It’s beginning to look…

…a lot like Christmas. Everywhere you go…


The place du Forum has been transformed into erstwhile skating rink where Friday night teens laugh a little too loudly…

…while the more mature of the lot watch and smoke with casual glances at the hoops and hollers.

It is quiet nonetheless. Most of the cafés are already stacking their chairs…

…a few shops remain open…

…to tempt well-dressed (Constance bag toting) shoppers with their wares…

…but tonight is the beginning of the “Drôles de Noêl”, yes, the town’s Christmas celebration…

…and the Place de la Republique is decked in fir finery, waiting for the families to arrive…

…but a trail of lights…

…lead me all the way home.

It is nearly eight at night and I am waiting for my honey to arrive from a photo shoot in Grenoble. Once he is here, the holidays will really begin.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone! 


  1. Thank you my dear, dear Marsha–what would we all do without your wonderful spirit? I will pass on your blessings to both of my guys, the furry and the non and will send them back to you as strongly as I can! Merry Christmas!!!

  2. Merry Christmas, my precious Heather, Remi & Ben. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

  3. Loree, you would quite at home here, literally! Wishing you a lovely Christmas too Loree–for you, your honey and your mischief-maker! 🙂

  4. Merci, TG.

    London, Paris, Provence, Rome, Berlin? With a driver? Well, you are moving to the land where making the necessary funds could magically arrive faster than foreseen.

    I had forgotten to mention that my companion has family on his father's side from Oran too. Fancy that!

    Waving back from Provence. The church bells are ringing and so it must be time to walk Ben.

    Oh! And travel safely please!!!

  5. It will be part of a European sojourn………so we better become successful enough (materially) to spend time there and drive down to visit!

    We just met a friend from Berlin from the land of instagram as well as interweb and it was the Nicest experience.

    Waving from Manhattan!

    Love your photos. So evocative. Vraiment.

  6. Heather, I love the French Christmas decorations. Understated and not too over the top. Wishing you, Remi and Ben are very Merry Christmas! Saying good bye with Darlene Love still singing, "Christmas…"

    Joyeux Noel!
    Amelia xo

  7. Have a wonderful Christmas Heather. I love your little town. I think it is the sort of place that would immediately appeal to me. Hugs to Ben 🙂

  8. Oooh, that is one to keep in your back pocket, TG! But I must warn you, it is quite a long flight from LA. But worth it! Have you ever been to Provence? Methinks you would love it and wax lyrical, poetical and artistic(al :). Hmm…after you have made so much from your book success/being made into a film maybe you will need to get away? I would be over the moon to meet you, café crême it is when you want!

  9. Sending a really warm hug right back to you Jackie. Wishing you and Joel an excellent and joyous holiday season too!

  10. It is a romantic place, Milsters, it really is. Thank you for being here et bonnes fetes à toi aussi!!!

  11. Merci et a toi aussi! But if you think that I am going to pity you, especially having read that beaches are a key part of Sydney life, you are saaaadly mistaken!! 😉

  12. Thank you so much, Sanda–I am sending warm wishes your way too. And yes, yes!! It is definitely celebrated here–just in a verrry different way. Hmmm…I might need to write about that next week!

  13. Perfectly said, as you are wont to do EE. Gros bisous and may 2013 be the year that you finish renovations on MFF!!!

  14. Oh how I love the thought of you and Paul out on the ice!!! You with your long red hair and him doing hockey stops to impress you!!! Heehee. It is lovely. Just like you are.
    Bisous et bonnes fêtes!!
    Gros bisous à toi aussi. 🙂

  15. Merci D!! Et à toi aussi. 2013 is going to be a really good year, you will see…

    And yes, it is quiet and caaaalm here.

  16. Heather

    Oh. How. Beautiful.

    Your pictures and accompanying story delight.

    Had a reverie, suddenly.

    Visiting an aged aunt (one of ours was actually called France but not in arles; that side of la famille were from Nancy – and Oran – but that's a different story) perhaps to bring cheer and news from Abroad and photographs and hear anecdote and/or myth in return. And perhaps stopping off to linger over a cafe creme and say hello to you 🙂

    Waving from bloody freezing nyc!

  17. Heather, Have a lovely weekend and the Merriest of Christmases with the two special loves in your life. Your photos took me in and caught me up in both the spirit of place and the spirit of holiday as well. Hugs. . .Jackie

  18. I love your part of the world and would love to spend Christmas there one day. In the meantime we are sweltering here in Sydney with little sun and a bit of humidity. It looks like being a very warm Christmas. Joyeux Noel!

  19. I wonder why I have seen comments elsewhere that "Christmas is not much celebrated in France." it appears that at least in your corner of the country, that Christmas is well underway in a most elegant and understated manner. The lights are beautiful and I love the shop photo of the flowers and stone bird statues. I wish you a wonderful celebration during this special time of the year.

  20. Christmas is magical – so much goodwill, love, joy and forgiveness.
    May the peace and joy of Christmas be with you, your family and your readers throughout 2013.
    Gros bisous.

  21. We all need light to lead us all the way home! Nice sentiment! And that beautiful soft image of the stone wall and the lantern! Enjoyed the video too! Thank you Heather! Deborah from Melbourne

  22. Okay, so much to comment on here. First, thank you the video, I am listening and smiling as I type.

    Then, the skaters!! Don't you know that Paul and I would be out there with them? My man from Michigan, who grew up on a lake courted me on ice, fancy hockey stops and all. I always think of him sweeping around the ice as I followed in my overalls (yup I wore overalls back then), my long, long red hair trailing behind me. Thanks for the reminder!

    And then, you were so gutsy to photograph those shoppers. Bravo!!

    A wonderful, cozy holiday to you and Rémi.

    Gros Bisous.

  23. Your pictures are gorgeous. They bring me back to a Christmas I spent with friends in Normandy. Cozy, not overdone, and families closing businesses to spend time together – really together.

    We could learn something from that. And I include myself on the list of those to yet to fully learn that lesson.

    Wishing you and Rémi a wonderful holiday.

  24. Right back at you, Cole. Glad you appreciated Ms. Love too. And yes, it started raining here as well just as I walked in the door…doesn't matter.

  25. Now that my honey is home safe and sound, I can say that it is pretty beautiful! I love Provence at Christmas.

  26. Snow and then rain here in New Hampshire. But it is still that wonderful time of the year! Thanks for the Darlene Love video too. Merry, Merry.

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