Be safe

All of my thoughts and prayers are going towards the East Coast of America today as they brace for the arrival of Hurricane Sandy. Yes, to my beloved New York City but to all of you that I may not know of that are in harm’s way I am sending you this virtual bouquet and asking that you please be extra careful as nature is demanding the respect that we haven’t been giving.
So stock up on the candles, water, bring out the thick blankets and shore up the windows…

…prepare your big boots…

…once everything is ready, perhaps pour yourself a glass of wine…
…believe that all will be well and try to keep the light shining in your heart…
…trust when it is time to take matters in to your own hands…

…but also when it is wisest to stay right where you are and wait it out…
Please Be Safe.
With lots of Love from Arles…


  1. Yvonne, I have been watching videos all morning about the damage and the struggles that everyone is facing. Stay strong and sending force to your family in NY as well…

  2. I am worn out with storms and another on it's way.
    My Family in NY had no power for 5 days.
    " Motto we shall over come.. " works.

  3. TG, I was very moved by your comment over at D's place. I feel like I learned more about what your experience has been than I have from many of the articles that I have come across. My heart goes out to you!!! Please stay strong, stay warm and stay safe!!!
    Waving right back at you and I am so happy your power in back on!!!

  4. gosh.

    what a lovely blog – sentiments and photographs and ideas and feelings.

    we are just emerging into the first afternoon of power south of the no power zone in darkest manhattan and feel comforted by your words (saw you posted on our mutual friend D – daily plate of crazy – site and followed the link here – so glad i did.

    waving towards france from nyc!


  5. Suze! I have been listening to The Cinematic Orchestra this week on Stereomood!!! I love that song!!!

  6. Oh Jane, I hear you! I think that if I had been there I would have been a MESS, I have been so worried for you all! I think especially after 9/11, any emergency must bring up bad feelings. And Ben…well, he is a sensitive soul and unfortunately probably would have peed on your bed too! :Ă  Keep Calm and Carry On…

  7. One of my little dogs did not like the whole business, and both threw up and peed the bed (our bed!) during the height of the storm. I felt like doing both myself!!

  8. Ally, are you sure? True, I know our NYC is already up and open as it can be but please take extra taxi money–at least!

    And thank you for the compliment–coming from you? Sheweeeee!
    Gros bisous,

  9. I love these peeks into your lovely home! I'm headed to New York this weekend – fingers crossed! xo

  10. You are so very welcome Nancy!! Very happy to hear that you are yours are doing well…

  11. What a beautiful, reassuring post. A nice "warm & fuzzy" after last night's scary adventures here on the East Coast. We are well and have passed through the storm. Our many thanks for your kind thoughts

  12. I feel the same Ann, it has been making me so upset but I realize that is nothing compared to what it must be like for those that are there and in the rest of the hit areas…

    Please be safe in your travels as always. Getting home will be all the sweeter…

  13. My heart aches to see today's photos of my beloved New York. And who knows what will we find when (if? 🙂 we make it back to Washington DC? Nature is a powerful force indeed. Thanks for your heartfelt wishes.

  14. Lovely post Heather my thoughts are with everyone in the affected area. The pictures of your home are gorgeous and Ben, well he is just too soft for words.

  15. Oh there are worse things than a cancelled Halloween, Pamela! I just want you all to stay safe and be well!

  16. A big batch of healing sound is exactly what you two need right now. So glad your son is home…

  17. It is mine–it just looks darker because it is wet. I took about three inches off, much needed.

  18. So sad to see all the damage. Luckily New York is an affluent city in a country that has the resources to rebuild anything that's been destroyed. I just hope there aren't any more casualties.

  19. I +1 you Heather this is such sad sights to see – the devastation – here's to all affected – may tomorrow come out sunny and heal the problems!!

  20. Beautifully said…………..who's hair was that?NOT YOURS!NOT BEN's so my guess is REMI's!!

  21. So thoughtful of you to be thinking about all those in harms way on the East coast. BTW, your home looks wonderful!!
    Of course, cozy Ben is my fav pic!

  22. I'm worried about all of my NY friends, too! Thank you for this simple, warm message – glad you are sending out the love to warm our hearts as you always do.

  23. This is nice. Over here in Toronto, we are feeling the strong howling winds, freezing temperature and never ending rain. It will be like this almost all week. The storm is expected to arrive here either tonight or Tuesday morning. It is the perfect weather to snuggle in a comfortable blanket and drink hot chocolate. I feel so bad for the children who are looking forward to Trick or Treat this Wednesday. It might not happen because of the weather. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts.

  24. Karina has been hunkered down, under the covers all day with her sickish people. We are so glad to be home and so relieved that our New York based son is also home safe in his apartment up on a hill in Brooklyn — can you believe his band had a gig scheduled in Washington, D.C. last night?! Thankfully, they cancelled it and came home.

    I love these photos of "home" because I have been thinking a lot about that very topic. Yours looks so safe and welcoming. Watching the wind and rain right now from our own little cocoon. Making soup, and hoping we don't lose power.

    Bisous, J

  25. Thank you dear Heather for the heartfelt thoughts. It's pouring here like crazy. Gusty winds tear apart umbrellas. The forecast promises the worst yet to come. School isn't cancelled, we'll see tomorrow. I've a panic attack when our house is trembling when it's huffing and puffing outside. Nasty feeling. Hopefully our tiny house won't be blown away and end up as Dorothy's somewhere in Kansas. Can't wait till this ordeal is over…

  26. Bless you Heather for that heartfelt message. Exactly how I feel except you said it better. Love the picture of Ben all bundled up in his blankie. Hope those who are affected by the hurricane will follow Ben's example. Bundled up and stay indoor.


  27. Merci, Loree–I can imagine that you might be happy to finally have a cooler evening, non? And I hope that I don't seem to be trivializing the very real fear that people must be feeling with this post, I was hoping that a little visual distraction plus good thoughts could help…

  28. I hope that your prayers are answered and that the storm will not do too much damage. We are experiencing our first cool night of the year. I love all your images – gorgeous as usual. The one of Ben is especially darling but I loved all the glimpses you gave us into your life.

  29. Sending really good thoughts to your kids and also to you chere BLW. Everything that I have seen so far in say, NYC, shows that there is NO ONE out…

  30. Love your post and seeing how, as you said, our minds work in very similar ways, but are so different at the same time. Also love the look on Ben's face in that last shot. If that won't melt your heart nothing will! Sending warm thoughts to you and to our friends in the NE. XOXO

  31. Love the photographs!

    As for the hurricane, it's hard to know your kids are in its sites, and they're unlikely to take it as seriously as adults.

    So you wait. You worry. You hope they're around others who understand it's not a joke – flashlights, candles, food, blankets, not venturing out – all essential.

  32. Oh goood, Tina that makes me so happy to hear that! And poor Ben was half-asleep but I couldn't resist taking a photo of him in his "burrito roll". 🙂
    Scratchies to Teddy please!

  33. That last picture….too cute!! Looks like hes ready to brace any storm, he has the right idea!! We are ready, food for a month, flashlights, candles and my reading material just in case!!

  34. Francine, you may be French but you have become a true NYer at heart!!! I had to smile at your comment because yes, that is how the Big Apple keeps on going but I am glad that you are home–now just be careful during that walk, adventuress that you are!!!

  35. Thank you for your warm thoughts… I have to admit that i do have my New yorker moment and am more harassed because the trains and subway are not running and i cannot open the Showroom when I really need to bring sales in!!! so, i am home , drove to the city last night to turn all the computers on to make sure that the staff and I work from home. then i will go for a walk in the wild wind as i love extreme weather…

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