Montpellier Deballage Deux!

We are out the door–a surprise invitation to spend the day with friends in Aix. Who doesn’t love spontaneous moments like this? It is so wonderful to be thought of, to be appreciated. An issue which I have been thinking too heavily on as of late so this is the Universe’s way of saying, “Oh be quiet, everything is fine you silly goose.” Speaking of, will you take a look at that regal fowl of an armrest? Ah, antiques such as these means one thing and one thing only–the Deballage, or unwrapping of Montpellier. Yes, I have already posted about it…somewhere but can’t find the link! Too prodigious, this one, eh? Why I love this event is that it is a gathering of hundreds of dealers from all over Europe, not to mention buyers from all over the world. The number of Russians was staggering and I can tell you, they weren’t looking at nicknacks, they were more in the market for the man-sized chandelier as seen below.

We, being of zero budget, mainly come to be inspired and dream. But were tempted by this gorgeous, if cracked altar piece. Insane patina.

I was frankly, scared by this ginormous cello case and had images of Houdini using it in a magic trick of some sorts. It looks like the sort of thing that if you stepped into, you could exit in another dimension.

The trend for this go round? Regency and especially anything with arrows. We took a gander at this inexpensive floor lamp from the 50s but found it a bit too…or not enough…

Look at these gorgeous girls waiting to find new lives. A bunch of maidens at a dance–pick me! Pick me! If I could afford to, I most certainly would have brought a pair home. But alas, we have other priorities right now…

…Which means finding a chandelier for the living room. Oh, my. And were there ever some beaut’s to choose from. Remi was taken with this baroque Catalonian one from a dealer out of Barcelona…

And me? Oooh, the Italians always have the best choices. We actually were seriously considering this rather traditional piece but all of the wiring had to be redone. Um, that just made the price go out of our reach. As we were pacing back and forth, trying to decide, trying to communicate in Italian with the dealers we spied…

…this gorgeous and very real, very antiquo, winner. Well, it might be a winner. We are still thinking about it but I think that it is love. We would have to drive to Lyon to pick it up in December but it could be worth the effort. I have seen so many reproductions of this type on the market but the genuine article? Nope. Not to mention one with the tiniest, most delicate beads…Sigh.  We shall see…

All of this dreaming makes one hungry! And truly, I swear that I go to the deballage for the one thing that I know that I will find at the end of the morning: lunch on a huge magret de canard sandwich with fries…and for once, just because I could, a glass of champagne!


  1. Thanks, Heather. That cutie patootie is my 15-month old grandson. I cannot get enough of that face.
    Victoria aka Nonna

  2. Well affordable is a debatable idea, isn't it? 😉 Thanks for the profile photo of the cutie patootie on Rudy!

  3. I love the one you picked and, if it is affordable, I think you should go for it. What a treat to be able to attend an antiques sale of this caliber, even if just to look and get inspiration…and a delicious lunch.

  4. Oh my goodness, look at all of these comments! Hmm, looks like we all needed a dose of dreaming. 🙂

    Dear Jane and Lance, yes we are definitely thinking similar thoughts right now. When I read your comment I thought "well, that is a post in itself", then encouraged by our wonderful Virginia (who should know that I don't care a fig for perfect grammar), I wrote one! Still ironing out the edges and will post it soon. But if anyone in the world should feel appreciated it is you two. I have never seen anything like the support you have for your blog.

    Thank you everyone for your encouragements for the chandelier! We are still thinking about it! Sigh. The lure of beautiful, precious, unique things. We also wonder if we didn't make a mistake in leaving the altar piece behind as well but if there was ever an example of not needing something that would be it!

    Dash, oh I would love to meet up, please do keep that in mind for the future! And Montpellier runs 5 times a year, the next is in the beginning of February. If you want further info, please let me know.

    Brooke Giannetti, STOP TYPING! I mean it! Take care of yourself please. And yep, hopefully we will make that dream a reality. 🙂

  5. OMG, that is my idea of heaven or at the very least the perfect day, I have to go, how often is it on?

    Heather thank you for your comment on the Nice post, yes we drove straight past Arles and I thought of you, I even said to MG as we sped past, "I have a blogging friend who lives in Arles" I go to that neck of the woods quite often as we visit Belle Mere in Sanary fairly frequently, next time we go, I will let you know in advance.

  6. Well no wonder you knew so much about the 'double, double…you're a trained professional! I feel even more thankful now knowing Shakespeare's intentions for these famous lines, and am truly glad you visited!
    You certainly were surrounded by treasures here, weren't you?! The chandelier is beautiful, it has a very special look, absolutely gorgeous! The 'Houdini' case?…that's another story. 😉
    xo J~

  7. Really interesting train of thought about the value of friendships, which Jane & Lance continued on with. Oops, bad grammar. But you know what I mean. I'm curious as to where you were going with your thoughts on that.

    And as for the chandler, its a treasure – and having to wait till December makes it even more so, I think. Virginia xx

  8. What a magnificent day you had!Love the sandwich and the glass of bubbles at the end!Now if we only lived closer I would be following in your foot steps.Only if you would allow…………xoxox

  9. Oh my goodness! I am jealous!!! You are so lucky to live there my friend!! I wished I could visit a deballage more often!!
    And I also would enjoy a glass of champagene and a magret de canard sandwiche! MMMMmmmmm!

  10. I would definitely toast a glass of Champagne to that chandelier and think that a trip to Lyon in December would be another adventure. The photos just make me drool, and although I would not be in the market to stuff those chairs in my carry-on for the return home, the stroll is much like a visit to a fabulous museum.

    (love the new look of your blog and congrats on a year!)


  11. Hello Heather:
    Strange that you should mention about wanting to feel valued as this is a topic which we ourselves have been debating lately. Is it that people are now generally more casual, or that time for investing in friendships is in short supply? Whatever, we too should have taken ourselves out of such reveries and attended this most eclectic and inspiring of sales.

    Just glimpsing at the photographs, we know that we should have been spoiled for choice at every turn. But, what an absolutely sweet chandelier. Beautiful in its simplicity and perfect for your new home we are certain. Like the glass of champagne, don't think too hard,just do it!

  12. Oh my! So many wonderful pieces and ending the day with a glass of bubbly – how lovely!

    ~ Clare x

  13. Hi Heather

    On what a special day you had. The altar has given me goose bumps. The chairs and your making the analogy to women waiting for dance partners is most clever. Your choice of chandelier is what dreams are made of.
    Lunch and those fries are most tempting
    Have a great Sunday

  14. Pick that last simple, elegant original chandelier with the swagged beading it's stunning! That's the one I would pick too. Looks like it was a fun day and truth half the fun is wandering around looking. Enjoy your Sunday Heather!

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