One for the road

Oh my goodness, can you believe it? We are still on the road! It has been a truly incredible week for us albeit not a restful one. Remi has been working very hard to finish up a personal project that has been en cours for two years now. So that has meant a lot of driving on his part, much map-handling on mine and much patience for Ben’s while he rolls around in the back of the Range Rover on many a switch-back trail! Our days have been long, leaving at 10am and often not returning until 8pm–yes, with many breaks and never more than two hours without a stop for the pupper. We have seen so much.
And the cherry on this sweet cake? Gilli, the owner of the studio that we have rented, offered for us to stay an extra night as her next guests had delayed their arrival–isn’t that something? So finally, we are taking a day to relax and enjoy the quiet. I’ll post more soon about our incredible experience yesterday but here is one last little video as a teaser. 
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend! 


  1. Thanks Stacey! We did! We allllmost even stayed at a hotel in the Luberon last night but finally threw in the towel and arrived home just before 9pm. Whew!

  2. Thank you so much Elizabeth. I haven't had time to put two sentences together! It is all still a jumble in my head. But a happy one!

  3. Clearly a beautiful but windy day!! Enjoy your bonus day!! Look forward to hearing all about it!

  4. I'm please that your sojourn has been an interesting one – in a positive way. I am looking forward to sharing your adventures through your beautiful writing.

  5. Ah, you are right dear Greet! He could easily be trained to be the cameraman! 🙂 Gros bisous. Please give Mango a scratchie behind the ears from me!

  6. Beautiful! Love seeing Ben there !! So cute! He should be able to take you on video!! hahaha!!!
    Happy weekend my friend!

  7. Ben looks so relaxed something I'm looking forward to this weekend. I can't wait to hear all about your trip.


  8. Oh you lucky ducks! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Lap it all up while you can and enjoy a little break. xx

  9. Perfectly said. My Ben is a ham and knows how to work the camera–and when it isn't on him!

  10. Thanks Vicki–but really? I need to stop taking photos NOW. What on earth am I going to do with them all?

  11. looks like you and Ben are making the most of the week, must be so lovely at this time of the year before the crowds arrive


  12. Happy Traveling!
    That's so funny…Ben looks like he's smiling when the camera is on him, but when you pan away his look changes.

  13. Glad you are having a happy time… will stay tuned to hear of your adventures… xv

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