
Open up the shutters. Breathe in the morning air. Pad downstairs to the espresso machine. Verify that the view is just as breath-taking as it was yesterday evening. Say hello to the already clicking cigales and the rustle of the pines. Faire le vide. Yoga on the lawn. Lunch. Sieste. A dip in the pool when it is too hot to take any more, carefully floating past the sipping bees. Reading, letting the words sink in. A walk with Ben. A very long apéro while regarding the light shift. BBQ. Talking until the cigales pipe down. Sleep. Repeat.


  1. Oh how very perfect!! Definitely a pinch me, is it real sort of place. Wishing the most marvelous rest of your week!!

  2. Thank you so much everyone! After a few rainy days, the sun is back out ad we are making the most of it!! What an incredible gift this has been…

  3. Oh how beautiful…only there you could open up the shutters. If we did that in south louisiana you would die of a heat stroke and be carried off by mosquito's. Maybe we should pack up and head there!
    Have a wonderful Sunday!
    Renee and Angela

  4. A well deserved rest. I absolutely love the photo you posted with the tiny shaft of light travelling across the floor.
    Wishing you the joys of summer
    Helen x

  5. Sounds like true relaxation!BRAVO!
    I found REMI…….and YES, he is a HOTTIE!!!!!!
    Enjoy your time there.I can hear the cicadas now!

  6. Hello Heather:
    How wonderful all of this sounds and exactly, we feel, what you both need right at this moment.

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