Start in beauty

The following is a repost as we are still in the mountains:

Coming from a family of jinxers, I am superstitious about many things. How to properly begin the New Year is most certainly one of them. Already, the evening before is not to be bargained with, tradition reigns. And tradition clearly states: “Stay in with your honey, eating well and dancing after midnight. Going out is for amateurs.” It is one that has worked for the nine years that Remi and I have spent together, with money or without. Our friends know and respect this but my dear friend Frederique offered up a compromise too tempting to resist. So it was that I tippytoed down the street in my very highest heeled over the knee boots, bottles of champers in hand, to spend the apero with a wonderfully boisterous mix of friends, their kids and our dogs. Lovely talking, much laughing in front of a warm fire. Perfect.
But Cinderella-like, poof we were off far before the stroke of midnight as my honey had been preparing all afternoon. I didn’t really think it possible but he might have outdone himself. Sea bass roasted in bacon with a chablis cream sauce topped with a weighty mix of sautéed fresh shrimp, mussels, calamari and squid. Seriously? Seriously. Allez-hop, a wonderful little-known bottle of Rapatel and we were still dining as we could hear fireworks popping in the distance to announce the arrival of 2011. As usually happens, we end up shimmying around the living room before collapsing into a deep, well-deserved sleep. Sigh. Waking up, groggy as all get out near noon. Just in time for brunch! Mimosas and eggs benedict. Yes, we like to eat just a bit.

Towards the end of the day, Remi took me to a secret spot, the ruin of a twelfth century church that is so hidden in the countryside that only the most intrepid can find it. St. Veran. Surrounded by an olive grove and bathed in a golden “God” light, it symbolizes all that I love of Provence. Here you can still find such incredibly peaceful places and have them to yourselves. Just us and the birds swooping overhead. How wonderful then, to start the year in beauty. Wishing the same for all of my readers and friends across the world–health (most importantly), happiness and making the most of all that makes life wonderful!

Bonne Année! Happy, happy, happy New Year!


  1. Thanks so much everyone! My life is far from perfect as most of you know but I love sharing all of the good stuff! Wishing you all lots of joy for the year ahead…

    Ps. If we could Remi and I would buy that church and build a super modern house around the ruins…

  2. ooooo I know those boots! Sounds so, so, so great Heather and you sound happy. Each post is like a mini-vacation.
    Happy New Year!

  3. Seriously?? Seriously – amazing food, a romantic-sounding evening, an uber-fluffy dog (what's up?? winter fur?). Me thinks you have THE LIFE! Bonne Annee to you, too Heather and Remi!!! : )

  4. Happy New Year! You sure do know how to welcome in the coming year in style!

    That church ruin looks so peaceful. A wonderful countryside secret place.

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