Tiepolo Skies

Off and dreaming, nothing scheming, just a sip of fresher air and a brand new view. 
Oh yes indeedy, we are escaping for a whole week to the country. As we have been city-bound the entire summer, it is beyond due for both of us. Not to mention Ben! His bones are packed as are my books. For there is nothing on the schedule besides relaxing. 
And for the first time in nearly two years, I am flirting with the idea of taking a break from the blog while I am gone. Even though I have posts lined up like smart soldiers, I think it might do me a bit of good to just trust that you all will be here when I get back, although I will definitely stop by to say bonjour if the silence is too laden or the crickets too creaky! 
So, for now, I will leave you with these Tiepolo skies and wishes of the joy and peace that they invoke in me…

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  1. You and I took off for a change of scenery at the same time, Heather. Looking forward to your return — books, bones and Ben.


  2. Heather, have a wonderful time away with your wonderful hubby and dear Ben. I couldn't wait to get back to read what I'd missed on your blog while I was away. And definitely a whole lot, some are so profound all I can say is "Amen". Hope you are not tired yet of the creaky crickets. Will enjoy the beautiful tiepolo skies until your return!


  3. Well, we're on the same page, Heather.

    Herve's off, as of yesterday, to San Francisco for a ten-day conference. His parents arrive (on the same day as his return) for a 3-week visit.

    Bearing that in mind, I've cancelled several appointments, given my regrets regarding five gallery-openings, changed a dental appointment to sometime in October, done my banking (which, these days, involves a twenty minute drive back to Durham)early for the month, dodged an impending visit from 2 road-tripping friends, put off both the yardman and the maid until the in-laws arrive,and blatantly LIED……informing everyone that I'm also gone for ten days. What I'll actually BE is alone and unobligated for ten days.

    I sat down very early yesterday morning and made a list of the thirty or so undone-things that I've wanted done on this big place since we moved in, two months ago. Oh, I forgot….I'm also taking the computer into the shop on Monday, and I happily expect to do without even it (and emails and blogs and research) for the week.

    I intend to spend my ten days flailing around in the overgrown back forty, fertilizing the old boxwoods (I quit counting them when I reached 89), re-laying old brick walkways, and re-claiming & tilling the old vegetable gardens. all in all, I'll be very quietly busy —-and, paradoxically enough, probably refreshed by the time everyone arrives here for their glamorous get-away, See-America(!) visit.

    You and Mister Britches enjoy your unplugged-time; I'll be doing the same here in North Carolina.

    Level Best as Ever,
    David Terry

  4. Hoping to see you soon, we can listen to the sound of crickets together while you regale me with stories of E.H. 🙂

  5. Hello Heather
    Those images of Tiepolo skies are so beautiful. I can imagine the ceiling of a bedroom painted in such colour (that you Hattatt's for the suggestion)

    I can imagine Ben jumping out of his skin seeing his bones being packed. It sounds idyllic and enjoy your break. I will be looking forward to your return


  6. Fabulous images, majestic skys. Have a peaceful vacation dear Heather full of remarkable moments.

  7. GO RELAX………………walk away for a bit!DONT YOU WORRY we arenot going anywhere……………I wonder sometimes what we did before we had these Blogs to read and e-mail to catch up on!Perhaps, we cleaned the house more and ironed!

  8. Have a wonderful, wonderful time Heather… We shall await your return and all the new ideas that those Tiepolo skies will inspire… xv

  9. Will be waiting for your return for sure. I love your posts too much. Beautiful skies Heather. I wish I could take time off work to just wind down somewhere but I only have a few days left which I usually take for Christmas.

  10. Amazing skies! Enjoy your week in the country. A week with nothing on the agenda sounds like a dream. Enjoy!

  11. Such beautiful skies, Heather. Enjoy your time away, and you can bet that we will be eagerly awaiting your return. Have a beautiful adventure. XO

  12. Have a wonderful vacation. And, yes, a break from the blog — and from the Internet — might be a valuable reset.

    Like all your followers, I'll still be here when you get back.

  13. Have a great vacation (from the blog as well) and yes, we'll be here (or Italy) when you return to the blogosphere. . .we'll be waiting for your return.

  14. Hello Heather:
    Tiepolo skies indeed, dearest Heather, and painted in the real sky as opposed to a ceiling in a Venetian scuola!

    We wish you the most wonderful and relaxing of holidays and shall, of course, be waiting, right here, for your return.

    Bisous xx

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