Sacred spring

It has been an odd week and I feel chopstick rattled. Certainly, the killings in Toulouse and the following aftermath are a large part of it. 

My heart goes out to all that lost loved ones and friends in those horrendous acts. 
Such destruction is a terrible counter to all of the life springing up around us. 

Better then to escape for a few moments by returning to the Chapelle de St. Martin, or more precisely, to the sacred spring just down the hill behind it. I want to lower my brow into its crystalline waters to pull out this weeks violence like a sieve. 

To slow down, to breathe longer and deeper. Certainly that is the state that I was in while gazed into the sacred source, one treasured for its offerings for at least a thousand years. Honored with offerings by civilization after civilization. I traipsed, one foot in front of the other, across the well-worn stones lining the pool to its far end. There, three steps lead down to a spout of the water, diving down into the ground to nourish the fields beyond. 
Being at Remi’s side during years of assignments and adventures, waiting with him as he finds the right light for his photography has at times been a true challenge for me. I fidget, I stamp, I sigh loudly. All to no avail. So finally, I give up, give in and sit down. 
And then start to take a look around…

There can be great beauty in such moments. When I stop projecting myself forward to be right exactly where I am. Just as by getting infinitely small, we expand with a sigh of the skies. Nothing new in that.

Wherever you happen to be and no matter what your week has been, I am sending out all my best for the weekend ahead. Just in hopes that you may have a few minutes to take a good look around you and appreciate the very fine view. 


  1. Oooh, thank you for the compliment! Especially as I nearly cut that one! 🙂 Merci.

  2. I think that our willingness to slow down (who cares whether or not it is because our dogs force us to!) is one of the wonderful things that you and I have in common.
    Looking forward to hearing more on how things are taking shape in your neck of the woods…

  3. This meant so much to me friends. I sent it on to Remi so that he could see it too. I am so very, very grateful to know you both!

    And we did have a relaxing weekend–hooray! Hope that you did as well…

  4. Beautiful photos! I especially like the third from the bottom – perfect colour composition and interesting textures.

  5. I love when you slow down Heather and look around you there's always such beauty to be found. Dylan dog and I do that each day on our hikes. It's a time to slow down and enjoy what's right in front of us.

    I hope you're enjoying your weekend!

  6. Hello Heather:
    It is at such times when one feels that one is looking right into the face of evil that one seeks the nurturing calm of Nature in all its diversity and richness. Even the tiniest wild flower is a thing of such beauty that one cannot help but be uplifted by it and to feel privileged to be surrounded by so many wonderful things.

    Hoping that your weekend is happy and relaxing.

  7. Thank you all so very, very much for your kind words and support. I am so touched by it.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful Saturday.
    Sun is pouring in here…

  8. Gorgeous photographs once again.I spend a lot of time waiting too…….for the husband.Spring is coming and I'm out there taking it all in.Spent the day at the nurseries…….bought just a few bits.But I loved seeing the first blooming roses and all the Spring bulbs bursting fourth!Does put one in a good frame of mind.I hope this is a better week.

  9. I felt the same with this phrase: "I want to lower my brow into its crystalline waters to pull out this weeks violence like a sieve."…just beautiful. Thank you!

  10. Beautiful words of wisdom. We have followed the events with much horror. But yes, the balance to all is always around us if we just stop and look, and this is a timely reminder to do so.
    Absolutely beautiful photographs, Remi will have to watch out! I hope you have a wonderful spring weekend. We lit our first fire for the season last night, which was glorious. VB xx

  11. Thank you Heather for this deeply touching post, it has a gentle healing energy in it. (Thanks for reminding to zoom in, images are so quietly beautiful!)

    Devastating tragedy in Toulouse…My youngest can't get it why I'm hugging him non-stop these days. Can't help it.
    And thank you for a generous comment on my blog. It means more than you know to me.

  12. Heather,
    My heart goes out to those in Toulouse, they have been on my mind this week too.

    This post takes me to another, more beautiful place. And you always manage to have at least one phrase of writing that makes me catch my breath, stop, and think before moving on. "…by getting infinitely small, we expand with a sigh of the skies," is one such phrase.

    And your email came just as I had pushed "publish" on my post this week, which is about readjusting our mind-set. Your post will help me do just that.

    Have a terrific weekend.

  13. Lost in Arles? A most lovely view indeed…a sad week with Spring's abundance to glorify life that remains…beautiful photos, Heather.
    xoxo, Chris

  14. Hello Vero and no worries–I am not always on top of everything myself! It is too hard to be. Sending my very best to you that you have a lovely weekend…

  15. Beautiful Heather! Sorry, I have not stopped by for a while, but I am catching up today. Looks like I have missed a few great posts! 😉 Rough week in France indeed. I find the cheerful hues in these photos uplifting. We all need some uplifting these days… Bon weekend! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  16. Ps. These photos have so much more detail if you click on them. 🙂

    Bon weekend!

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