Haunted, 3

“There’s a certain slant of light,

On winter afternoons,

That oppresses, like the weight

Of cathedral tunes.

Heavenly hurt it gives us;
We can find no scar,
But internal difference
Where the meanings are.

None may teach it anything,

‘Tis the seal, despair,-

An imperial affliction

Sent us of the air.

When it comes, the landscape listens,
Shadows hold their breath;
When it goes, ‘t is like the distance
On the look of death.” 

–Emily Dickinson

I thought of this poem today. I can’t remember if I have posted on it before but it is one of my favorites and seemed appropriate for the last of the Haunted series. Tomorrow evening I will board my flight back to France after such a wonderful, happy time. It passed in the blink of an eye as I knew it would. Now it is the beginning of the in-between time when I am not quite here nor there. I’ll hold my heart tight as the light shines from between my fingers, waiting to see where I will be on the other side of the dawn.


  1. Now, I know you so just let me say right here–I meant what I said, just please POST about it so that I can see you!!! Pleaaaase???

  2. Absolutely, Francine! And you don't even have to close your eyes, you just will have to PROMISE me that you will use your best Kili climbing skills if needed to not fall down a tunnel. Ok? And that you won't try and make me stay after sunset!!

    I had a wonderful trip–hopefully, I will get a few short posts up this week.

  3. Thank you so much Laura, that really is such a beautiful thing to say and it is much appreciated. And yes, it is somehow comforting to know not only that I am not alone in my hopscotch of a being right now but that we all will soon be blooming!

  4. Let's hope so Angela. It shivers me timbers. And I told you, this camera is fantastic!! I briefly saw your Uzes post in between flights and will look forward to going back now that I will have more time.

  5. Karin, I see that I need to caught up with your blog–will do now that I am back! Bisous…

  6. The perfect poem for your series!Lovely photos Heather……….hope you had a good safe trip.I know there are two happy souls to be seeing YOU!And of course, I found a copy of WHERE WOMEN COOK yesterday in the grocery store!

  7. Emily Dickinson with your "haunted photos" as a background was a visual treat. The power of the words and sheer beauty of the photographs was a treat to wake up to in the morning. Can't wait to hear about your trip…..and please….would you take me to this village one day? i promise, i will close my eyes the entire trip so that its location will remain secret!!!

  8. All of the photos in this series have a quality that is somehow different and truly ethereal. It was apparent even before reading one sentence in the initial "Haunted" post.
    Emily Dickinson's poem was indeed appropriate, even for those who are not in transition from travel. It is definitely an in-between time of the year, as we wait for the warmth of spring. You are also quite the poetic soul Heather, and it is always a pleasure to read your expressions.

  9. More perfection. And I still want to see these photos all together. On a wall or in a book.

    Safe travels.

  10. Beautiful photos, I really want that camera now! Welcome back to Arles, I hope to be back there soon myself…..that in-betweeny time is unsettling, but should only last a few days..

  11. Isn't that amazing? I just thought of you both this morning and was going to pop on over and say hello even if there wasn't a new post up. Sending all my very best to you both and it was wonderful to hear from you!!!

  12. Hello Heather:
    Oh, we have missed so much in our absence…

    This is such a beguiling composition of verse and image, truly beautiful and captures so perfectly the sense of light and landscape, leaving and arriving, past and present. We wish you safe travelling and look forward to hearing more of your adventures from near and far!

  13. Love the way you connected the poem with the pictures. I wonder what ED would have written if she went to France…

  14. Safe journey.
    Welcoming you back to France with open arms. I know so well the feeling of in between.
    Aidan x

  15. Such a beautiful poem.

    Thanks again for your lovely awards. I have finally posted them on my blog with 5 things about myself & passed another 5 along 🙂

    ~ Clare x

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