Close your eyes…

…and make a wish!
Joy to the world.
Peace on Earth.
And love, love, love. 

To all of my dear friends and readers that are celebrating, I hope that you have a very, Merry Christmas!
With all of our Very Best from Arles,
Heather, Remi and Ben


  1. Thank you so much Victoria and Clare!! Here is to a peaceful last few days of the year for all of us…

  2. Hope you had a beautiful Christmas day, Heather! We had a lovely sunny one down here in Oz.

    ~ Clare x

  3. Thank you so much Jackie and Joel! I love your part of the world and hoping that you have a very Merry Christmas!!!

  4. Merry Christmas from Kirkland, WA (outside Seattle) from your new followers at TravelnWrite.

  5. It is Christmas morning here in Arles and all is well with the world!!

    Thanks so much ladies for your kindness–wishing you all a beautiful, joyful Christmas!!

  6. Merry Christmas Heather! Best wishes to you, Remi and Ben. As I read my blogs each day, I save yours for the last as it's my very favorite. Can't wait for your posts in 2012~! Sally Leonard ( Houston, Texas )

  7. Hello Heather, Remi and Ben

    A very happy Christmas to you. May your wishes come true. Thank you for your always interesting blog, support, friendship and comments.

    Helen xxx

  8. Joyeux Noel Heather,Remi and Ben— From rainy Seattle, Veronique, Frederick, Alec, Hailey (the dog) and Felix (the cat.) — Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

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