


  1. Oh, thank you Vicki. You know how easy it is here…I would love to see more photos from you as well!

  2. I loved your shots on this and Sara's post… Beautiful Heather… you really captured the light…xv

  3. Penelope, I am shaking my head in disbelief in you using the words old or elderly regarding your wonderful self. Your spirit is a lot younger than so many people I know!

    But yes, they are a magic dust kind of flower, aren't they? So many, many people have responded that they are their very favorites–sans doute their rarity only adds to the appeal…

    And I will try to remember to ask why they can't be cultivated…someone on here will know!

    PS. Oh for a Trader Joe's!!! France has wonderful culinary attributes but their grocery stores lack sadly in the creative department…

  4. Hooray!!! Travel safely, Michel. La Provence is calling youuuu…. 🙂

  5. You are the epitome of your new mantra, dear Marsha. And I am wondering about selling prints, actually! We have the big old professional printer from when we had our gallery…although I certainly NEVER could have guessed that anyone would be interested in my photography!! I will let you know if/when I am ready to take that step. I know that you don't give easy praise for photos because of your son, so thank you!!!!

  6. Isn't that card beautiful? So typical of Jeanne to do something so thoughtful. 🙂 And I need to leave comments more often, Catherine for your blog is always so beautiful…

  7. I am OLD! (elderly; no! ) But I have to tell you all; I know lots of brides for the last 50 years, who arranged their weddings around "when peonies are in 'season'"!!

    Honestly; it is something like 6 weeks! For some reason,( I will learn from the comments on this ever-popular blog); the reason that they cannot be "farm-raised; not cultivated!) They are the most gorgeous flowers!!

    tomorrow I will be buying some!! (If Trader Joe's is in your vicinity…..go get some!!)


  8. "true beauty never fades, it simply changes."
    this will become my mantra, dear Heather.
    & those photographs should be framed in a series. you could sell them on ETSY, I'll just bet you could. I would be the 1st the purchase & they would be in my bedroom right beside me.

  9. Beautiful peonies…such wonderful colours…and I LOVE the card from Jeanne 😉
    Have a wonderful weekend too and thank you for popping by it's lovely to hear from you.
    Catherine xx

  10. Amazingly, the free bouquet from last weekend is staying strong! You never know…

    And yes, the card is propped up against my vase with the lavender and bird feather. It makes me so happy–a reminder of my travels but also to keep moving forward…

  11. Oops! 🙂 Well, that could be the case, Helen, especially as I talk more to the dogs than anyone else–I am starting to slip!

    Sending you a bouquet of joy right back…and bisous too! Thank you for your comment chez Sara…

  12. Ah, she truly is Sandy. A treasure. And welcome–glad to have you here!! 🙂

  13. Thank you so much, Michel! Hope that you are having a great weekend as well–you are coming to France soon, non?

  14. Merci, Elizabeth–you are wonderful! Wishing you a lovely weekend as well…

  15. Jackie, it is amazing to see how many of my friends here call peonies their favorite! One more thing in common, it is lovely!

  16. Love knowing that a little bit of Vietnam is sitting amongst your belongings Heather..and a shared love of music. I adore your all colours..beautiful..xx

  17. Hello Heather

    "Now git" I think you were talking to Ben here? Hee Hee. I am as good as your order and shall be heading over. What a beautiful card from Jeanne, how thoughtful and I am enjoying listening to Suze's music.

    Wishing you a joyful weekend

    Helen xx

  18. I am so smiling I love your peony flower! I'm off to see your guest post!

    Enjoy your weekend with your men!

  19. Your peonies are stunning! I just discovered your blog and it is already a favorite of mine. I really enjoyed the guest post too AND found another great blog…It is an embarrassement of riches today!

    Love that card from Jeanne – she is such a sweetheart, isn't she?

    Enjoy your weekend!! xoxo

  20. I loved your guest post and your pictures of the Upper Luberon. Have a great weekend.

  21. Oh these peonies are fabulous! I LOVE them! Heading over to see your guest post.

    Have a great weekend.

  22. What a beautiful job you did portraying my favorite of all flowers. Have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing that guest post of yours!

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