The abandoned cemetery, eternal regrets

Love lasts long.

I held that in my heart as I walked amongst the graves of the abandoned cemetery. Even if those that had commissioned these tokens of farewell had also passed many years since, their thoughts remain behind, declaring their “eternal regrets” over the loss of their loved ones.

It is a form of regret that expands reaching forward, never fading away.

It is something I will take away from that hour of being so humbled.
Love lasts long.
How important then, to give it now and freely.


  1. I hope not too many, wonderful joyful17. My Mom and I like to quote a Debra Winger from years ago: "People who regret have thin lips." Isn't that brilliant? But we all have certain ones, it is true…
    And thank you for the compliment!

  2. You have touched my heart once again…..regrets? Perhaps, those that I keep locked away in my soul to be with me forever…the photos are pure magic…

  3. Merci, Ann. And as I mentioned above, there is something wistful and kind in my understanding of "regrets" in French. In the first photo of the previous post is another powerful line: "awaiting for the resurrection".

  4. Well done Lanier, bringing a laugh to this rather serious gathering!

    And David, I love Lanier's writing and you know I don't recommend blogs easily!!!

  5. Isn't that particular cross a mystery? And you are welcome–thank you for all of the beauty that you give to the world!

  6. It seems impossible to think that a year has gone by already, Judith. Looking forward to reading your new post in a bit. Gros Bisous.

  7. Thank you Ann. I don't know if we will be celebrating at all this year but there is a bottle of bubbly in the fridge just in case. I am also wishing you a VERY Happy Thanksgiving–you have much to give thanks for this year!!! 🙂

  8. Thank you Jeanne, I could not have hoped to do better than that. I was so moved that I didn't always "get it right" but I tried to do something…Worthy.

  9. It is and yet there is something to the meaning of the word in French that is not the same as in English which makes it lovely as well…

  10. Lovely sentiment. It is so true, I find cemeteries give me a similar feeling…the old ones. The new ones make me sad…but old ones just make me think so much. Really like this post!

  11. Exquisite images, and a beautiful message. I want my love to last a long time, not my regrets. Love now, love freely, lovely. Thank you Heather,

  12. I am trying to recall if I have seen 'eternal regrets' on our local gravestones. It is intriguing what words we choose to commemorate a life; how we etch out (and entrust) living-love on silent stone. Beautiful, beautiful photos and text.

  13. When ever I am down by the mud flats on the bay and all the graceful white long legged Herons have flown away I whisper… "No Egrets."

  14. Dear Heather

    These are two powerful posts. There is a beauty and reverence found in abandoned graveyards. The marvelous selection of headstones will soon be history. I was particularly moved by the crucifix, which has the Star of David too.
    Thank you for this beauty.

  15. There is something about the atmosphere in old cemeteries. All the stories wrapped up in those places of quiet stillness. That first photo grabbed my attention and stirred feelings. I love your words…
    Deborah from Melbourne

  16. That first photo with the yellow moss……….REGRETS!!!!!
    All so beautiful…….noticed one fellow went on my wedding anniversary.
    So, so beautiful………….REALLY.I adore these photos……..and your words.

  17. Very poignant Heather. I would be so emotional wandering through these ancient resting places.

    The Arts by Karena

  18. Oh yes, thinking of you this week Heather and remembering the lovely surprise you gave me last year on Thanksgiving morning. Like you, (or at least I am assuming) I will be with my beloved. But others I love dearly will be celebrating elsewhere — Rabat and Connecticut to be exact.

    You've really captured the feeling of that cemetery and the importance of not holding back our love.

  19. A lovely reminder, especially as we enter the holidays — a season of family, love, and (sometimes) stress (!). Thanks, Heather, and a happy Thanksgiving to you, Remi and les pups, however you might celebrate. xxx

  20. Love lasts long. How beautiful, Heather. I feel like I am wandering through this abandoned graveyard, too. Your photos are wonderful. And I think your footsteps here honored those who are long gone now. XOXO

  21. Maybe Mother Nature has wrapped all these kind souls up in the love and warmth of her leaves and vines so they won't feel forgotten?

  22. I hope that I shall have eternal regrets since that implies that I am still around to have them.

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