Sense of summer

A rustling in my head and shuffling of my feet. Bending over head down deep. Taking in the scent of the earth, the prickle of wheat upon my skin. It is summer we are in. Loving the light as it pours forth to glow. A forever sense of possibility. Hello. Hello…

I want to thank you all so dearly for being here and for all the joy you bring…

Bon weekend!


  1. That's my Ben, Lisa–he is like a member of the family! 🙂

  2. So pretty! Wish I could see for myself but will enjoy through your eyes. Beautiful dog! Thanks for sharing, Lisa

  3. you have a lovely blog. i inhale your pictures, grateful for their beauty (and excellent composition!)

  4. Oh so you are, ma chere Contessa–and one of a kind too. 🙂

    Glad you liked the video–I love the tiny 'plop' of a fish in the water at the end!

  5. Love the petite video with the sounds of summer!Totally transported me to YOU!!!!
    Love seeing "LOST IN ARLES" in my inbox too!
    Your a treasure!

  6. Natalie, as always compliments about my photos mean so much coming from you!

    And yes, I can't wait to see her and show her all of the beauty of Provence. For her to meet Ben. To cook yummy things and just enjoy being in each others company…

  7. Need to meet up with Clementine…I'll keep saying it! Oh my goodness, he would be crazy for her…

  8. All photos are fantastic, especially the first one. Your words and images easily bring me back there, I can feel the hot summer touch.
    Thank you so much Heather for your heartfelt Reply and most of all I wish you the best time ever with your sis. Laugh and joy, and happiness!

  9. Just look at that weird leafy butterfly!
    And Ben, of course. The most handsome boy ever.
    a xo

  10. Thanks for stopping by Elizabeth! Now, I know that I can't be jealous of your going to the country because you earned it! But oh my am I ready for another dose of flowers right about now…

  11. The heat of summer will soon take these away too. I imagine Malta as being extremely hot in summer, no?

  12. Gorgeous!!! I'm heading out to the country this afternoon. Can't wait to be in green.

  13. Beautiful flowers; gret photos, Heather. Enjoy the time with you sister, the greatest friend A girl can have. Val and Kris send their hellos to Ben. Happy Summer!

  14. Enjoy your summer. Ah I see you still have poppies. Ours lasted till early June. Now almost everything is dry. In some ways it looks a bit sad.

  15. Que tu connais pas?! Comment c'est possible? Une femme d'une telle finesse qui connaĂ®t pas la Provence? Tut, tut. Il faut qu'on travaille sur ça…n'est pas? 🙂

    Bon weekend Ă  toi aussi et merci encore pour tous ce que tu fait!

  16. I wish you had been there with Karina, Judith. That warm magenta glow was so surreal…
    Bon weekend!

  17. Merci Jeanne–already I can barely sleep at night–like a kid before his birthday party!

    Wishing some sun for you this weekend and some inspiration with your lovely painting as well…

  18. Exquisite words to accompany equally exquisite photographs. (O que tu me donnes envie de visiter ce coin de la France que je ne connais pas ! Trois ans depuis mon dernier voyage Ă  Paris; j'ai l'impression que j'en souffre…)

    Bon weekend to you as well, in your hot part of the world, from mine.

  19. Even Ben's visage has a rosy glow in that light. Wishing you a wonderful weekend and that time slows down so that you can savor every moment with your sister.

  20. Gorgeous bits of summer here, Heather. I can almost smell the warm Provence soil from here…which is nice, because looking out my window, you would think it was fall. How wonderful that your sister's arrival is just a few days away. I'm sure she will love summer in Provence. Hope you have a wonderful weekend full of delicious anticipation!!! XO

  21. Yay! Think hot, hot, hot and very colorful Sister! I can't wait for you to finally see the real Provence!

  22. She is arriving on Monday morning!! Hooray! I am just so excited. 🙂

    And yes, isn't the color so strong? It looks like I have been dipping into the Photoshop big time but it really was that way!

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend too. Stay warm!

  23. Thank you for reminding me of the beauty (and puppy) that I will be seeing with my own eyes in THREE DAYS!!! It's especially tantalizing since the last time I was in Arles was in the middle of a freezing winter!!! See you soooo soon! : )

  24. The bright sunshine is clarifying every tone, every hue of the beautifully bright colours – which it only can in high summer. Especially in the first two images. How much more intense colour becomes under a summer sun! You must be counting down the days till your sister arrives, I fancy? Have a beautifully, deliriously summer-ish weekend!! xx

  25. I really do hope that you get to meet him, oh my talk about a softy! He would follow you around all moon-eyed and doing his slow tail wag special to charm you, I know it!

    Bon weekend Ă  toi aussi et bisous…

  26. Heather these photographs are gorgeous and sum up the sense of Summer perfectly. And Ben, just look at him, the big softy!

    Have a wonderful weekend my friend.

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