Ben’s favorite word in the world

*Oh la la! Talk about a gray Monday! I don’t know how the weather is fairing in your part of the world but here it is just trop triste! And I am not talking about a “Ooh, the flowers are going to be so happy” kind of spring rain but rather a “Charlotte Brontë-ey oppression on the moors” kind of drizzle. Time to pull out the big guns because if this doesn’t make you smile, I give up!*

Those of you that have read Ben’s Guide to Getting What You Want (which I will admit with some embarrassment is probably my favorite post that I have ever written), will know that our beloved “dog” (I use the term loosely as he doesn’t seem to be entirely convinced that he is one) lives to eat. He is simply doing his duty as a Golden Retriever. His breakfast is a given–his sleepy, coffee-deprived human keepers barely need any prodding to do his bidding then. But dinner, aka code word “Lunchtime” is an entirely different matter and he will spend hours plotting and scheming about what precise steps need to be taken to hear that magic word. Since that territory has already been covered, voici le résultat. For the record, this is a relatively calm victory dance but it does show many of his favorite moves such as the twirl, bunny hops and a bark of joy! 

Have a wonderful week everyone! 


  1. Karin, I am so happy that you FINALLY got a bit of sun! Yes, it cleared up for us too and now I can say that we didn't have nearly enough rain for the plants.
    Hope all is well with you!! And Oskar. 🙂

  2. yes, big smile on my face on a weird semi-sunny super blustery aunti-em! kind of day. love hearing your voice, you sound just like you. 😉

  3. HAPPY MAY DAY!One of my favorites!I of course, cannot get the video to play!SO< frustrating!What is it about me?

  4. Aren't we not all blessed with our four-legged family members!

    Sweet Ben! Lovely moments!

    …and just today, for the first of May, there is a ray…of sunshine here! Will send it down to you!

    Have a lovely May Day,
    amicalement, karin

  5. Isn't it true? A laugh is even better but I will "settle" for a smile any day!

  6. What a beautiful description Virginia. Ah, that light! Something to look forward to…

  7. What sheer joy comes from having such a wonderful pet as Ben! Just the simplicity of life's basics – and a fabulous reminder it is too.

    No rain here today, but the air is pure chilled goldenness, as if it has been sent through the autumn prism, dancing in golden beams around the falling leaves. So pretty!

  8. I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your beautiful Skye. It is so hard that they are not with us for longer. From the bit of communication that we have had I can imagine what a wonderful home she must have had. And I am sure that she was dearly loved. Sending all of my best to you and much strength,

  9. Ben is a joy, thanks for the vid…terrific. We lost our beauty, Skye,(that's her in my icon, left) last Tuesday and we are having a very hard time. But we still have our lovely Finney, the Sussex Spaniel. We're moving lock, stock, and barrel to France on May 16th, and hope eventually to add another bull terrier to our pack. Skye was the food queen…never enough for her! Our consolation is that we know she has all the food she wants in heaven. Thanks for the lovely post.

  10. I guess I will now have to counter with a video of Karina responding to the sound of your video. If I can get her off the back of the chair where she is currently sacked out, that is.

    Still working on the bunny hop one.

  11. Any friend of Tabitha's is a friend of mine! Welcome!!! And oh my a puppy–you are killing me! And I love to watch how the tiny ones just go to town attacking their bigger sisters and brothers–who just bravely put it up with it! As the French say, Bon Courage!!!

  12. Methinks you have mucho mucho reasons to be happy and excited Jeanne!! Enjoy Paris!

  13. Yay! Happy to bring a little happiness to Cali–hope your weather is better this week!

  14. Sanda! Did I know that you have TWO Goldens? Wahaaa!!! I want a second so badly but not yet. Isn't it amazing how different their personalities are? Ben could honestly care less about his walks–nothing compares to his dinner!

  15. I sing everyday, Jennifer! Truly! Music means so much to me. Maybe like baking for you? 🙂

  16. Hi nice to meet you, came through Tabitha. We just got a pupster and over the weekend we realised he doesn't realise he's tiny – he was chasing the equivalent of Ben around the house relentlessly!

  17. Oh Ben! You can definitely dance away any blues associated with the Monday grays – Veronique is right, it's gray and cold and windy here in Seattle, too, and I'm sure the rain will show up soon. I might have to watch Ben's happy dance again to bring a little sunshine in!
    Happy Monday, Heather!

  18. That put such a smile on my face!
    You have such a wonderfully mellifluous voice, I sound really Scottish and harsh, like a female Billy Connelly.

  19. Well this made my day! Writing this at my kitchen desk on (another) grey and chilly Seattle morning… Sigh… Ben is lovely. What a happy guy. He does not mind about the weather as much as we do, I bet. By the way, does he speak French too? Does Remi speak to him in French then? Bonne semaine, Heather. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  20. Thank you for the video of Ben – a great morning greeting on this side of the world! It's good to know he enjoys his meals! What a sweetie.

    We had the gray, drizzly weather last week, and a bit of sunshine has returned. Just think how green everything will be as a result of today's drizzle!

  21. That video is too cute! And I can completely identify with Goldens loving their food. I swear both of mine can tell time because 5:30 p.m. they start walking the floor, trying to lead me to the kitchen. They watch every move I make as I'm getting their bowls ready. Walks come close, but dinner time is when they go bonkers! I haven't read Ben's guide to getting what he wants but will do so now!

  22. Ok, I must admit I'm more of a cat person but your charming Ben could change all that. It's raining here today too but I really enjoy it. Everything is muted and I love the smell in the air. My favourite thing to do is hide in the kitchen and bake all day with the windows open. And yes, Uncle Jim is a lucky man and really quite thin considering all the baking I do. I hope you sing in the rain today!

  23. Ouch–stab straight to the heart!!! 🙂 Of course I am so thrilled for you both–lunch outside! Rosé! Now THAT is the perfect way to start a week. My goodness.

    Bisous to you both!!!

  24. Oh your gardens and forests must need the rain badly!! I thought that you would like the Ben video–we do love our Goldens!

  25. Hello Heather:
    We absolutely love Ben's happy dance! It really did make us smile.

    However…….and we hesitate to mention this……the day here is warm and sunny……temperatures around 30C……lunchtime here was outdoors…….how Ben would have danced his happy dance……..and so did we!!!!!

    Now time for a cheeky chilled Rosé!!!!! Sorry…..

  26. I've watched Ben's video a few times already and need to get Dylan dog up soon so he can show me his before breakfast happy dance. That's what we call it…happy dance. OMG I just noticed your new about me button with Ben…so cute! I love your hairy friend! P.S. Please send rain here you're getting the rain we usually get this time of year, we aren't getting any.


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