Begin the beguine

I have already been through the end of the world once. So I can’t say that I am afraid if by some, eh-hem, miracle that wacky preacher is right today. Remember Y2K? Where were you for the New Year’s Eve of the millennium? I was in my apartment on 51st Street in New York City, a mere two blocks away from Doom Central. Decidedly célibataire, or single, though certainly not by choice, it was up to me to face destruction alone. So I did what any wise girl would do. I filled up the tub with bubbles, opened a bottle of Veuve Clicquot, put on my all time favorite Sarah Vaughan album and settled in for the long good bye. At some point I heard the cheers rise from the crowds and realized that midnight had passed and we were all still here. 
Cue Artie Shaw and his orchestra and put on your dancing shoes. For with every end (perceived or real) comes a new beginning and I have a bit of news. We are moving! Now, no, I won’t need to change the title or content of this blog as we are just hopping over two streets in Arles. But I am so excited. I’ll properly tell the story of our current apartment soon as it is truly worthy of its own post and explain why we are leaving. Remi and I are wanderers, we live for the new and of course love to create our environment. And we will have our work cut out for us as these are decidedly less glamorous digs than our current residence–which is part of the point. We will be heading to another rental but it is an entire floor of a hôtel particulier and one that is filled with light. Sadly, no garden but imagine what it could be after we paint and clean and uncover. Light up the chandeliers! 


  1. Aaah! I missed these comments! How rude! Thanks to the three of you–we are really looking forward to our new adventure.

    Clare, sending you good energy for all that you have ahead of you. Good Luck!!!

  2. Hi Heather – I've so busy I haven't had a chance to visit so I'm catching up. Your new apartment looks absolutely beautiful – can't wait to see what you do with it!! I'm sure it will be fabulous!

  3. How exciting! I too am moving & in the middle of fixing walls, painting & all that jazz. It's hard work but rewarding.

    ~ Clare x

  4. heather I love those windows and am so excited for you & your new space!

    Art by Karena

    Come and enter my Great Giveaway from Serena & Lily!

    You will love it!

  5. Debra, I hope that you will post about your new chairs please! And our next apartment is smaller than what we have now. Down-sizing! Yet again! Arrgghh….

    Trace, I had to think about that for a moment and I actually think that it was our home here in Arles. We moved into it as a rental in 2005, bought it 2009 and sold it, sadly, in 2010. But we were travelling non-stop in the beginning especially, so didn't feel rooted in one place. Still don't.

    Brooke, thank you! The day that I don't enjoy a bath with a glass of champers balanced on the edge is the day to haul me off to the funny farm.

  6. I always love a new adventure! Your new apartment has lovely bones. I look forward to seeing what you create. Hope you enjoyed your bath and champagne. I believe there will be many more in your future 🙂


  7. Ah… y2k. remember it fondly. i'm a geek so you can imagine how much fun it was in the days leading up to the big meltdown. while you were in your bubble filled world, i was in a server room trying to save the world… well, five geek boys and i were drinking jack and coke while we tried to save a computer system, but saving the world sounds so much better.
    and she loves sarah vaughn. girl.. just sayin'
    a move!? Since you've been an adult, what's the longest you've stayed at one address?

  8. Yep I remember Y2K I was living in Brooklyn Heights with the new husband, he’s old now but we’re still here! The world had better not blow up today I just got home with two newly recovered chairs and I’m loving them and I don’t want a mess all over them….lol. Love how you face the end, with style!

    How exciting for you a new bigger flat! Needs a little TLC but I know you can handle the job and I can’t wait to see!

    After a solid week of rain the sun is somewhat shining so I’m off to tackle planting a rose bush. Enjoy your weekend!

    XX Debra,

  9. Cheers right back at you Bruce! I always thought that the folks living in Hoboken had it all figured out.

    And Bon Appetite Les H's! I raise an imaginary glass towards you both and your very fortunate guests. I agree that the bones are good, as is the layout. Remi and I are spending the afternoon going through my image file for inspiration. Thank you for the lovely compliment and well wishes. I read them out loud to Remi.

    David Terry, how little you know me. I am already despertately drawing out floor plans trying to figure out how I can fit everything in! To think that when I first moved to France both Remi and I started over from scratch with NOTHING and now…sigh. We even negotiated TWO storage spaces in the building as well. True, Remi has lots of equipment for his expeditions and I have lots of…shoes.

  10. What wonderful news!!

    And I do remember Y2K. I was living in Hoboken and working at Hearst Magazines.

    I think, today, I am in the mood for some Fred Astaire!


  11. Oh, enjoy those blank walls and that liberating "Look how Much More ROOM we'll have!" feeling…while it lasts.

    I bought this old house (my first, actually) seven years ago, having previously lived for seven years 2-houses down the street, where I rented what was essentially 2 rooms.

    A longtime friend (i.e., she'd seen several of the gradstoodinty places I'd lived in since 1989) came to visit about 2 months after I'd moved in. I excitedly walked her all through this house. At the end of the tour, I realized that she hadn't said a single thing, so I asked "SO???!?!?…..What do you think???"

    She folded her arms, looked at me over her glasses, and flatly announced "Well, this confirms my theory that objects multiply to fill existing space."

    In any case, your apartment looks lovely….but I bet you a shiny, red apple that it doesn't stay uncluttered and spacious-looking for long.

    congratulations, of course,

    David Terry

  12. Hello Heather:
    What exciting news indeed. Your new apartment looks to be very much a blank canvas but with some rather good 'bones' from what we can see. We are sure that you will give it great style once you have made your own mark and we do so hope that you will be happy there.

    As for the end of the world, well we have organised a lunch party and the sky is wall to wall blue. If this is all how it comes to a close, all we can say is that there could be worse ways!!

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