Last day

 We are in the middle of our last few hours here. And I have the hiccups. Literally. Let’s hope all goes well tomorrow. As my friend Frederique wished us–“Merde”!

PS. I still have the hiccups and Remi is still packing at 11:22 pm and the movers arrive at 7!


  1. You assumed correctly my beautiful friend! But not lost at all and all the more appreciated. It was pretty, wasn't it? But so is our current space, while half the size. We would stay if it weren't for the noise plus the building being up for sale with the end of our lease! It just goes to show that there are many "homes" for all of us…including the homes, the links with our internet friends…with Much Love, H.

  2. Comment vanished into the ether. I'm assuming it's on approval since the post is more than two years old?

  3. We had vigas in our home in New Mexico, too. I love those. I know the point of this post and the link was to see the boxes but they couldn't mask the beauty of the place which commandeered my attention. Just magnificent. (I also love a good chandelier …)

  4. Really? Are you sure? My number of visitors has taken a major nosedive! I hope there will be others that follow you…


  5. IT's hard to leave but look at what is a head………how exciting for you!I look forward to your posts of getting the home put together!VERY EXCITING stuff!

  6. Thanks again everyone! Oh, I am so happy to be typing on my own computer instead of Remi's iphone with its automatic word correction (which explains why the love sent swimmingly–heehee). Thanks for your concerns about Ben. He really is having a tough time and we are not sure what else to do besides giving him even more love than usual and trying to establish a new routine quickly.

    Otherwise, things are going slowly but surely. We have too much of everything and so will have to be making decisions. Photos soon!

  7. Ben's sad face is killing me Heather. I have teary eyes too just looking at him! But it's amazing how animals feed off our own emotions – so I hope that now you have moved in he will be back to his usual smiling self.

  8. oh, Ms. robinson….

    Regarding my last posting?….

    I expect you're wondering around that apartment, humming to yourself that old 19th century song "Your Letter Came/But came too Late"…..

    —-david terry

  9. I'll bet you meant to say, "the move went swimmingly", but I think "the love sent swimmingly" works, too – it means you received all the love we sent you and it made for a great move! : )

  10. I'm so glad the move went well. I'm sure you and Remi must be exhausted! Enjoy your day off. Have a glass of wine for me!


  11. Thanks everyone! David, i owe you a glass or wine for making me laugh so hard this morning. I am typing poorly from Remi's iPhone so this will be short just to say that we had a great day yesterday. The love sent swimmingly. Nô major damage done! I am officialy taking the day off! 🙂

  12. OK – you may have a few things left but you look pretty organized to me!! Good luck tomorrow. I can't wait to see. And I hope you wake up sans hiccups!!

  13. To all who are interested: just heard from Heather and they are officially moved in! She loves her new place and sounded SO happy! Deliriously tired, but happy. They got sushi to celebrate and Ben, overwhelmed, has conked out. They don't have internet yet, but she'll find some wifi to post soon, I'm sure. Just wanted to give an update! : )

  14. By the time you read this you will be moved already I might think!! Oh I wish you a wonderful week in your new home!!

  15. Hello Heather,
    We wish you every happiness and joy in your new home.

  16. P.S. I hope that I don't have to emphasize that I'm JOKING (I always hate saying that, but it seems obligatory on an internet that's apparently filled with earnest midwesterners these days)

    —-david terry

  17. Dear Heather…..

    I really wouldn't do this if I were you. There's still time to get the hell out of this mess you've gotten yourself into…..ditch the dog and the boyfriend (they can BE replaced; trust me, I've done it myself, several times and when pushed beyond my narrow and admittedly self-involved limits over the past 20 years), put on a short red dress, empty out the bank accounts, stuff the loot in your handbag, hike out to the nearest truck-refueling stop, and catch a lift to wherever-the-hell that damn truck is going at 2 in the morning. If the guy driving the truck gives you trouble, just figure out a way to steal the truck while he's gone to the mens' room at the next auto-route stop. Once again, it's not THAT hard to do. Beverly D'Angelo did in at least three movies during the late 80's.

    Once you're wherever you end up?….you can decide what you want to do next. Some folks might call this going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket….but I think it's called FREEDOM. What do you think?

    Just access your early Bonnie Raitt (circa 1985….before she suddenly became a "Nice Girl").

    I'm sorry to go all avuncular on you at this point in the game….but I really do think it's time for you to cash in all your chips, toss everyone else overboard (basically, the boyfriend, dog, and "stuff" are just baggage, right?), and get your tail down to Monte Carlo, one way or another.

    I don't see any reason whatsoever why you shouldn't be rich, happy, and unburdened by problems. Do you?

    trust me…Remi, that dog, and the apartment will get along sort-of-just fine without you once you're gone. They'll be sad and completely disoriented for a while, of course…..but it's not like they'll actually die of sorrow(no one ever does). They'll find someone who'll take over the job of feeding and cleaning them.

    In the meantime,I think it's time for your to begin being all that you can be. You are, after all, an AMERICAN. Rather obviously, the same cannot be said of the boyfriend, dog, or apartment.

    Just remember….you're an AMERICAN and you were BORN a WINNER. Don't let all this French-stuff drag you down…..right?????

    Advisedly yours as ever,

    David Terry

  18. Just set up the bed and put the towels in the bathroom, have the coffee pot handly and then just take it easy. You will have all your life to put the items in place. From what I see you are very organized and that will benefit.

    Wishing you the best

  19. Moving day arrives whether we're ready or not. Am sending you nothing-broken-sratched-or-lost karma for tomorrow!

  20. Poor Ben looks a little misplaced among all the boxes. I know your home now is dark and you need more light but it's always a tad sad to leave a place that has given you shelter but change is good (as long as it's you and not me…lol, sorry)Tomorrow's going to be exhausting so get some rest, I'm so excited for you all!

  21. WHOA – didn't know you move tomorrow! How do you feel besides hiccupy? Sad? Exhausted? I must say Ben looks rather blase about the whole thing! I feel sad, and I never even saw this house! Sending you lots of love and strength for what will surely be an emotionally and physically hard next few days, and will leave you with this quote: "Change in all things is sweet" (Aristotle).

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