I suppose that it should come as no surprise that one of France’s most reputed antiquaires and designers of garden furniture, Hervé Baume, should have a spectacular courtyard behind his boutique in Avignon……and yet as many times as I have wistfully peered in his showroom windows I had never discovered its existence.

For that I have to give credit to my friend L, who, while I was doing a fair amount of shopping in my imagination, had stepped further along the sidewalk and said, “Oh, what is in here?” Now, I know as a travel writer it is my duty to be inquisitive but at times I am admittedly very timid about walking into anything that might be “Propriété Privée” – it is the American in me. However, as I was out and about with such an elegant personnage as L, I knew that no one would dare to say anything unkind to us and so I followed…
And found a secret corner of Provençal heaven.
Every element was just perfect. From the calade or cobble-stones to the gorgeous plantings in waist-high Anduze planters (more than I have ever seen at one time) and sky blue shutters rising above.
While the courtyard is quite vast (the entryway is high and wide enough to have accommodated even the most elegant of horse-drawn carriages), there are still numerous corners and decorative elements to discover. If “the eye has to travel” according to the fabulous Diana Vreeland, well, then mine went on a little journey…
…under the archway and up the sweeping stone staircase, an escalier d’honneur…
…with glimpses of the soft pastels of classical frescos above…
…coming back down to a mysterious oeil de bouef opening below…
…and even an artists atelier worthy of Picasso en face.
But each detail only strengthened the whole…
…and the overall effect was that of a living, joy-filled garden…
…one where I could have made myself comfortable for a very long time indeed.
But the rest of the afternoon was calling.
As I ducked back out into the bright sun, I noted the plaque by the main entrance, naming this incredibly fine building the Hôtel Tonduty de Malijac. It turns out that this 16th century private mansion passed in the 17th century to Baron François Tonduty de Malijac, who was a Seigneur of Saint-Légier, a legal advisor, a dignitary for the University of Avignon and an astronomer formed by a Jesuit! In 1983, the building – for its facade, roof and yes, courtyard with its stairway – was declared a Monument Historique.
As we crossed back in front of the showroom, I realized that I really needed to share some of the goods on offer with my fellow antiques lovers out there. For you see it is les soldes and amazingly, everything was already marked at half off…
.Now, let’s see…and I apologize that these photos are not up to snuff. As I mentioned, the brightness of the outdoor light made for quite a contrast to the darkened interior…Ah yes, it was L who pointed out the giant and quite rare woven basket at 125 Euros. I appreciated the sea-shelled filled dome at a mere 30.
Certainly, the gilt touched console was still not a bargain at 4000 but I could easily see the lamps in a beach house at 125 each, thought of a friend who would have swooned over the blue and white garden pot at 30 and was fascinated by the intricately etched smoke glass jar for 130. Below were tall crystal photophores for 120 and an ex-voto that I most certainly wouldn’t have been able to resist at 25.
I don’t know whether it was a good thing or bad that the boutique was still closed for the afternoon break. As I passed by the entrance, I spied the owner himself seated just inside, chatting with a friend. He regarded my photo-taking with a supercilious eyebrow raised as if to say, “Well, who might you be, my dear girl?” Only an admirer of your magic, Mr. Baume. Only an admirer…
Hervé Baume
Antiques, Garden Furniture and Decorative Objects
19 Rue de la Petite Fusterie
84000 – Avignon
Tel.: +33 (0)4 90 86 37 66
I honestly don’t know if the courtyard is open all of the time or if we just were lucky! But it truly is one of the prettiest that I have seen in Provence. You will find the entry to the left of the boutique. Perhaps you will let me know if you happen to pass by?