Crazy as a moon

I can’t be the only one that is eternally grateful that such a monster of a full moon is gone daddy gone. I have always been especially susceptible to its pull but this month I could have eaten the world in two bites and drank it down with a flick of the wrist. Full of the sea change within me, within all of us, I would have broken out the big wings to fly if only I could.   

But good things can come of strange things. What beauty that bone white orb spread across our ancient monuments. Walking through, with my love at my side, I arrived at a bit of time holding its breath, just before the wane. Une petite pause. And très juste, this light, one entirely unafraid of banishing the dark.


  1. Heather your photography is wonderful as always!!

    I hope you are now having a great weekend!
    Art by Karena

  2. Judith, congratulations on launching your new blog! I am sure that it will be a success!! And why not give out a howl now and again? You can always blame it on your pup! 🙂

    Yes, Stacey! I am finally getting back to sleeping normally! Whew! Wishing you an excellent weekend!

  3. It was truly amazing here too – and lasted so long into the morning. It looks so beautiful over the ancient buildings. Perhaps that's what's been affecting me lately!!

  4. That moon must have been amazing. The one thing I DO like about snow, and we haven't had any yet this year, is when the moon is full, I love waking up and seeing the shadows of the trees across the back yard.

    Kinda makes you wish you were uninhibited enough to howl. (What would the neighbors think?!)

  5. Oh I love all of these comments! And thank you for the compliments too of course! :p Elizabeth, I have to say that is fascinating and not at all surprising…yikes! Let's all be careful because I am STILL feeling the pull of that sucker.

  6. Beautifully said. The changes in human behaviour during a full moon are interesting to note. There are statistically more car accidents, more calls to for ambulance and police to attend to and the casualty departments in hospitals are busier…. Perhaps I had better start to read my horoscope…. or is that horrorscope?

  7. A beautiful moon on your side of the world…and I love the way you look at it. 🙂
    Jeanne x

  8. Ah, the werewolf within growls. It has been a particularly bright full moon though. We kept running around the house the night before last, convinced that somebody had left a light on – yet in the end it was the amazingly beautiful moon shining through the clerestory windows which was casting such an impossible glow. Magnificent!

    These photos are quite incredible – so ethereal. Virginia xx

  9. — Ha. Bien sur, Remus Lupin. I knew we had a lot in common 😉 I definitely appreciate a girl who knows her Harry Potter trivia. Bon weekend! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  10. Jeanne, you should have seen it here, it was ginormous! Like in the Charlie Brown Halloween special!

    Vero…Remus Lupin! 😉

    Dear Jane and Lance, it is so wonderful to hear from you! You both have been in my thoughts daily. Sending lots of love and strength to you. And hoping that 2012 is more wonderful than crazy!

  11. Hello Heather:
    What hauntingly beautiful images you have captured here of the full moon. And, such beguiling pictures of the buildings in light and shadow, a truly atmospheric sight. Perfectly lovely!

    We do so hope that 2012 will be a crazily wonderful year for you!!

  12. Beautiful… and spooky! Junior and I started a Harry Potter movie marathon a couple of weeks ago. A major character is a werewolf… Need I say more? 😉 Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  13. Heather, I'm hypnotized by the moon in your photos. How gorgeous. It somehow didn't look quite as magical here, although I did think the moon had grown incredibly fat in this last cycle – as if it ate too much during the holidays. No wonderful I've felt so crazy this week!

  14. Heather your images are fabulous! I was just saying to mister man last night that the moon was probably the most clear I had ever seen it. We won't be seeing it tonight I'm afraid it's snowing like crazy here…ugh!

  15. Thanks for the kind compliment, Tina. Yeah! A fellow redhead… 🙂

    MFFA–I have seen him too! He was going to town while I was photographing for this post: Amazing! I loved the video that you put on your blog and will share it in Arles for sure.

    Linda, thank goodness I am not the only one…this last one really was too much!

  16. What IS it about the full moon that makes we women step into that other world of awareness?? Sometimes I'm glad, but mostly I'm worn out by the time it wanes.

    Such lovely, lovely photos and words…

  17. Love the moon through the opening ….great eye!!
    I was in Arles in December and saw teenage boy practicing Parkour in the ruins at Theatre Antigue…your moon there is beautiful.

  18. These are the most beautiful pictures of this full moon that I have seen so far.Thanks for sharing.

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