Update on Peace-Walker Wijnand Boon

The road is long. And Wijnand is still walking.
I would like to extend a heart-felt thank you to everyone that responded to my previous post about Wijnand Boon, who is walking from the Netherlands to Spain to Rome to Jerusalem then on to Egypt, all in the name of peace and to prove the power of connectivity, an issue important to many of us. For those of you that missed the initial post, you can read it here and to those who passed it along via Facebook and Twitter, un grand merci! 

Wijnand recently wrote to touch base. He was upbeat and looking forward to the adventures that lie ahead for him. Can you imagine how happy it made me to know that he had received a lot of response thanks to this blog? Either from readers or friends of readers? Of course, I am not at all surprised but what a wonderful reminder of what can bring us together during a time when so much threatens to pull us apart. 
Remi and I drove to Eyguières not too long ago on the road that Wijnand must have taken after staying with us. I tried to think what his experience must have been like under the stifling heat and with so little space to pass next to the cars roaring by. Yes, the road is long. Wijnand has made it to Nice, where he knew that he had places to stay. Finding hosts along the next stretch on the Côte d’Azur is perhaps a challenging one as it is a region that guards its exclusivity tightly. So again, I will just put it out there, if you know of anyone who might be interested in hosting Wijnand either here or beyond in his travels, his contact info is listed below.
©Wijnand Boon
Wijnand takes a portrait at each home that he stays with and was kind enough to send ours along. Isn’t it beautiful? Walk on, Wijnand! I hope to continue these updates from time to time as his journey continues…
I’ll leave you with yet another fantastic and appropriate song by the very talented duo of Alice Russell and Quantic.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Wijnand Boon:
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Help me share my story and complete my mission:

One day of walking costs about five euro’s, but you already make my day with a cup of coffee a month. You can support my mission by donating to 3156.17.918. I thank you for your support!

PS You can also help by retweeting on Twitter and share my posts on Facebook with you friends. Help spread the word!


  1. Leslie, I am so sorry that I didn't get back to you sooner! And thank you, thank you for being patient with leaving a comment. I think that it could just be one of those Blogger bugs. So far I haven't heard from anyone else about the problem and I do always really love hearing from you!!!

  2. What a lovely portrait of you and Remi…thank you for posting it. It is fitting that Wignand took it. I appreciate your update on his progress. While I follow him directly, through his site, it is interesting to get your take on his challenges and triumphs.

    I'm wondering if any of your other commenters have had any problems posting their comments. I was not able to post a comment to this posting until today because the comment box, the "Select profile" button and the "Publish" and Preview" buttons kept disappearing after a few seconds…even if I had already entered a few letters of a comment. This has happened every time I've tried to comment recently. Any ideas?

    With every hope that the freshness to which you awoke this Monday morning (August 27) continues! Leslie from Portland

  3. What a brave and fascinating journey this is. (I only wish I had contacts in that part of the world!)

  4. You touched all my emotion points: wanderlust, love, friendship, adventure and music with this post. Have a great weekend~

  5. Oh hooray! So it was your Birthday!!! Happy Belated Birthday my beautiful friend–here is to a year ahead full of joy, peace and discovery…

    Gros bisous,

  6. Thank you Amelia–it is why I love that photo so much! And I thought that you might be interested in his story. He really is someone exceptional. And I agree with you that each one of us has the possibility to make a difference on all sorts of levels, whether a big gesture like Wijnand's or a tiny one.

    Bon weekend à toi aussi,

  7. Thank you friend, I took that in the Var region when we were there last April. 🙂 Glad it finally could be put to use!

  8. What an amazing man. I missed your original post on Wijnand and read about him a few days later just coming back from vacation. He's proof that a single person can make a difference if passionate enough and truly believe in something. Looking forward to reading your updates. Happy Trails Wijnand!

    The portrait is beautiful. You and Remi look very happy.

    Have a great weekend!


  9. Hello Heather

    I have been thinking of Wijnand and wondering how he is doing. I am delighted to read he is making progress. The portrait of you and Remi, through the antique glass is absolutely fabulous. It holds such mystery and shows your love for each other. Are you going to blow it up and hang it behind the couch (do people still do that?)
    I celebrated my birthday today and had so much fun and a delicious dinner.

    Have a glorious weekend

    Helen xx

  10. I saw that he was in Nice via his Twitter postings — one of the few places in Europe that I, too, have visited. (Hope he indulges in at least one of their lavande ice cream cones.) I did tell him that I could get him a place to stay in Morocco, but he joked that as yet he is unable to walk on water. Darn that Strait of Gibralter. And as he is finishing up in Egypt, I guess there are no plans to walk across the top of Africa.

    That portrait of you and Remi is beautiful. Thank you so much for the update!

  11. I was so excited to see this update! I've thought about him and your original post a lot since I read it and wondered how he was doing! Keep posting when you can! Have a great weekend!

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