Pink kisses

Beauty is the sap of my life.
It is as close to a physical manifestation of love as anything I can know.
I find it everywhere.

It fills my lungs and pushes the blood into my heart.
It makes me gasp with dandelion’s breath, it makes me cry loping crocodile tears.
Beauty lifts me out of this particular time to a larger one…
…and yet freezes the second hand on my life’s tick-tock watch. 
How different we all are in this wide world and yet we all have been kissed…
…by its grace.
Pink kisses maybe. Brushed lightly across our forehead.
The touch of creativity’s spark…
Straight into the best of who we ever are.
Cue music…
Today’s post was for By Invitation Only, an international meeting of bloggers all singing a different tune of the same song. February’s theme is “inspiration.”
To discover the other offerings, please visit Splenderosa by clicking here.


  1. The grate with the pool of water and the reflection – is just one of those one in a century images – and professes your quick eye and brilliant creativity!! Keep them coming wonderful!! Love them all!!

  2. Heather another beautiful post. I just read your comment above and now am eager to hear what has you 'in the pink'. Do tell as soon as possible! Until then sweet aloha to you ~ Jackie

  3. There is something about a pink-tinted sky, isn't it. Beautiful photos…definitely inspirational.

  4. Dear heather, You're certainly kissed by the muses!!!
    Simply wonderful – I'll take a deep breath!
    "pinky" bisous,

    p.s. Sorry for belated comment, we're cut off from electricity and internet every so often during the last few days….rural French country side!

  5. Your writing and photography are beautiful. I get great delight from visiting your blog- eloquent, inspiring, a visual feast. Bisous

  6. Thank you so very, very much everyone, I am overwhelmed. There is something very exciting going on so I haven't had time yet to respond yet personally to each of you…but trust me…it is worth it!!!

  7. Oh how beautiful. I love how you find beauty in so many unexpected places (like that reflection). The colours of the sky are awesome – such a pretty shade of pink.

  8. Well, Heather, BOYLE'S the one who said it first (to an audience of approximately 2 million initial viewers, so I'm scarcely outing her lack of experience)…..and, from what I recently gather, her claim still stands. I hope I'm not being overly arcane in recalling her stamping her feet, with her hands on her hips, and declaring "Nope…..Uh'v NEVUH BIN KIST!"

    —-david terry

  9. Oh WOW Heather…the images are a.m.a.z.i.n.g!!!!That second image is beyond gorgeous!!! But, as always all your images capture a special something of your gorgeous world!

    Sending Hugs Red Head!



  10. You have captured so beautifully our wonderful world, thank you for sharing such inspirational photographs with us Heather.
    There is nothing more beautiful than a pink sky, but a pink sky with pink blossoms, wow! sensational. xxx Coty

  11. Spectacular post. Your words paired with the gorgeous images was like a perfect symphony…stunning!
    Beauty and inspiration is all around us…..we just need to take notice. Thank you!

  12. Per usual, what gorgeous photos. One thing I never take advantage of is a rose-tinted sky. I will always stop to enjoy a literal take on la vie en rose.

    As a pink girl (totes rocking the color as I type), this post and the glow from the photos warmed me up on a this icy February day. Merci. : )

  13. Pink kisses pink blushes…..such a beautiful post Heather the soft colours in your images are breathtaking as are your words! x Carla
    Inspiration theme is perfect for you

  14. Pink skies…that really takes the cake. You can't help but be inspired when surrounded by that kind of beauty. The pictures are gorgeous but especially the silhouettes of the trees, houses and landscapes against that pink sky.


  15. Oh, your ladyship, this perfect pinkness has melted my heart. Only you could have done this. It is you. pink kisses will forever be sent from Texas to Arles, on those pink clouds. Thank God you are my friend, Heather. I am happy.

  16. I am not able to express in words the feelings your photos and musing stirred in me. Suffice it to say that I found it Inspiring. The perfect post for this month's theme.

    Bravo, Heather.

  17. You lead a beautiful life, your poetry brings beauty to all of us. i love looking at life through your eyes.

  18. With Inspiration as the theme, and at the suggestion of Marsha from Splenderosa, I am stopping by to introduce myself as well as to say "Thank You" for "Inspiring" me. You have Razzled and Dazzled and Wowed me with your creativity, talent, thoughts and ideas this past year.
    Please stop by, say hello and leave a comment, they are always welcome. I hope not to disappoint, but rather compliment your work and inspire you, as you have inspired me

  19. Amazed that you found such beauty in, of all things, a puddle! The light suffusing both your photos and words makes me glow with pride for you, my friend.

  20. I'm not a blogger, just a grateful fan for all the beauty you bring to the world. You have a lovely soul.

  21. Heather, you are a true artist. You have a deep and inspiring vision. Thank you for sharing it today.

  22. You were somewhere dancing around the edge of my thoughts while I was writing this, Suze.

  23. Merci Tracey–trying to tempt those far away with the light of Provence…heehee…

  24. You are so lucky to be surrounded by so much beauty, and to have the eye to capture it in such a way that one can feel like being there.
    I feel pink kissed!

  25. Oh, Heather…
    your photographs are, as usual & predictably enough, beautiful, BUT?…..

    I just read "How different we all are in this wide world and yet we all have been kissed…", and I thought "Hmmmm…..Heather obviously hasn't seen Susan Boyle's first viral-video."

    Google the you-tube video for "Susan Boyle I had a Dream". Either you're wrong or everyone's favorite, professional, & Simon-Cowell-carefully-crafted underdog is lying through her teeth.

    Advisedly yours as ever,

    david Terry

  26. Thank you Sister!! Methinks creativity runs in the family!!! Oooh, maybe one day you will let me reprint the lyrics to one of your songs and I could do a little photo essay for it? Hmm…Love you!

  27. Sister – this is SO BEAUTIFUL, your words and photos!! And I take the hues in like a drunk person, having only seen variations on grey for the last umpteen days. Thank you for the words, too – methinks you are a poet (and, perhaps, a philosopher)! Thank you for this very inspirational post – a visual treat for the soul.

  28. Hello Heather

    What inspiration and as I look at your wonderful pink shies, this Florida morning is a soft orange with peach tones. Oh, on that note I wish you a day of beauty and pink kisses, I shall resort to peach kisses I suppose.

    Helen xx

  29. These photographs are just stunning!! Such a gift to live in an area with the beauty of rich history and natural beauty.

  30. Merci my dear friends. I have been looking forward to sharing these photos so much! One would have to be comatose not to appreciate the light we have in Provence. But again, thank you for your compliment. You both never cease to inspire me…
    Gros Bisous,

  31. Thank you, Catherine. You too! Off to do a bit of yoga, which I know you will appreciate…

  32. Hello Heather:
    There are all too few people in life who really do appreciate and emphasise with the beauty of the world which is to be found all around and often in the least likely of places. You are one of that number.

    This IS a lovely post, both in words and images.

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