Disappearing act?

Just a wee hello out into the void or perhaps not so. My blog friend Jeanne of I dream of put the fear into me that I had, indeed dropped off the Blogger Dashboard. Off the dashboard and into the fire? I certainly hope not. But while I realize that this may be a sort of “what is the sound of one hand clapping?” kind of proposition, would anyone that does see this mind letting me know if I am indeed “still here”?  I actually thought of calling this post something of the sort but was all too aware that I would be called out for going “deep” yet again. Sigh. My friends. I have had so much goodness coming from you all of late. And for those of you that have asked for larger photos, well, as you can see, it is possible, although they won’t stay at this XL size any more than the gorgeous pivoines could stay with us forever. If only.

And as it is a mega rarity that I put out such a random post, I will take advantage by wondering what music are you listening to right now? I would love to know!

Thanks for being here…

*Update: You are all so amazing! Thank you for the reassurance. Must have just been a coincidence of a drop in visits and Jeanne’s question. But I need to go missing more often. Especially if it is an excuse to hear what you are all listening to–I love how the choices fit so perfectly each persons personality. Brilllliant! *


  1. Me too!!! Actually I totally made a fool of myself yesterday because I was singing "Lonely Boy" out loud while walking Ben. This was especially embarrassing because A) people simply DO NOT sing out loud in public in France and B) I still don't know the lyrics really so it was a bit of the refrain with a ton of mumbling in between! 🙂

  2. Don't worry, I've been a little scarce around the blogosphere myself of late! Sometimes real life just takes over 😉

    I'm currently listening to The Black Keys!

    ~ Clare x

  3. Absolutely my favorite flower. Your grande photo is highly appreciated by me. I carried just this color in my wedding bouquet 14 years ago on the 30th. I'm looking forward to a big gorgeous bunch of my own.
    aidan xo

  4. Vero, I heard the best broadcast on Mr. Trenet on a cold and rainy evening last year. And it blew me away–because I am finally able to understand his beautiful and witty lyrics! Yes, ça c'est la musique de la Belle France…Bisous!

  5. Will look forward to it Karena–you know how much I love that series!

  6. Love the larger photos Heather… so lovely… Looking forward to our promenade… xv

  7. Bonjour Heather. I see you too. I have just been away from blogging for a while. All the sun we have been getting in Seattle has made me giddy and unproductive (locals will understand why…) Beautiful photo. I, too, am happy you made them bigger. As for music, I have been playing my old buddy Charles Trenet a lot in the morning lately. Since I will be flying to France in June, his songs put me in the right mood! "Douce France, cher pays de mon enfance… Bercee de tant d'insouciance… Je t'ai gardee dans mon coeur…" Bonne semaine, Heather. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  8. Claire de Lune/ De Bussy….I missed you however here yu were all along!!

    2012 Artist Series featuring the gifted Decorative Painter Theresa Cheek

    Art by Karena

  9. He snores?! I love that! Ben does not–but does of course make the muffled barks when he dreams. 🙂

  10. You're still on my dashboard with no problems and the only beautiful music I'm hearing at the moment is the sound of Dylan dog snoring….lol. Love your peony!


  11. Now, I imagine that Kathleen is perhaps referring to the big Thee–but I could most certainly say the same thing about you both. Gros, gros bisous…

  12. I do blame the Blogger Gremlins. Or possibly the effect of having a blaze of sun on your brain. 🙂 But I am so glad that you asked and that I was paranoid as this has ended up being a fun post!
    Pink Martini + Jeanne = Seattle at its best!

  13. Oh hooray! Thank you for that. I am some pretty fine company, better sharpen up my pencils.
    And there is no such thing as too ecclectic as far as music choices are concerned in this house! Remi and I both LOVE the music from "Out of Africa" (well, who doesn't actually) but can only listen to it really loudly which isn't always appropriate. Not to mention that I tear up EVERY SINGLE TIME I hear the main theme. Not that there is anything wrong with crying, as we have already established. 😉

    Vintage Crowded Houses is sounding like an excellent idea for this hazy day and I still need to listen to the clips from Rita's CD. You aren't alone in loving it!

  14. No one better dare laugh at you Sanda! I call the dashboard my main blogger page. Where I go to write new posts and that shows the updates on all of the blogs that I follow.

