Baby, let the stars shine bright

As the afternoon slides towards night, I will look forward to saying hello 2012! And also, goodbye Pentax. You see, Santa was kind to me, so I am going to have a brand new camera to discover and more photographs to share with you of my corner of the world.
Wherever you are and whomever you are with, please know that I am sending my heartfelt wishes for the year ahead. May we all have good health, feel the warmth of love and the prickly sensation of adventure! As always, may hope lift you and guide you onwards.
With much gratitude and happiness in my heart…


  1. Elizabeth, I think that I WROTE about the Pentax letting me down so much here that he felt obligated to give me a new one! Heehee. Try it, it just might work!

    Thanks for your wonderful wishes as always Virginia. I haven't posted yet about our first meal–insanity! As I am superstitious I take these things quite seriously..Bisous!

  2. I left a comment here the other day – but it seems to have evaporated into cyberspace….anyway, just wanted to pop in to say hope that the year is a fab one for you and Remi. Certainly sounds like it is starting on a rather lovely foot, mimosas and all, so I hope it continues into a year of magic & laughter & lovely surprises. Virginia xx

    ps – jealous of the new camera…but delighted that you have it because we get to see the fruits of it! So all is good!

  3. Thank you for your lovely thoughts and wishes.

    A new camera …. I think Remi needs to chat to my husband! Despite my hints – with diminishing subtleness as Christmas drew closer – there was no camera under the tree. However, I did receive a lens hood to replace the one I lost last year!! Right theme, wrong item!

  4. Yes, Karena! I will continue sending good energy for health, happiness and creativity for the year ahead. And I will enter your giveaway but it seems very, very greedy to do so! I have my prize. 🙂

    V, oh no–we wouldn't want that happen. Certainly as the Seine is not exactly as clean as it used to be. But yes, I am one happy girl.

  5. What could be better than l iving in France with a brand new camera! I think every trip to Paris my Canon is going to lay down and die on me and I'd have to then throw myself off the Pont Neuf!

  6. Heather Thank you for your friendship and encouragement, which I know will be enduring!

    Happy New Year to you & Ben!

    I hope you will enter my Giveaway from Serena & Lily!

    Art by Karena

  7. Thank you so much Helen! My goodness, I certainly love your optimism. And it seems like so many of us have great hopes for the year ahead. Yes, definitely wishing the same for you too!

  8. Hello Heather

    Thank you for the lovely wishes. I absolutely adore the picture of you and Ben.

    It will be one of the best years ever.

    Helen xx

  9. Good morning everyone and Happy New Year!! I hope that you all had a wonderful evening last night. And it is a great new day! Remi is in the kitchen preparing for lunch in the country and so the first food that passed my lips this year was…lobster! 🙂

    I have to run and get ready so this will be too short but thank you for being here. You all make this blog so special. What amazing people from all over the world.

    Stacey, I agree and hope that we will get to meet at some point? And Penelope, thank you so much for the compliment–that will sail me forward. 🙂 Heather, your photos are amazing–please stay safe in your incredible voyage.

    Remi just handed me a surprise–a raspberry litchi mimosa! Talk about starting the year off right!!!

  10. Have a great New Year with the new camera….this trip has turned me into
    a crazy woman with the camera….sooooo much fun and it all doesn't take more room or money! all the best Heather

  11. Happy New Year Heather!! Wishing you, Remi and Ben all the best for 2012 and looking forward to even more beautiful photos of Arles and Provence! I'm so thrilled to have made a new friend halfway around the world this year!

  12. OHHHH to you too HEATHER!!!!How exciting a new camera……………..Love what you did with the PENTAX.Know we will all be balled over with the new and improved camera.Bring on the photos!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY HAPPY YEAR A HEAD.

  13. The very best New Year to you all!!

    I love your blog; and it keeps getting better!
    OOPs! my head got cut off in my profile picture!

  14. Happy New Year Heather. That photo is amazing. Looking forward to 2012, and ditto on wishing you and yours love, health, and adventure.

  15. So happy for you about the new camera, Heather. That's a lovely photo of you and Ben! Bonne année 2012 to you, Rémi and Ben. I have just posted my last post of 2011 too– just in time! Looking forward to reading you in 2012! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

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