I was in international press Nirvana, also known as the Relay H shop of the Avignon TGV train station. Carefully, I approached the January edition of Architectural Digest and began to gingerly flip, flip, flip. “What if she had decided to go ahead with it and just had forgotten to tell me?” I barely let myself wonder, breath baited, scanning quickly, disappointment looming large…no. It was true…close… but no cigar!
What on earth am I talking about? Well, a few months back I received an email from Betsy Horan, the Photo Director of AD. She had interest in some of my photos of L’Isle sur la Sorgue that
might be of use for her January issue. Wait,
my photos? We are used to dealing with photo requests around here…but for
Remi (and as there has been some confusion as of late, let me clarify that the photos on this blog are indeed taken by me, what he does is
a whole other level of kitty and kaboodle
altogether). How I had blinked in surprise at her email for several seconds in surprise and then split out into the biggest smile. Remi was so proud. And it is worth mentioning that in our small exchange, Ms. Horan could not have been nicer. Further proof as if we needed any that quality rises.
So today’s little Hide and Go Seek was the final confirmation of what I already knew, that the photos were a no go…this time! But how incredibly excited I was to have been contacted. Really and truly.

Well, I will keep moving forward in the right direction…
…but bundled up (our sweet visitor from Australia has been swathed in a puffer) because despite appearances this ain’t L.A. and Baby, it’s cold outside!
Have a great Weekend everyone!
Ooh! ps. I am experimenting a bit with putting comment approval and word verification back on as the spam is getting out of control. Hating it? Don’t mind at all? Any thoughts are welcome…