    And thank you for the reminder to listen to Bach with your suggestions in mind!

  15. I am laughing now as everyone's music couldn't be more them. Gros bisous, Contessa.

  16. Yep, I do believe you win in the random department, Sue.
    Gros Bisous à toi–how did your exams go?

  17. Thanks for the support Wyn! I always love hearing from you–like a burst of vitamin C!

  18. I think you should have written "duh" instead of "of course, Jules. Heehee.

  19. Hello Heather:
    Well, thankfully, you regularly pop up into our life!

    Your Peonies are such bowls of beauty…if only this were a scratch and sniff post!!!

    We are listening to Kathleen Ferrier 'What is Life Without Thee'!!!

  20. All seems to be back to normal, your post today popped right up, and there you are back on the list of blogs I follow. And so glad that I was the only one who had a Heather outage! It was the weirdest thing… and I swear there was no wine involved. I blame the Blogger Gremlins. Lovely peonies! And Pink Martini on the stereo! XO

  21. You are still here- just very ethereal…just like your beautiful peonies.
    As for music, My choices are so wildly random I'm almost embarrassed to share; having just watched "Out of Africa" for the gazillionth time, I'm listening to that around the house, along with vintage "Crowed House" , "David Bowie "Hunky Dory" and in the car, "TV on the Radio" (so love them, but definitely an acquired taste and not for everyone) and then of course, Rita Wilson' new CD "Rita Wilson Am/Fm"
    Just asked my son for new suggestions so I should be getting that list , oh, in about 9 months…


    PS. Adding "Lost in Arles" to my "Slim's Pickings"


  22. I receive an e-mail each time you post. Now I'm going to show my ignorance as someone new to blogging. What's a dashboard? (I can hear everyone laughing) If it is the "Blogs I follow" list, for some strange reason your blog name has has never shown up on my blog front page, but if I go to my profile page, your blog is listed. This is strange, don't you think? Love the picture today. Peonies are one of my favorites; smell divine. Music: I am still listening to Bach each day. Also Llewellyn's "Reiki Healing Journey," wonderful New Age music for relaxation.

  23. IL DIVO!!!!!!!!!!Going to see them in CONCERTO in JULY!
    I dont have a dashboard cause I'm not a BLOGGER PER SE…………….BUT I get your e-mails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Your still out there!

  24. Wonderful image in XL, so beautiful and I'm listening Francoise Hardy Des Ronds dans l'eau
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1A8BvyCzjY .
    Everything looks fine on my dashboard and e-mails, you're perfectly visible Heather, don't worry, otherwise I'd be searching for you all over the internet shouting out: Heeeeeeatheeeer! Where are you?!!!!!! I miss you!

  25. I follow the link from your email, and haven't looked at the dashboard in ages. Thus, I am of little help. So, to answer your question regarding music, as Jim is watching Easy Rider, the song 'Don't Bogart Me' by the Fraternity of Man is playing for you. How random is that?

    Gorgeous photo! Thank you for the extra-large size, though I usually do click on each photo to fully enjoy them.

  26. Heather – you are showing up in Australia – and we are loving it!! From the looks of the responses you have not dropped off the list – maybe you don't see all the comments?? Cheers now – keep blogging you bring memories of our fabulous holidays back to us in bucket loads!! I love you posts!!

  27. Ah, see? This is what I am talking about? Half way visible scares me to no end! And my number of visitors had really gone down the last few days. Ack! It could just be a coincidence or not. And thank you for keeping me in your favs. As for Miles…now we are talking! Save that I will have that particular melody stuck in my noggin' for the rest of the night!

  28. That makes two solid votes for the Midnight in Paris soundtrack–consider it done! Lindley, have a wonderful trip, please travel safely and give a bisous to your pupper from me to boot! Gosh, thanks for your support–made me feel wonderful!

  29. Your posts always show up on my Blog page – the only thing weird is that sometimes they don't show up in my reading list, or if they do, they say "@no reply…", or something like that. So I guess for me, you are Half Way Visible! Thank goodness I have you on my favorites, or I would have thought you vanished.

    Listening to Miles Davis – "So What".

  30. You appeared for me just as you usually do – thank goodness! No music – packing for a trip and music makes me too relaxed! So I have TV noise on in the background while I get everything ready for us, and for our dear house/dog sitter…can't leave anything but a clean house, linens, etc when your niece is arriving in the morning! Wish I was listening to soundtrack of Midnight n Paris, reading and enjoying a glass of wine….although I did stop to check Lost In Arles…my weakness always!

  31. Gros bisous à toi aussi et merci! I so hope we get to meet this summer…

  32. Thanks Poet Whale! Always good to hear from you. I am about to head off to sleep so no rock for me until tomorrow when I will most certainly give a listen!

  33. Virginia, this is just the perfect example of why I feel so lucky to know you. The only reason why I am ever up at that time of day is if I have a plane to catch, let alone to have the elegance totale to listen to Maistro B at that hour? As the French say, 'chapeau'. A saying that I think that you in particular will appreciate…

    Wishing you a most excellent day in Melbourne.

  34. For further info, it is forbidden to go into my head and read my mind! No, no, no! 🙂 That is just lovely. So simple and feminine. And the shoes as well. Alas, 300 pounds? Mais, non. But I do love it!

  35. You are definitely on my radar – even though I've faded out of view. As you are aware, I get enormous pleasure from your blogs, and I would be aware if I wasn't seeing them on my screen.
    My hiatus from the blog world is temporary – I hope to be back on line more frequently after the end of the financial year.

  36. Oooh, I am so glad that I asked! Everyone's suggestions are just spot on–will go back to listen to yours. Bisous. 🙂

  37. Thanks so much Liza and I have already loved one song from Blunderbuss that caught my ear so will make the effort to hear the rest! He deinitely has so much talent, that one, it just matters in what way he applies it!

  38. Your blog shows up on my blog and reading list. No outage that I saw.
    Most everything electric here I turned off because a severe thunderstorm just passed over. Torrential rain. Uploading video and pictures at the moment.

    As for music, the latest heart throbbing sounds I listen to first are the Youtube video, "Greatest Guitar Solo Ever, "My Guitar Gently Weeps".


    When I need a spirit lift, I listen to the Blogger Dynamic View video.

    After all that, Crosby, Stills and Nash, "Woodstock." And then I follow along whatever rock catches my fancy adding in Santana's "Soul Sacrifice" Woodstock performance with the Michael Shrieve drum solo.

  39. Oh Judith, really? Lyme disease? Will add you to my list of good thoughts in hopes that you get better soon. Please, please keep me posted!

  40. In my sleepy state I forgot about the music. It is early morning, 6.30 , and the music I hear is that of the espresso machine. But shortly, I will put on Beethoven's 5th because I am on a Beethoven phase right now. X

  41. HI again,
    The email for the post has arrived as well. You are definitely visible!

  42. You appeared on my dashboard. But I also get your emails or I would miss the dashboard unless I just happened to be looking.

    This larger image is terrific. As you take such wonderful photos I often click on them to enlarge, but so much more stunning when they are already big. Xx

  43. I forgot to mention the music…listening to my most recent aquisition, the soundtrack to Midnight in Paris. 🙂

  44. Such a beautiful photo Heather…reminds me of cashmere and silk. Which BTW..in answer to your question, yes I do where cashmere in summer on cool mornings with my silk Shanghai Tang pj's…one of life's little luxuries.. 🙂

  45. I am absolutely loving the new Jack White, Blunderbuss. Was never a White Stripes fan but I dove in anyways. It's excellent, a bit folksy but still with his signature alternative vibe. I don't know what you mean by "blogger dashboard" (I'm on wordpress) but I get you in my inbox regularly (as you well know), so I know you're there in Arles alive and well!

  46. Well, let's see. You showed up on my bloglovin' queue but I don't yet have an email for this beautiful peony post (the one in my garden should be blooming soon too!) But often the email takes longer.

    What am I listening to? Right now, nothing, I am about to take a nap (I just found out the fatigue is caused by Lyme disease), but I have been enjoying Amy Winehouse's "Lioness" which includes some covers of tunes like Carol King's "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?"

    Wouldn't miss your posts for the world so glad you are checking in!

  47. Ooh thanks Dash! And no surprise that you are listening to Madeleine Peyroux!! Very, very you!

    PS. the photos will be bigger, just not XL!

  48. Well you just popped up on my dashboard! Love the larger photograph and I have Madeleine Peyroux on in the background. Off to catch up on your previous posts.

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